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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 109



"I want these. They look better," Melody argued, her fingers delicately holding a bouquet of bright, colorful flowers.


Shana, equally passionate about her choice, stood her ground with a frown. "They look ugly, Mel, and you know it."


In one corner of the room Jacob and Jackson observed the exchange between their soon to be mates with smiles on their faces.


Jacob chuckled and leaned in closer to Jacob, their eyes never leaving them. "When do you think it's time to step in and separate them?"


Jackson, equally amused, glanced at his friend. "Definitely when Shana starts growling."


Sophia, who had been watching the exchange with Aria, couldn't help but join the good-natured teasing. She playfully scolded the two males, "The two of you are like children."


Sophia laughed before she continued, "I wonder why they decided to have their mating ceremony together if they were going to keep arguing about everything."


Aria laughed softly, her eyes twinkling with fondness for her packmates. "Because they love each other. They want everything to be perfect for each other."


As Shana and Melody continued to debate the merits of their chosen flowers, Sophia decided to step in and play mediator. She picked up the two different bouquets they had been bickering over and combined them into one beautiful arrangement.


Turning to Shana and Melody with a sly grin, Sophia presented the bouquet to them. "Look at these flowers," she exclaimed. "Omg, they look beautiful."


Shana and Melody turned to inspect the new bouquet, their eyes widening in mock surprise. "They look absolutely wonderful," they chimed in unison.


Aria, who had been standing alongside Sophia, wrapped her arm around her friend's shoulders, a fond smile on her lips. "You certainly have a knack for diffusing their little disagreements."


Sophia chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's a talent that I've only recently discovered, thanks to these two."


Their attention briefly shifted as Eirene, the bundle of joy in Aria's arms, let out a small, heartwarming cry. The baby's tiny hand reached out towards his loving aunt, seeking her embrace. Aria, ever the doting mother, hesitated for a moment before reluctantly handing her son over to Seraphina, her brows furrowing in mock jealousy.


"I think he likes you more than me," Aria confessed with a playful pout, her eyes sparkling with humor.


Seraphina couldn't help but laugh as she cradled her nephew in her arms, feeling an overwhelming sense of adoration for the little one. "It's just the aunty effect," she teased, her voice laced with affection.


Sophia couldn't help but glance at Shana and Melody. Their animated discussions seemed to have taken a more harmonious turn, and the squabbles had transformed into shared laughter and a sense of unity.


.With a gentle smile, Aria turned to Seraphina, her eyes filled with warmth. "Could you watch Eirene for a moment?" she requested, her voice soft yet filled with meaning.


Sophia and Seraphina exchanged knowing smiles, understanding Aria's unspoken intentions. "Of course," Sophia replied, her voice a reassuring echo.


"You missed me?" Aria inquired playfully, her voice carrying a teasing undertone that was laced with affection.


Knox's response was swift and heartfelt. He leaned down, capturing her lips with his in a tender kiss, as if sealing the unspoken longing and the deep connection they shared. When their lips finally parted, he smiled at her, his eyes reflecting the depths of his emotions. "You know I always do."


The sensation of being wrapped in Knox's arms was a comforting one for Aria. She rested her head against his chest, reveling in the steady, reassuring beat of his heart. His fingers traced soothing circles on her back, creating an intimate rhythm between them. 


As the world outside their room faded into the background, Knox's hands began to drift towards Aria's clothing, an unspoken invitation lingering in the air. But just as the intensity of their connection deepened, Aria gently halted his advances with a soft, breathy utterance.




Knox, ever attentive to her wishes, paused, his eyes locking onto hers with an inquisitive expression. "What is it?"


Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Always and Forever 1

Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Always and Forever 2


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