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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 106



Lydia and Elara exchanged glances, their expressions a mirror of Aria's turmoil. It was Lydia who finally spoke, her voice gentle but laced with unease. "Winter, what you're asking is... it's beyond anything we've ever considered."


Winter's eyes, still locked onto the child in Aria's arms, showed a depth of sorrow and resolve that was difficult to comprehend. "I know," she replied, her voice laden with the weight of responsibility. "But it's the only way. The child's power is a beacon, and it will lead the ancient wolf straight to him. The more he grows, the stronger that pull will become. You've seen what's happening out there. The battles, the bloodshed. It won't end until the ancient wolf gets what he wants."


Aria's gaze flickered between her child and Winter, torn between her maternal instincts and the dire reality of the situation. "But how do we even do that? How do we separate the wolf spirit from my son?"


Winter's expression remained somber as she explained, "There are ancient rituals, spells older than time itself. But they come with risks, Aria. The process is dangerous, and it may not work. It could harm your son irreparably."


Elara finally spoke up, her voice trembling with emotion. "And if we go through with this, if we separate the wolf spirit, what happens to it? To the spirit itself?"


Winter's response was somber. "It will dissipate, return to the essence of the moon goddess. It will cease to exist as a separate entity."


The room fell into an even heavier silence, the weight of their choices bearing down upon them. Aria's son, nestled in her arms, remained oblivious to the grave conversation unfolding around him. She couldn't help but think of the future, of what life would be like for him without the presence of a wolf spirit, without the ancient bond that had defined their kind for generations.


With a heavy heart, she looked at Winter. "We need time to think about this. To discuss it with Knox and the rest of the pack. It's not a decision to be made lightly."


Winter nodded, her expression sympathetic. "I understand. But time is a luxury we may not have. The ancient wolf is relentless, and the longer we wait, the more lives will be lost."


Lydia's voice wavered with uncertainty as she voiced her concerns. "What if we can't get to Knox in time? What if the battle consumes him?"


Aria's heart constricted at the thought, her eyes reflecting her fear for her mate. "Knox is strong. He'll hold his ground until we can reach him."


Elara's expression mirrored Lydia's apprehension. "But what if we're wrong? What if the ancient wolf gets to him before we do? We can't risk losing both of them."


Winter's gaze remained fixed on the child, her thoughts shrouded in a heavy veil of responsibility. "We must find a way to buy time. To protect the child until we can perform the ritual."


Aria's resolve solidified. "Then let's gather the pack inside. All the she wolves. We'll create a protective barrier around the child and make our stand here. We'll hold off the ancient wolf and his forces for as long as it takes."


Lydia and Elara exchanged a resolute glance, their commitment to the pack's survival unwavering. "We're with you, Aria," Lydia affirmed.


Aria looked down at her son, her heart swelling with love . "We won't let them take you, little one."



The battle raged on, the clash between hunters and wolves reaching a fever pitch. Knox, despite the loss of his ability to shift, fought valiantly to protect his pack. However, as the battle wore on, he grew fatigued, and a momentary lapse in judgment proved costly.


In a swift and brutal maneuver, Antonio exploited Knox's momentary vulnerability and landed a punishing blow to his side. Knox staggered, pain lancing through him, and fell to one knee. Antonio, sensing victory at hand, raised his blade, ready to deliver the final, fatal strike.


But just as the deadly blow was about to descend, a figure blurred into view, intercepting Antonio's attack. It was Nicholas, his eyes blazing with determination and his own blade raised in defense.


Chapter One Hundred and Five: The Luna's Choice 1


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