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Serenity and Zachary York novel Chapter 3303

Camryn’s people might not have been assigned by the York family. However, if Carrie’s bodyguards were to harm Camryn’s people, Camryn would be proven right.

It was because Carrie should not have been able to go against the people Camryn had sent over.

Carrie said, “Okay. You two can pick me up after leading them away.”

She pretended to have forgotten to take her wallet and entered the building.

She would leave after her bodyguards told her the coast was clear.

Meanwhile, at Clearfield Hotel in Georgia, two cars entered the hotel’s parking lot.

Not long after, a group of people took the elevator to the presidential suite on the top floor.

When the elevator doors opened upon arriving at the top floor, Isabella exited with a team of bodyguards behind her.

There were two female bodyguards close to her.

When they were approaching the suite, the two male bodyguards stopped while the female bodyguards continued escorting Isabella to her suite.

Before Isabella opened the door, it was opened from the inside. Austin stood at the door and said respectfully, “You’re back, Ms. Isabella. I’ve already prepared supper.”

Isabella entered the room but did not close the door. The female bodyguards stood by the door.

They would only go to rest after Austin left.

Their rooms were right beside Isabella’s so if anything were to happen, they could arrive in the shortest time possible.

Isabella acknowledged Austin’s greeting and went to sit on the sofa.

She had been working since she arrived in Clearfield and had not eaten anything besides the small bites Austin had packed for her.

He had disapproved of her heading to work immediately after landing and insisted that she eat something.

However, Austin would need time to prepare the food. Isabella did not want to waste time, so she had Austin prepare supper, which she would eat when she was back.

Austin did not insist as he knew he was merely a chef.

He remained in the presidential suite and made a light supper with the ingredients he brought.

Even if she did not have dinner, it was best not to eat anything heavy this late.


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