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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 21

She’s Married, Sir! Novel Chapter 21

Sebastian’s face gradually grew cold and distant, his eyes and eyebrows taking on a bonechilling coldness

He placed the wine glass in his hand, lifted his icy gaze, and stared at Lance. What are your thoughts?

Lance boldly surmised, I reckon you have some feelings for her. Otherwise, why would you be so enraged that you flung wine at her after learning that James had slept with her?” 

Sebastian sneered, She just split from me and hopped into bed with James. So I taught her a lesson. It has nothing to do with me liking her” 

The coldness in his eyes had dissipated, replaced by indifference and alienation, as if he had no emotional investment in the person he was teaching a lesson to.. 

When Lance saw him like this, he felt a little relieved in his heart

His brother had mental my sophobia and could not accept the woman he had been sleeping with being screwed by another 

man so SOOTI 

Moreover, as soon as Scarlee returned to the country, his second brother separated from Scarlett. This was enough to show that in his second brother’s heart, Miss Sales, the substitute, was not important

Lance said no more. After downing the wine in the cup, he rose and declared, Well then, Sebastian, I’ll be on my way.” 

Sebastian did not reply. He only nodded indifferently

Lance had gotten used to his cold personality since he was young. He did not get angry. He directly picked up his coat and 

turned to leave

It was raining heavily outside. The assistant protected him with an umbrella and got into the car. He asked the assistant to drive to the city

While waiting for the traffic light at the intersection, he saw Scarlett, who was only wearing a dress, trying to stop a taxi 

Her petite frame had little flesh, and her rainsoaked dress clung tightly to her, emphasizing her delicate, boneless appearance

Her thin, fragmented curls, like seaweed, clung to her petite face. Though a bit disheveled, it only added to her broken beauty

Lance saw the taxis running past her, but none of them were willing to stop to carry her

He hesitated for a moment, but still ordered his assistant to drive the car to her

Scarlett used her hand to block the rain from her eyes and vaguely saw a man holding an umbrella walking towards her

When the umbrella covered her head, she was stunned for a moment and slowly raised her eyes to look at him… 

In a trance, she seemed to see Sebastian five years ago… 

Recalling that it had been raining heavily that day, she knelt at the entrance of the nightclub, imploring passersby to purchase her for the night

Many men who went in and out came to touch her, tease her, and laugh at her, but no one was willing to buy her 

Only a man dressed in a black coat, cold and noble all over, holding an umbrella, slowly walked in front of her

When he used the umbrella in his hand to cover the top of her head and cover all the storms for her, she seemed to see an angel 

She crawled to his feet under the dim light, grabbed his trousers, and begged him to buy her for a night

The man looked down at her with no contempt or ridicule in his eyes. He only asked coldly. Are you clean” 

She nodded with a red face, and the man stretched out his slender and goodlooking hand to her

When she put her hand in his broad palm, she was destined to be unable to free herself from him for the rest of her life…. 

Get in the car. I’ll take you home.” 

Lance opened the door of the back seat. His gentle voice mixed with the rain fell down 

Only then did Scarlett come back to her senses. The person in front of her was Lance, Sebastian’s cousin

She had already separated from Sebastian, so logically speaking, she should no longer have anything to do with the person

However, her cell phone was out of battery, she was unable to get a taxi, and the shops nearby that could have provided. shelter from the rain were also closed

She hesitated for a moment, but still got into his car



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