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Seal of Light - Enlightened novel Chapter 26

Year: 2008

Young Summer Eve was playing and building sand castles on the nearby shore where the Good Eve's Mansion Hotel was located.  

The kids she was playing with were already called by their parents. These are usually their guests' children. 

It was already past 8pm, Summer knew that any moment now, her mom would be coming to call her.

Summer stood up and walks away from the sand castle and went to the shoreline to wash her hands and feet. She noticed a woman walking and stopped a few feet away from her.

Without even looking behind, she knew that this was not her mother who came. Still on the shore with her feet soaked on the water, she made a slight glimpse on the woman behind her.

The woman was wearing a casual wear, obviously, she was not there for a swim. The woman was looking directly at her. She gave Summer a smile and a quick wave of her hand.

Summer, who was naturally polite, smiled back and turned to the lady's direction. She kept her distance while this silence gives no clue of the intentions of the woman standing in front of her.

Suddenly, Summer's mother arrived at the scene and covered a large towel around her while facing the unknown woman.

"Hello little sister," the strange woman said in a soft voice.

Rain's heart suddenly pounded hard after hearing those words. It is possible? But why didn't she felt her presence. Carriers of the Seal has the ability to feel the presence of their fellow Carrier, most specially if this is your family member. Carriers of the Seal are strong empaths* and clairsentience*.

Rain got all these questions running to her head, she couldn't utter a word, she don't know where to begin with.

"Lily? Is... is that really you?" Rain asked

The woman nodded and smiled back at Rain.

Summer was looking at her mother and then looked back at the other woman whom her mother called Lily.

"We went searching for you, we thought... we thought you were...." Rain's voice was shaking, she was holding her tears.

"...dead." Lily added.

"I know Rain, you and John did everything you could to find me."


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