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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 

The young man, wearing a white shirt, sat beneath the shade of a tree, looking down at his book. Sunlight filtered through the gaps in the leaves, casting a gentle light on his body 

Liam. I’m here to visit you at your school. 

The young girl’s melodious voice drifted from afar. 

When the young man heard the voice, he raised his head and saw her trotting over. The corners of his lips slowly curved up “Slow down 

The more he asked, the faster the young girl ran. Her willful appearance made the young man unable to reust standing up and catching her 

“You have heart disease, stop running so last. So naughty” He hugged her and raised his hand to rub the tip of her nose. The young girl hugged has waist and placed her head on his chest, acting like a spoiled child. “I take medicine on time every day I’m very obedient.” 

The young man smiled gently. His gentle and refined face was bearing at her ‘Scarlett, your school is quite a distance from A University. The traffic on the road is pretty hectic. If you want to see me again, give me a call. Fll come to your school to visit you, alright?” 

The girl looked up from his arms and said thoughtfully. “You are so busy with your studies. Forget it. I will come to you when I have time…” 

The teenager still wanted to persuade her, but she interrupted him “Liam, I just encountered someone at the gate of your school. He was sitting beneath a tree, covered in blood. I don’t know who hurt him. He looked so helpless, so I offered him a bottle of water, but he didn’t even acknowledge me… 

After the young girl finished speaking, she curled the corners of her mouth. “Do you think he is a weirdo?” 

The young man lovingly stroked her hair. “If you say so, then yes…” 

The young girl was satisfied and smiled. Liam is the best…“ 

Smiling, the young man held her hand as they walked side by side in the sun, the wind blowing and the flowers fragrant. Scarlett slowly opened her eyes, and the dream of Liam had vanished, the sun had set. 

The light in front of her was dim and could be vaguely seen, but not very bright. 

Glancing around suspiciously, she took in the white ceiling. French chandeliers, and the endless sea beyond the window. The scenery looked blurry, and it was because of this blur that she knew that she was not dead. 

She tried to get up, yet found herself unable to move. She attempted to open her mouth to speak, yet no sound came out. It felt like she had been asleep for many years, and then suddenly awoke. Her body, however, could not bear the strain. She gave up struggling and lay obediently on the bed, staring at the ceiling in deep thought. 

She had clearly died, but how could she still be alive? 

And weren’t her eyes already blind? Why could she still see light? 

What this strange place? Why are Susan and Liam not here?’ 


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