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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 679

Chapter 679 She Didn't Love You

Nina was recognized as a beauty and the most beautiful girl in the school.

But because of her unreliable parents, bad grades and bad temperament, her reputation in the school was not
good, just like Edwin at that time.

Edwin had never thought that he couldn't have Nina. Although Nina refused him every time, he didn't take it
seriously. He thought that they were still young, so he didn't have to force her to do anything.

After graduation, he wanted to marry her and live a happy life with her.

He never had thought that there would be an exception, Cameron. Not only did Nina improve her academic
performance greatly for Cameron, but she also loved Cameron so much that she had to marry him.

With his heart broken, he went to the south, thinking of making his way in the world to pursue Nina again.

Hearing that Nina had no news of Cameron in the past few years, Edwin was sure that Cameron had changed
his mind. Therefore, after accumulating a certain amount of wealth, he returned to Riverside City, started his business
and took his time in chasing after Nina.

The so-called "take his time" was a kind of contact that didn't cause too much trouble to Nina.

Another reason was that Nina was so busy that he couldn't keep an eye on her every day.

Unexpectedly, Cameron suddenly came back and announced that he was married. Edwin had a bad feeling
when he saw the news, but he felt that he still had a chance.

But just now, Nina acquiesced the fact that she had married Cameron on the phone. Edwin felt that there were
no words to describe his mood, so he drank the whole bottle of wine sulkily.

At this moment, the resentment in his heart surged crazily when he saw Cameron's indifferent attitude to him.
He sneered, "Cameron, do you think that you can be together with Nina after getting married?"

People can divorce even if they get married, right?

No one knew who would accompany him for the rest of his life until the last moment. Now the person beside
Nina was Cameron, and it might be someone else in the future.

Of course, Cameron understood what Edwin meant. He stopped and looked at Edwin, asking, "Do you think
that you still have a chance even if she marries me?"

Edwin raised his chin and replied coldly, "Of course.’

Edwin had a pretty face and he was a somewhat wild and charming man. But there was an obvious scar on
his chin. It was said that the scar was left after a fight in the past.

He had a buzz cut with an ear stud on his left ear and extensive tattoo on his arms. That's why he was a man who looked very difficult to trifle with.

But Cameron didn't take him seriously. He said word by word, "Edwin, you think you have a good relationship with her, but in fact, you don't know her at all.’

“She will try her best to win what she likes, and she will never take a look at what she doesn't like. And she will
never be sloppy.’

"For so many years, she has never liked you from beginning to end. All was your wishful thinking.”

"Do you think you lost her because of me? You are wrong. Even without me, she won't choose you, because she doesn't love you’

The two were about the same height, but Cameron had been calm. He lazily said to Edwin, “I'm telling the
truth. If you don't disagree, come on."

But Edwin didn't expect that Cameron would punch him back first. This totally ticked Edwin off. He could no
longer restrain himself, dodged Cameron's fist and started to fight with him.

When Cameron suppressed Edwin with his arm, he said, "The reason why | hit you is that you don't respect


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