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Second Assault — Bond And Treason — novel Chapter 30

Meeting room, 12:25 p.m.


With nothing more to say, everyone rushes out, except for Yaakov, Magnus, and myself. My Alpha has been exceptional to me since Angelo rescued me, he has never pressured me, never insisted that I talk about everything that happened while I was in captivity. He has been a gentleman in every sense of the word and today was no exception.

He stood by my side, letting me know that I could count on his support if all this became too much for me. I won't lie, I almost threw in the towel on several occasions, especially the times he wasn't by my side, but I just... I just couldn't.

«You're alone, you little whore. You're broken. You're dirty». And yes, I was.

But it's different now. I feel strong enough to stand beside him and also to offer whatever help is necessary to end, once and for all, the power that Dimitri has earned in the dirtiest and most cruel way, going beyond anyone else to achieve his goals. Well, no more.

—Are you okay? — I can read the concern on his face, while he leaves a slight kiss on the back of my hand.

—Yes. I'm fine, honey — I smile, stand, and sit on his lap —. It's a tremendous advance you've managed to discover — I stroke his cheek and he wraps those strong arms around my waist —. Just promise me you'll stay safe, Magnus. Please.

—All thanks to you, kitty. And besides, I told you before, I'm a hard nut to crack — smiles smugly —. On top of that, we have the surprise factor on our side, the motherfucker won't see the punch until it hits him in the face.

He leans up and kisses me gently. A stream shoots through my body instantly, I wish he could hold me forever like this, next to him. Until the third wheel, which we had completely forgotten about, clears the throat, causing us to separate.

—I don't mean to be rude, but if you're going to continue, tell me to be ready — Yaakov takes the phone out of his pocket and aims it in our direction —. Lev told me to capture any sex act between you two in exchange for a very good reward — he laughs amusingly —. And I like his rewards a lot.

Magnus laughs out loud, I hide my embarrassed face in his neck. Lev is shameless.

—Don't even think about it, the only one who can see this ass... — Magnus brings the hands to my ass and squeezes, getting me to scream in surprise —. It's me. So you can already deal with the disappointment.

—Magnus! — I jump up and punch his shoulder —. You're an idiot. And you... — I turn to Yaakov, with a finger in front of him —. A complete pervert — Without waiting for an answer, I rush out of the meeting room, although I could hear Magnus' laugh perfectly as I left. Traitor.

I am immersed in my thoughts, walking through the corridors, when in the distance, I can distinguish Lev and Fredek. They are both very close and talking in what seems to be whispers, so concentrated on it, that it allowed me to hear part of the conversation before they noticed my presence.

—Are you crazy? — Lev's scolding him, mumbling —. You can't take that many suppressors, Fred. It could hurt you.

—I know — Fredek grunts back —. But I need both of them to help me get through my heat. Without Angelo, I don't... — at that moment, his gaze is fixed on mine, his eyes opening wide in awe —. Xander... — Lev turns quickly and gives me a nervous smile. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that these two are up to something. And that's something I'm willing to find out.

—Hello, baby boy — Lev sees Fred and they both share a strange conspiratorial gaze —. Uh... Does Alex want anything else?

—What are you two up to? — I completely ignore his question, cross the arms over my chest, and narrow the eyes —. And what does Angelo Dalaras have to do with it?

—Shh! — Lev hisses, placing a finger on his lips, gesturing me to be quiet —. Lower your voice.

—Why? Everyone here knows about him. What's the secret?

—Xander — Fred starts —. It's kind of hard to explain. He's moving towards me, slowly. But I need you to keep silent, for now — Well, now I'm getting worried. Is Fredek in some kind of danger that Magnus doesn't know about? Besides, of course, the obvious one with Dimitri? But if so, what does Angelo Dalaras have to do with any of this?

—Why? — I'm demanding.

—Well, I... — Fred runs a hand over the back of his neck with a nervousness —. Xander, it's just...

