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Severance Of Ties novel Chapter 25

Chapter Twenty Five

He didn't knew what he felt, but he was more worried thinking that Mushk will leave him once she gets to know the truth, he needed an assurance that she'll always be with him and what could be the best thing to use, he used his very own friend's children ,as a bait to keep her tied to him.

It was somewhere near 3 am when he followed Mushk in a deep sleep.

A week passed by, Mushk was noticing some change in Zohan's behavior. He started zoning many times, and wasn't as talkative as before. She tried numerous times asking what's wrong, he just shook his head and tightly smiled at her, telling its something about work.

His behavior made Mushk scared, she wasn't getting any good vibes, she thought that he was starting to get frustrated by kids presence, so she always kept Mujtaba and Murtaza hidden from his eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by Zohan.

This was the first mistake she made, her actions made him think that she is trying to get away from him. The truth was eating him from inside, and he started hearing some voices in his mind.

He dismissed it thinking it as a sign of stress. He was actually turning into a psychotic person due to the voices without him realizing it.


Sighing tiredly, he falls back on bed, when Mushk enters with a glass of water, giving it to, she sits beside him. Keeping the glass aside, she turns towards him indicating, she wants to talk.


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