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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 680

Chapter 680 Because | Love Him

Edwin couldn't stand it anymore and sneered.

Today, he finally understand what a scheming man Cameron was.

Because of his sneer, Nina turned around and stared at him. When she saw the bruise in his eyes, her anger
was ignited again. She scolded Edwin rudely, "How dare you laugh?"

Edwin flinched. He had known Nina's temper since high school. Now he took a step back instinctively to avoid
her attack.

He didn't have the strength to fight back if she hit him. On the one hand, Nina was good at fighting. On the
other hand, even if he could beat her, it was not appropriate for a man to hit a woman. So he had no choice but to be
beaten passively.

When he was in high school, he had experienced this kind of thing for several times. One time, he insisted on
fighting with others and he didn't listen to Nina's advice. Then he was scratched by the other party with a knife. When
Nina knew it, she beat him up.

He was so young at that time and he accepted the fact that he was beaten up by her.

But now he was almost thirty years old, and it was really shameful to be beaten by Nina.

Nina crossed her arms and glanced at Edwin, who was spineless and took a step back. Then she turned
around and glared at Cameron, who was covering his chest with her hands. She continued to roar, “Are you two still
kids? Aren't you ashamed if the news spreads? Don't you have any self-restraint?"

Cameron cast a disdainful glance at Edwin. This man was really ungrateful. He pretended to be injured just
now in order to transfer Nina's target, so that he wouldn't be scolded, and Edwin wouldn't be scolded either.

Now, all his efforts were ruined by Edwin's sneer.

Edwin was scolded, and so was he.

That's to say, a weak teammate does you more harm than a strong enemy.

He put down his hand which was covering his chest and walked over to hold Nina's shoulder. He apologized without any temper, “I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Don't be angry.’

Edwin was so shocked that his eyes almost dropped. He didn't expect that Cameron had been so cold and ruthless to him before, and now he began to apologize in front of her without any backbone. And the tone of Cameron's voice was so disgusting that he got goose bumps.

To his surprise, Nina didn't give Cameron an overarm throw. If he had provoked her before, he would have been thrown out directly.

At this moment, Nina even allowed Cameron to put his arm around her shoulder. Indeed, different people had different lives.

Maybe this was the difference between love and not love.

She loved Cameron, so she was willing to tolerate him.

Edwin looked away dejectedly.

Nina allowed Cameron to get close to her, which didn't mean that she was not angry. But because Cameron's
phone rang before Nina got even with Cameron. Therefore, she asked him to answer the phone first.

However, after Cameron answered the phone, his face suddenly changed. Then he said to the other end of the
phone in a low voice, "I'll be there soon.” Then he hung up.

Cameron's arm was wrapping around Nina's shoulder. At that moment, she could feel the tension from
Cameron's body. She immediately asked with concern, "What happened?"

Cameron tried his best to control himself and replied in a low voice, "My mother had a car accident and she is being rescued in the hospital.”

"How could this be?" Nina's heart twitched all of a sudden. Her hand, which was originally drooping under her
body, wrapped Cameron's hands. In this way she hoped to give him the most primitive comfort.

After saying that, Edwin turned around and rushed out. Nina agreed with Edwin's suggestion. Cameron's face
was extremely pale at the moment, and she was so nervous that her hands trembled. She couldn't drive at all.

Cameron had a fight with Edwin just now. Edwin's eyes were bruised, and Cameron's mouth was injured. If
Colleen woke up and saw him like this, it was inevitable to increase her psychological burden.

Cameron took the mask and put it on honestly. Edwin, who was driving, glanced at the two people from the
rearview mirror and he silently grabbed his sunglasses and put it on to cover the bruises at the corners of his eyes.

Edwin didn't expect that Nina would be so considerate. The first thing she thought of was to cover the wound
at the corners of Cameron's mouth. In his impression, Nina was careless, as if there was nothing in her heart.


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