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Seal of Light - Enlightened novel Chapter 27

Inside the Good Eve Mansion, John Eve entered a private function room where his wife Rain was waiting.

John closed the door and to his surprise, he saw another woman standing before Rain.

"Hello John."

John fixed his eyeglasses and cleared his throat. He gave the woman a closer look.


And then there was this moment of cold silence. John couldn't believe it. Is it really her?

"I would like to make it clear that, well, I am surprise that you and Rain ended up on each others arms and had a family, I'm really happy for you both. I am here to deliver a very important message to Rain, and you John should also be aware of this news."

"11 years, Lily, where have you been? Rain was dead worried about you, and now what is this? If this is about the supernatural again, please count Rain out of this." John interrupted. 

"I'm speaking in behalf of everyone's sake. Now allow me to give you the news, and then I will leave the decision to Rain if she wants to participate or not."


Lily's message:

Outcasted demons are NOW on their way to the human realm to bring tribulation. This was delayed 11 years ago when Lily and Rain destroyed the portal being created by the demon Karasu, Karasu who was in spirit form back then, was sent back to the astral world when he was defeated by Seth.

Seth and Lily followed Karasu in the astral world to learn more of the objective of his activities. For more than a year, they track and chase him in the different realms of the astral world.

Karasu was one of the four outcasted demonlords, he has his physical form and control his full power in the astral world. Karasu realized that, aside from the archangels, the Carriers of the Seal are capable of defeating them with their full seal unleashed.

Chapter 27: XXVI  Short Notice 1

Chapter 27: XXVI  Short Notice 2


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