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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 206

Chapter 206 

Lanny quickly responded, “Yes, sir. I will pick you up immediately.” 

After hanging up the phone, Sebastian raised his cold, bloodthirsty gaze to the manor, illuminated by the street lights. 

It seemed that he could see Rahardja family’s old house through those lights, which made his eyes suddenly full of hatred. 

Wanda Rahardja. I vowed to my father that I wouldn’t take your life, yet if you ruin what matters to me, then I’ll retaliate by destroying what matters to you. 

If you want to play, then the game is on…. 

He wrapped the gauze that was dyed red with blood again, took out a pair of black leather gloves, and forcibly put them on. 

He then went to the cloakroom, grabbed a set of casual clothes, put them on, and ruilled his neatly combed hair. 

After making all the preparations, he picked up his mask and slowly walked down the stairs…. 

When Richard saw him going out like this, he was slightly worried. “Young Master, are you really going to declare war on 


The Rahardja family was also wealthy, though not quite as afluent as the Jackman family, they were nearly as well-off. 

In addition, the person in charge of the Rahardja family was a mad person. She could do anything. Richard was really afraid that Sebastian would declare war on her. Then, like when he was young, he would get one bloody storm after another. 

Sebastian turned around and glanced at Richard. His thin lips parted slightly “Not me, but him.” 

After he had finished speaking, his gaze slowly shifted to the mask in his hand. Knowing Mr. Yea’s identity, destroying those whom Wanda cared about would not involve Liam and Susan. 

Yet, there was still someone who could be handled using his own identity. 

He looked at Richard and ordered coldly, “Break the legs of the person who followed me and send him to the Rahardja family” 

Although Richard was worried about him, he would do everything Sebastian told him to do. “Yes, I’m on it.” 

Sebastian withdrew his gaze and walked straight out of the manor with a cold face. 

Zed had already been waiting outside the door. Seeing him come out, he hurriedly drove a black Lincoln car in front of 


Once Sebastian had gotten in the car and taken his seat, Zed quickly fired up the engine, with the dozens of luxury cars behind them following suit. 

The white car, lurking at the corner, wanted to follow them, but was startled by Richard’s sudden appearance and slammed on the brakes. 

Before the driver could react, several bodyguards in black clothes suddenly opened the door and pulled him out. 


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