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Serenity and Zachary York novel Chapter 3819

Chapter 3819

Zachary and Julian stepped out of the house, followed by two servants carrying a large tray with food and drinks. The servants kept pace behind their masters.

Both men had sharp eyesight and soon spotted their beloved partners seated at a distance.

Without needing to ask, Zachary sensed that Serenity was a bit tired.

In the past, he had seen female employees in his company work late into their pregnancies, even when their bellies were noticeably large. Although their duties were lighter, many continued working.

Having observed this, Zachary assumed that pregnancy and childbirth were relatively easy. He hadn’t considered these women’s perspectives. They kept working, even when pregnant, out of fear that taking extended leave would lead to being replaced or sidelined, forcing them to start over in the competitive environment of a large organization.

Climbing the corporate ladder is a challenging process, with promotions requiring persistence. No one wants to lose their hard-earned positions, so they push themselves to work until around eight months of pregnancy. At that point, even if they wish to continue, companies usually enforce maternity leave to protect them.

Zachary had seen these scenarios play out numerous times. When Serenity first got pregnant, she insisted on continuing her work and running her business. Zachary supported her choice without hesitation.


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