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Second Assault — Bond And Treason — novel Chapter 1


We managed to escape the scene just long enough not to have to deal with the police. The store was destroyed and since it's one of my properties, I won't have to worry about incriminating evidence.

Although, I'm sure I'll have the authorities on my back for quite some time while they investigate what happened, unless I bribe them and save myself all the bullshit. Right now, my only concern is Xander.

Where the fuck is he and who was an asshole enough to dare challenge me in such a way. Many possible culprits come to mind, but only one name repeats itself like a goddamn recording loop in my mind, mocking of me and slipping through my fingers every time I've had the slightest chance to take care of it over the years.

Dimitri Zhukovski.

That simple name makes the bile rush in my throat when I pronounce it. My tongue scrapes like sandpaper and I come up with a million amusing ideas to take care of him, if after all, he is the one responsible for the kidnapping of my partner... Though, the odds of me being wrong are minimal.

By the time we arrive at The Mansion, I'm out of my mind. My lungs are working so fast and so hard, I'm afraid they'll be pulverized. I see red all around me, my claws pierce the skin of my palms.

The henchmen rush to help the wounded out of the cars and quickly drag them in, to attend their wounds. Maxim finally regained consciousness, though he looks a little shaky.

Yaakov had to feed his blood to Lev so that his leg would heal faster. Adrik was treated and his stomach is now covered by a huge bandage that surrounds him through the back. Nikon was by his side at all times, and seeing them like this, only makes my concern for Xander's welfare worse.

I still can't feel his presence through the bond and that can only mean three things: He's unconscious, he's intentionally blocking me, or he's... Dead.

Goddamn it!

I want to destroy everything that comes in my way and the only reason I'm controlling myself, is because I need to get answers and it better be fucking now.

So I ordered everyone in the tent, wounded or not, to be gathered in my room. It's the only place in The Mansion that is soundproof and has no camera that can witness the crucial information being shared. I refuse to make any more mistakes, I was careless, otherwise, none of this would ever have happened.

They all look tired and overwhelmed, but I force them and myself to focus on what's important right now: figuring out who the fuck is behind all this and where the hell my partner is.

—Somebody better start talking right now and give me the answers I need — I look around at every man present, they remain with their heads down and silent, which makes my impatience hang by a thin and fragile thread —. Well?! — I shout and I realize that several of them are shaking —. Speak, damn it!

The brief silence is so dense, that it could easily be cut with a knife. Until finally, someone deigns to respond:

—We did everything we could — Nikon says, his voice low but firm —. When we arrived, we followed all the protocols, Alexei. We checked under the rocks, the cameras were disconnected and the personnel stripped of their cell phones. The security was perfect.

—We lasted there a little over two hours without detecting anything or anyone suspicious — Adrik seconds, determined —. Everything was fine.

—Obviously, everything wasn't right at all — I mumble, placing the hands on my waist, and wander around the room to see if I can hold back my anger a little longer —. Since the store is completely destroyed, one of my men is dead, almost all of you are injured, the police are on my back, and my fucking partner is missing! — I take off my vest, my tie and I loosen some buttons on my shirt since I feel suffocated —. What the fuck happened?!

—We were about to leave — Jackson stands up, pours a glass of cold water from my fridge, and hands it to me in an attempt to calm me down. I drink it in one shot, clearly, it didn't work —.Just as Xander got out, four cars came and surrounded us. We were able to defend ourselves well at first, but just as we were getting the hang of it, three more arrived.

—It was too much, Alex. Even for us... — Lev whispers, his eyes clear and hiccuping from time to time —. Almost all of us were hurt, and Markov died trying to protect Xander. He was kidnapped when he was trying to help me...— He gets up and limps over to me, Yaakov tries to help him but he stops him by raising a hand, then he turns and looks me straight in the eye —. I'm sorry, Alexei — tears run down his cheeks —. It was m-my fault, if he hadn't... If I... Forgive me, I-I can't...

I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a tight embrace. Lev gives it back to me barely, crying inconsolably in my chest, his body trembling and clutching the fists in my shirt.

Some of the anger seeps out of my body, replacing it with uncertainty and helplessness.

I should have been there, I should have left Yaakov in charge and never allowed him to be separated from me. I knew something was wrong, I sensed it, but still, I did not think that something of such magnitude could happen.

—It wasn't your fault, Lev — I whisper in his ear —. Don't punish yourself for that.

—But it was all very strange, Alex — Nikon adds after a few seconds of silence. His words quickly catch my attention, so I raise my face and look at him in confusion.

—What do you mean? — A scowl between my eyebrows.

—They knew exactly when to show up, they were well equipped and prepared — a hand is run through his hair in frustration —. Fuck, after they managed to capture Xander, they started throwing grenades at us, that's how they almost killed Maxim— pointing at the named one, who had been silent since the meeting started.

—He's right — Maxim supports, chin up —. And then, as if by magic, the other three cars arrived. It's too much of a coincidence for a random attack, if you ask me— understanding illuminates me as my mind organizes the pieces we have, assembling the puzzle.

—Someone gave the alert — the words come out of my mouth and I finally see that we are getting somewhere —. Someone informed that you all would be there.


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