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Seal of Light - Enlightened novel Chapter 5

The young man who just appeared just in time to save Mat looked back and broke a smile following a thumbs-up sign.

"It's you! I knew it, I knew it…" Mat said with a very surprised expression and then finally made a quick bow gesture.

"Hello Mat, I'm glad that you have finally arrived here.” the young master said.

"Master Navi'Sai, it is really you. I am so confused right now I could use some answers. Where are we?, and what exactly are we doing here?, and how was I able to get here?”

“Whoa, one at a time Mat…wait let me see first that scratch from your arm” Navi’Sai replied.

Navi’Sai placed both hands on top of the scratch of Mat Adam. A little chant and then a flash of light appeared, the wound closed but there is still a visible mark of a scar or might be a fresh skin.

“Wow oh my… how did you do that Master Navi?”

“Took me a long time to learn that, but I haven’t perfectly mastered it yet, it is supposed to leave no scar or mark at all.”

“But you were able to close the wound and… and its just amazing…”

“You will learn it too Mat, don't worry…”

“Looking forward to it. Anyway, going back to my question, what and where is this place?"

"They call this the Crescent Island, an astral dimension that thinly resides on the human realm." Navi’Sai said.

"An astral place, you mean to say, we are an out-of-body entity travelling here? and did you say ‘they’, you mean there are others out there?"

"Yes we are in our astral form. Those who live here are the elves and dryads"

Mat was shut in silence for a moment, still trying to absorb the reality of what was happening.

"Listen Mat, the whole training that I gave to you back then, it was all preparation for this."

"Preparation? A preparation for what?"

"Come on follow me, I'll tell you on our way."

Mat jogged and followed Navi’Sai while looking at the huge whirling dark pillar that they were heading.

"Casus'Lucem, a Demon lord, who is about to be released from its prison, is planning to form a new group of elite humans to be his pawns. He needs every ability and resources from these humans that carries the Seal of Light. They will be led by his demon-pawns, Nezumi and Orochi. A battle is about to take place here on the island and we don't stand a chance against them."

"Who are these carriers of the Seal that you are talking about Master Navi?"

“These carriers are called Soul Drifters, they have the ability to use the seal of light to defeat the demons.”

“Soul Drifters?” Mat repeated.

They had reached the highpoint of the cliff where they could see the location of the huge black pillar on the topmost part of the mountain.

"There are seven smaller black pillars located around the big one; each pillar contains a captive soul of a Soul Drifter. The central pillar, which is the largest among them, is where Casus'Lucem is imprisoned."

Mat is still in shock of what he is hearing, but he still keeps on listening from his young master Navi’Sai.

"Soul Drifters are extraordinary people. Each holds a special skill or ability that the demon-lord needs. Each carrier inherited their seal from their ancestors, either from their grandparents or from a much longer up-line in their family."

"So, what are we going to do Master Navi?"

"The two demon-pawns are guarding the north and south passage of the mountain, we have to split and face them in a one-to-one match. These demon-pawns are the servants of the demon-lord Casus’Lucem." Navi'Sai instructed.

"What? You mean I will fight a demon, seriously, at what chance do I have to win against it?"

Navi'Sai pointed on Mat's right arm.


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