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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

I am ready.Honora says

We have not discussed 

payment yet.Lotus says

As I have previously stated, the motherShe points at 

  1. me. her mother has already paid enough to cover all of 

this. We had a deal she and I. 

That is all I need. Now 

please, come.” 

She leads us to the room 

behind the store

Lie here just like I told you.” 

I take my shirt off and stay with just my braw as she told me to do before. Colt helps me up the table and I lie on it as Honora tells me to do

Poppy is here with us too

With all of them here I feel 


Can I ask you something?

ask Honora as I lie there

Ifever I were tohave

child, would it be possible 

that this child could be born 

the same way I was?” 

Very possible. In fact, it 

would be a really high 

chance that one of your 


future children could be 

born just as you were.” 

Great, more to worry about

That can be talked about 

whenever the time comes, right now all you have to do 

is relax. Let’s focus on this 

matter and let me do all the 


She puts some sort of oil on 

her hand and rubs it all over 

her fingers. She then closes her eyes as if she is concentrating and then moves her hands over my 

b*dy as if she is rubbing 

them on me but she is not 

touching me at all, they just 

hover over me

Mhyou have several blockages. HereHer hand hovers over my abdomen 

and then moves up to my chest. Here, and here.She 

finishes, hovering above my 


She grabs her mortar, moves the pestle away, and dabs her fingers in it. She grabs

mixture of herbs and oils she 

mixed and ground together 

just before we started and then places a small amount 

on my abdomen and rubs it 

all over my skin on the area

It is cool, like those lotions

use for aching muscles

She keeps her eyes closed 

and starts chanting. It is strange to hear. They are 

words I can’t understand. As 

she does this, I start to feel 

like I am going to be sick. I want to throw up but nothing really comes up

She continues chanting as 

she rubs the oil for a few 

more minutes

How are you feeling?Colt 

whispers in my ear

I’m okay.” 

Honora finally moves to my chest. She takes more of the 

concoction she made and 

rubs it on my chest area. Over the ribcage, sternum 

and clavicle area. As she 

rubs, she chants again. I start feeling burning inside. As if it was acid reflux

Is this normal?I ask her

What I am feeling” 

For a second, she pauses 

from the chanting to 

respond Yesand then 


After she is done, she moves 

to my head. She rubs the gritty oil on my forehead 

and starts chanting again

Now I feel like I am getting a migraine

UhI moan. feeling the 

pain. Once she is done, she 

hands me a small flask

Drink this.” 

For a moment I hesitate but 

then do as she tells me

The blocked nodes have 

been unblocked. Now you 

need to rest.” 

It all hurts.I complain

She nods. I know and it is 

going to get worse before it gets better. You need rest.” 

Okay, so that is it?Colt asks, helping me up

Yes. If anything comes up, I am just a call away. I will also come to check up on you 


How will we know that it 

worked?Poppy asks

Once she is feeling better, she can give her power a try.” 

Just like that?” 

Yes. Trust me. I am good at 

what I do.She says

Thank you.” Lotus says helping Colt lead me out

We ride back home and

can’t help but doze off in the 

middle of the drive even 

though I am in pain

Don’t worry 

sweetheartmommy won’t 

let anyone hurt youA woman’s voice echoes in my 

head but I can’t hear 

everything she says. will never get youThe voice is soothing and seems familiar. When the voice is gone, all

feel is cold as if I was in the 

middle of a freezing blizzard 

but all I see is darkness. I feel 

a sense of anguish as that voice echoes away

Then I suddenly open my 

eyes. It is bright. I have to 

close my eyes as the light 

stings. When I open them 

again, the light is less bright 

and now I can see

I am in a room with 

cremecolored walls

I have seen this room before

I lift my head to see Colt sitting on a chair next to the 

bed I lie on

The pack infirmary

When did we get here.I say 

but it is hard to talk

He looks up at me with 


Cass!He holds my hand 

and a welcoming warmth 

travels through it

What happened? Why am I here?” 

You had a seizure in the car.” 

I what?” 

You were uncontrollably 

shaking and then when you 

got here, you had a fever.” 

The doctor walks in. How 

are you feeling?” 


No pain?” 

I shake my head. No.” 

Good. Now I told you not to 

exert yourself in your 


My eyes widen.

immediately look at Colt 

who now looks pissed, he lets go of my hand and looks 


He knows

I sigh. You know.‘ 


Yeah.He says, sounding 


I narrow my eyes at the 


We had to give you

medication that could harm 

the fetus. So we had to ask 

for his permission and in doing so, we had to tell him the truth. The good news is 

that the fetus is unharmed

Growing strong every day.” 

That’s good news butshit

I know you are the Alpha,‘ 

the doctor says. and I know that you have many responsibilities but I am 

going to ask you to please refrain yourself from doing anything that will harm you 

or the baby.” 

I look down and nod

I’ll send our nurse with 

some medication to help you sleep later. I am keeping you here until tomorrow to make sure that everything is 

okay.He walks out leaving me with an angrylooking 



Explain to me why. Why didn’t you tell me?He asks


Ididn’t want to be worried 


What? What does that even 


You- I knew that if you 

found out, you’d be 

overprotective and I mean 

way over the top.” 

Of course, I’d be 

overprotective! You are the love of my life and that is my 

child!He raises his voice but 

he does not yell at me. I can 

see his frustration. How 

long were you going to wait to tell me?” 

I don’t know how to answer 


I am sorry.That is all I can 


He looks away


I am staying here with you 

but I do not want to talk 

anymore right now.” 


Cass! I need my space to 

think. But I don’t want to 

leave you alone here. So 

please, give me some 


Ookay.I say in a small 


I feel guilty. I know what I did was wrong. I should have told him. He had a right to 

know. He should not have 

found out like this

Honora suddenly walks in 

and I am surprised to see 


You are here?!” 

She smiles. Yes. Lotus called 

me immediately after 


left and told me what 

happened. No one I have ever treated like I did you has had a reaction like yours

I can only assume it is because of the child that you 

carry which leads me to 

believe that he or she will be 

born with powers such as 

yours. Once the cat was out of the bag for you, Lotus, and your mateShe motions to Colt. “…thought 

that it would be better if

stayed close for a while.” 

It scares me to think that my 

baby will be born just as 

was. I would not have 

survived if not for Honora so 

I do feel much better that 

she is here

Thank you.I tell her

No need to thank me, I am here for anything you need.” 

I am fussed over by everyone during the remanding of the day. My brothers, Lotus, Poppy, Kanda, Dash, everyone. My father would have come to 

see me too if not because he 

can’t walk or be moved

Lotus says that he has been asking about me nonstop 


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