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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 

Youare glad that I am okay?He asks and

immediately nod

Yes. I am.” 

Warrick stares at me. I can 

tell that he does not know 

what to say or do to the 

display of my affection towards him

He has done terrible things buthe was just a broken 

man all this time. Of course 

that does not excuse his 

actions. But I do feel 

sympathy for him

Did you knowyou were

miracle child?He asks

I was a what?” 

A miracle child. That’s what 

I used to call you.” 


He stares at me for a few 

seconds and I can tell that he 

is debating something in his 


Youyou were born sick. No, not sick. II don’t know 

how to explain it.” 

Maybe we should leave this 

for later.Lotus interrupts

Why?Warrick asks

Yeah, why? I want to hear 


Lotus doesn’t respond. She looks away and almost looks 


Thankfully, Warrick 

continues. You, wellyou were born with your wolf 


I am confused

What do you mean? Don’t 

we all have the soul of a wolf 

inside of us?” 

Well yes, but they don’t 

come forth until we come of 

age. Eighteen for all of us 

and there is a reason for that

It is what was happening 

with you. When you were born, you had your wolf already. Your little b*dy could not handle the power and it would try to change. I remember seeing claws on your little fingertips and patches of fur on your skin. That is an image that always stayed with me.” 

Hhowhow is that 


It has never been heard of.” 

He says. You were given 

only days to live. Your 

mother was devastatedwe 

both were.” 

Howwhat happened? How 

did I survive?” 

They were wrong. The doctors were wrong. On the fourth day when I came to see you and your mother, you were perfect. No signs of your wolf. It was as if it was 

never there.” 

Just like that?” 

He nods. My miracle child.

always thought that the goddess herself blessed you

You did not have that 

birthmark on your chest 

when you were born but you did that day. As if it was

sign that she had touched 

you, blessed you.” 


He nods as he closes his eyes, readying himself to rest


I can see him dosing off but I have so many questions

But how? How did

suddenly live?” 

I can see his breathing has deepened

Youwere my pride and joy.He mutters

I look at Lotus who stares at 

me with a weary expression

I have never seen him as 

happy as he was the day you were born.She says

I stare at her inquisitively

You know something, don’t 


She continues to stare at me 

but keeps quiet

It suddenly clicks in my 

head. Honora” 

When I mutter the witch’s 

name, that is when Lotus 

looks away

It was her! She helped my 

mother. Sheshe saved me.” 

Lotus stays quiet and that 

confirms it

Tell me what happened. 


She looks at Warrick and 

with a sigh, she tilts her 

head, motioning for me to 

follow her out

We leave Father with guards 

and head to the sunroom 

where tea is prepared for us

YesShe starts. I found 

Honora for your mother

Your mother was devastated and she was prepared to do 

anything to save you. Even if 

it meant using magic. Your 

father never liked the idea of 

witches so we kept it secret 

from him.” 

What did Honora do to save 


I don’t know. The ritual or spell only allowed Honora and your mother with you to be present. I waited outside 

of the room.” 

Wait, so she did not help 

you to conceive Victor as you 


No. Ilied. I’m sorry.” 

That doesn’t really bother 

  1. me

This means thatmaybe she 

does know what is 

happening with my powers. Maybe it is even because of the spell or whatever she did to me as a child that my powers do not function properly.” 

Are you going back to her?” 

She asks

Yes. I have to. I need to find 

out more.” 

She looks a bit worried

What is wrong?” 

It’s justI never really liked us relying on a witch’s magic. It is not natural and though 

Honora might be good, magic is unpredictable.” 

That did not stop you from helping my mother.” 

I know butwhen your mother left, she wascrazed

She had a crazed look on 

her. I did not understand 

why she was sofrazzled 

and I still don’t. At first,

thought that Warrick had done something to her. But when she disappeared, he 

was shocked and confused.” 

So you don’t think that it 

was because of him that she 


II don’t know anymore

She was muttering things

weird things.” 

Maybe my mother had 

another reason to leave

Lotus continues. When we 

were with Honora that day at her shopa memory of 

something your mother said 

suddenly stood out to me

Never trust a witchThat is 

something she said and 

maybe she was right.” 

I nod. I get that we should 

be careful. But I do need to 

talk to Honora again.” 

She nods. Okay.

understand. But I am 

coming with you when you do. AzaleaCasseopea, you don’t remember but you were also like a daughter to me. I used to watch you all the time and you and Victor were close. Being almost the 

same age, you two used to 

play together all the time. So I am coming with you. For Dahlia, I will be there for you just as she would be if she was here herself.” 

I can’t help the big smile that creeps on my face. I give her a hug, a muchneeded hug

It almost feels as if I am 

hugging my own mother

Thank you.” 

I am happy. This makes me happy. That I got to meet all these peoplemy family

I will have a talk with 

Honora and set up a time to 

meet with her. Nowyou 

need to start your Alpha duties soon. Take today to 

rest. I am sure that tomorrow 

my boy can help you adjust 

to it all.” 

I nod and do as she says. The first thing I want to do is to 

check up on James

I knock on his door and 

open it since I am sure he is 

not going to answer. He 

stands near the window 

looking out


This time he actually looks 

back at me


I nod and walk in

He looks back out. It is

beautiful day out.He says

Yes, it is. Why don’t you go 

for a stroll?” 

I don’t think he even knew

was gone

He stays quiet for a moment and then responds

Everything reminds me of 


I sit on the bed quietly trying 

not to force conversation

We stay quiet for a few 

minutes and he doesn’t seem 

like he is going to talk 


Did you eat?I ask him

Yes. You ask me the same 

thing every time.” 

I know. Just want to know that you are still taking care of yourself.” 

I should be taking care of you. That is what she would 

have wanted. But here I am

a broken man who can’t help 



I’ll be fine.He says


I’ll be fine.He repeats

With a big sigh, I nod. Okay. Try to get some fresh air.” 

I get up and let him be

I stop in front of the man that guards his door

How is he really doing?

ask him

Hehe has moments of 

outbursts where he starts 

screaming. Sometimes in angersometimes in 

sadness. But, it is 


the man looks sympathetic. I 

am sure he has a mate and 

can’t imagine losing her like James lost Lauren

I nod. Okay.” 

I make my way down the stairs. The front doors always tend to be opened during the day so I stop when I see Kanda standing outside.

walk up to her and see her staring at Victor and Garret 

who talk in the distance

What you doing?I ask her

Mhwatching those two 

hunk of men.” 

WHAAAAT?I am stupid

The way that caught me off 

guard makes me sound dumb

I didn’t know men in your 

pack would be so 


Ththose are my brothers

Hmhinteresting.She says

I would love to take one of 


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