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Seal of Light - Enlightened novel Chapter 6

Navi’Sai took a stick and in a squat position, he drew a pattern, like a track, and then explained the plan to Mat.

“The black whirling pillar you saw from afar earlier, it contains a captive soul. This pillar is made of enchanted force, no one can enter or escape it without using another enchanted energy.”

Mat gave a blank reaction and a slight nod. Somehow agreeing to what his Master was explaining.

“This is the location of the pillars, all seven of them, eight in total if we include the central pillar, which is the largest of all, where the demon -lord resides.” Navi’Sai explained. “The small pillars are all spread out and surround the central one.”

“So eight pillars in total including the central one?” Mat asked

“Yes, that’s correct, OK so we are here…” Navi said while drawing an X mark on the ground. “I will go ahead of you and clear the path here. All you have to do is extract the captive souls inside the pillar. But still proceed with full precaution. Recheck the area, then perform the extraction. Once extracted, the seal will tell you if this captive is ready for returning home. The seal will light up again and as soon as you grab hold on the rescued captive, it will be returned to their home realm.”

“OK copy that Master Navi… Check vicinity, perform extraction, return captive to their original realm, such an easy task, mark this mission complete already. OK how the extraction does works again? and the back to realm thing is there is such a thing, I don’t have a clue on how to do that or whatsoever… I don’t have a clue, I have no idea, I just want to go home now.”

“Done with your tantrums Mat? This is so not you Mat, I understand that this all sound unreal, but as soon as that seal lights up, cross your arms tightly and you can return yourself home. You can save yourself to all this trouble. I can do that returning too, but not as quick as how you can do it, I make take almost an hour to extract and return a captive, while you can do it in a few minutes.”

Mat look up, had a little scratch on the back of his head and released a heavy exhale. “I’m sorry Navi, it’s just a crazy while, I was just inside the Good Eve Mansion, having dinner with sir John and his daughter Summer, a thief broke in, then later the thief was like possessed and gave a threat to all us, then there was the explosion, woke up half drowning then someone helped me, then I’m here at the unfamiliar island with you, with this bizarre rescue mission.”

Navi’Sai stood up and dropped the stick used for drawing. “I am sorry too, for dragging you on this without even asking for your full consent. You and your best friend Rigs were the last few to give the sign of a possible Soul Drifter, and I was right for choosing you. Next thing in my mind was that you guys won’t be lead to the dark path, like what happened to your fellow trainee Ethan. It was a big lost or a big waste for us for every Soul Drifter to choose the opposite path or choose not to use the Seal for a good cause.”

Mat sighed and gave this worried look to Navi. “I was already lost when we met, this training, this learning about the seal, actually gave me a new point of view in life, I almost lost everything, I was in search for answers too, I saw that this spiritual learning could lead me to what I was asking for. Maybe I was still zoning in, and now I’m ready for this, you already laid the plan for the mission, now let us execute it.”

Navi’Sai nodded and answered Mat’s fist bump.

“The first three pillars contains Soul Drifters, the fourth and fifth contains a different spiritual signature, it could be either an Elf or a Dryad. The sixth one is a Soul Drifter, who I will be extracting, hoping the it could help me, with the final guard before the last pillar, if you ever get to the seventh pillar first, do not engage yet, wait for me and we will face the guarding demon together.”

“First five pillars, extract then send home, meet at the seventh and will not engage yet, did I get it right?” Mat said.

“Perfect, that’s how it’s going to be, so follow my trail, stay close, I will clear the path and move forward to the next.” Navi said. “By the way, there is still one thing I need to verify before sharing it to you.”

“What is it Master Navi?”

“Why did they take all this captives? They could have just killed them easily upon capture, but they didn’t.”

Mat gave this facial expression of agreement. “Good point there…”

“So remember Mat, your top priority is to rescue them, My main role is to handle all that would stop you from doing it.”

“Got it Master Navi.”

Mat stood up and cleared the dust from his pants, did a little stretching and hand shaking.

“I noticed that you are missing a shoe, and that sock is already soiled and ready to be torn to pieces. Here since I was expecting you, I brought you a new pair of palm and ankle wraps.” Navi said while picking the cloth then tossed it in front of Mat. “Try these on for size…”


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