—If you don't tell me what's going on... — I didn't wish to go this far, but they're leaving me no choice —. I'll go to Magnus right now. I'm sure he'll get you to talk.

—All right, calm down — Lev raises the hands and signs with the head in the direction of the corridor —. Come, follow us — A few steps later, we enter his room and Lev locks the door. They sit on the edge of the bed, and I do so on the dresser chair, facing them.

—Well? — breaking the silence, crossing my arms again —. I'm waiting.

—Angelo is my partner — Fredek suddenly drops the bomb and the breath gets caught in my throat. My gaze falls between the two of them repeatedly, hoping that at some point, they'll tell me it's a joke. But in the end, it never happens.

—But what are you talking about? — A scowl forming between my eyebrows —. You told me it was Derek.

—That's the problem, Xander — Fred sighs wearily, eyes drop to his hands, twitching on his lap. Then, he lifts it and connects it to mine —. Derek's my partner too.

—Wait a fucking second — I extend a hand to stop him —. Fredek Magnus, if this is a joke, I appreciate you ending it now — I look from Lev to Fredek again as my brain tries to process all this, but in their faces, I see only severity —. Please, tell me this is a joke — I beg them. Lev denies with the head, biting his lower lip, Fred just stirs uncomfortably on the mattress. I stand up and walk around, trying to understand what the fuck is going on. My throat burns through the poor attempt to get air into my lungs and I'm sweating like a goddamn fountain.

—Relax, Xander — Lev stands in front of me and holds my shoulders firmly —. Breathe, you're about to have a panic attack.

—Can you blame me? — I try to scream, but the lack of air makes it barely come out in a heavy gasp —. Do you have any idea how Magnus will react when he finds out? My God, just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

—Yeah, well. How do you think I feel? — Fred gets up and I can see his eyes getting wet —. I didn't choose this, okay? It just happened. You know perfectly well we're not capable of choosing our partners, the moon sends them to us — tears fall from his cheeks —. I can't do anything about it, Xander. I need them. I want them with me, both of them. And this fucking heat is only making it worse — he runs the hands through his hair, frustrated.

—Are you in heat?! — This time I can scream, although my throat is reproaching me for the action.

—Since yesterday... — Fred nods in a whisper.

—And this reckless boy took an absurd amount of suppressors so that it wouldn't be so obvious —. Lev adds with annoyance and reproach in the voice.

—What? — I ask, puzzled —. Why?

—Because I wanted to know what Alexei had discovered. Also... — he wipes away the tears with the back of the hands and adds quietly —. I love them both — My mouth opens and closes like a fish and I can only imagine how ridiculous I look. Lev chuckles a little and before speaking, I know exactly what he's going to say.

—Hey, but you do have a sweet tooth — I nudge him jokingly in the side and he laughs louder —. What? — asks me with feigned innocence —. You have to admit, baby boy, Fred hit the jackpot. Two handsome men with incredible bodies, completely sexy and well equipped are his partners. And best of all, they're corresponding, you don't see that every day — I knew it. He's a pervert.

—And how do you know they're well equipped? — surprise reflected in my voice.

—Because I could see Fred limping this morning — Lev started cackling, and then I started laughing when I saw Fredek's embarrassed face, who then started chuckling at us too.

By God, despite all the supposed advantages mentioned, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. I love Magnus and I'm completely happy to be exclusive to him, just as he is to me. I couldn't imagine sharing him with anyone else, or him doing the same with me.

After all, it's true... Mother Moon is never wrong.

We spent some time there, talking about irrelevant things, trying to cool down the atmosphere and forget about the many problems that seem to surround us lately. But then, about an hour later, the smell of Fredek began to be stronger and stronger, indicating that the effect of the suppressors was slowly coming to an end.

—You must go to your room now, baby — Lev suggests —. It's not safe for you to go around without your Alphas.

—Maybe I should ask Derek to come with me — Fred whispers with concern.

Chapter 30 - Now What? 1


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