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Second Assault — Bond And Treason — novel Chapter 10


—I don't know, but sure as hell I'll find out.

Without giving him time to respond, I turn on my heels and leave the office in a hurry. Fuck, if I find out that Reiji is somehow involved with Xander's kidnapping, I don't know how I'll react or what his fate will be once he's in my claws. I turn one of the corners and I feel Fredek right on my back. The last thing I want is for him to be present, however, I don't want to waste any more time than I already have.

It's been almost five days since Xander's been in constant danger and I can't afford to let the hours go by any longer. So I keep moving, when at that moment I feel the phone vibrating inside my jacket. I think about ignoring it at first, but maybe it's to give me some information about Xander's whereabouts, so I finally give up.

The screen announces that it's Vasily, one of my guards. I'm surprised by his call, so I stop halfway through with Fredek still by my side and quickly pick up the phone.

—What, Vasily?

—"Mr. Magnus, there's an Angelo Dalaras at the entrance asking to see you". Shit, just what I needed... Angelo and his fucking surprise visits.

—Why are you calling me? — I'm demanding, the last thing I need right now is more distractions —. Did you think to tell Yaakov?

—"It was the first thing I did. But the boss is not in The Mansion and he gave me orders not to let anyone in, unless I have your permission.

—Wait — I put the phone on my shoulder to cover the speaker, as I ask to Fredek —. Where the hell is Yaakov?— my eyebrows furrowed, the words run through my clenched teeth.

—I don't know, last time I saw him was a couple of hours ago, with Lev in the kitchen. Why? — questions in confusion —. What's going on?

—Angelo Dalaras is here again. I don't know what his fucking insistence is, but he's getting on my nerves.

—Do you know what he wants?

—No, but it's probably to insist again that I join him.

—Do you want me to go?

—Absolutely not — I tell him sharp, I don't want to put my brother in even more danger. The less he's involved in my business, the better —. I'll go, but I'll get this over with quickly. I need to talk to you-know-who— I speak in code to prevent Reiji from realizing that I'm referring to him, I don't want to risk putting him on alert if he turns out to be the rat I'm so desperately looking for.

—All right. I'll wait for you near our destination — pats me on the shoulder and walks away to give me privacy. I put the phone back in my ear, tell Vasily to let Angelo in and hang up.

To avoid keeping him on my property any longer than necessary, I go directly to the lobby to attend to him there. When I finish putting my foot on the top step of the staircase, I see Angelo looking closely at one of the paintings on the wall.

The one of a male figure playing a guitar... The one Fredek did for Yurik. When he notices me, he turns in my direction and smiles widely.

—Hello, Magnus.

—Angelo — I approach him and shake his hand in a firm grip —. It's been a while.

—Ditto, it's hard to find you these days. How have you been?

«About to kill half of Russia to find my kidnapped partner, and besides that, fucking great».

—Well — I answer instead —. What brings you here?

—Right to the point, as usual— he smiles at me again, running a hand over his neck with nervousness. Men like him don't evaluate the advantages of hiding or keeping their emotions at bay, that's one of the biggest reasons I distrust him. Someone like that doesn't last in this kind of business. Never —. I need to transport merchandise across England within four days.

I heard you have the resources to do it.


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