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Serenity and Zachary York novel Chapter 3312

Elias quickly became full. Clive carefully handed him over to Alice to carry before calling Julian to see if he had any news of that old assistant’s whereabouts.

Julian replied a little sheepishly, “We still have nothing even after searching for so long. Mr. Stone, I suspect the person you guys are looking for isn’t among the living anymore.”

There were plenty of old people in their seventies or eighties, but old people in their nineties were much rarer. The person Audrey was looking for was almost a hundred years old, which was why Julian thought he might be dead.

Very little information could be found on him also because all of this had happened decades ago. This made it very difficult for them to find him. Audrey did not even remember what that person was called anymore. All she remembered was whenever she saw him as a kid, she would call him “uncle”.

She did not even know his surname. How was Julian supposed to find him? The Buchams had a powerful information network, but they were not gods, and even gods needed a bit of time to look. The Buchams were powerless when it came to some things and some people.

“Now, a few old people have come knocking and they told my butler that they’re the ones my mom’s been looking for.”

After a pause, Julian asked, “Are they scammers? Mr. Stone, I really don’t have anything of use for you.”

Clive answered, “Julian, I don’t mean anything else by that. I haven’t gone downstairs to meet them yet, so I don’t know if they’re the real thing. I just wanted to ask if you had any information. If not, they’re either scammers or so powerful that even you Buchams can’t reach them.”

Julian said, “When you take a look later, ask them who exactly they are, and find a chance to sneak a picture of them. It’ll be easier for me to find them if I have a close-up.”

“Sure. Sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning,” Clive said apologetically. “I’ll treat you to a meal when you get back.”

Julian laughed. “It’s fine. I’m heading off to sleep now. Alright, we’ll park that for now. Once I’m back, you’re buying me a meal. We’ll be back before Christmas.”

Julian and his parents had stayed in Summervale for a very long time. Julian’s parents even started calling Quinn’s parents their in-laws a long time ago and vice versa. Quinn was incredulous because she had not even married Julian yet their parents were already calling each other their in-laws. It was pretty much certain that she would be marrying Julian by now.

If not him, then who? Would anyone else cling to her stubbornly like a piece of gum and be as handsome, rich, and strong as he was? Who would be so unafraid of death to challenge the Julian Bucham and try to steal his wife?

Only Quinn could make Julian a real man. She was his savior. Even if he had to bet his life on it, he was going to marry Quinn, and he was not going to allow anyone else to touch her.

“Will you be bringing Mrs. Bucham back with you?” Clive teased. “You should bring her with you when the time comes so we can get to know her.”

“Just bring your wife Alice will do.”

Clive laughed. “Of course.”

Julian was a possessive man.

After they hung up, Clive said to Alice, “Julian will be bringing his girlfriend Quinn with him for Christmas. You should talk to her and maintain a friendly relationship with her then. It’s hard to curry favor with Julian. It’ll be easier to go through Quinn instead.”


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