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Shouldn't Have Kissed You novel Chapter 49

Chris looked around to see if he could see his best friend but still he was no where to be seen. He had called him an hour ago and still he wasn't there. He needed a friend now. He needed someone who would help him in the situation that he was in. Wait, not help but be there for him. He just needed a shoulder to lean on at this moment.

Chris rubbed his hair as he looked at his watch again. It had been two freaking hours and still no one stepped out of that room. For crying out loud what was taking everyone so long. The night was about to fall but still nothing. Nothing from any side of where he was waiting.

"Chris, stop that." For the first time in a long time he looked at her. He felt himself boil up but he wasn't going to let that distract him. Not when he was waiting outside.

She stood there still innocent despite everything she did to them. In fact he had no idea why she was there in the first place. It was her fault that their life was forever ruined. Chris turned away not to look at his ex anymore. Cause the more he did look at her, the more he thought of how he would've done things differently.

How he would have never approached her when he first met her. How he would've saved his skill earlier than later. How he should have ended every tie with her the moment he said I do to his wife. But he never did it. It happened and he couldn't do anything at the moment. He could not even save his own wife from this tragedy. The tragedy that he had invited in his life. It wasn't fair that she was going to pay for a mistake that she hadn't done.

Wait, mistake? It wasn't a mistake at all rather a crime. Kimberly had done such a crime that there was no mercy.

"Where is she?" Chris turned to the voice. "Where is my best friend?" Kyle was before him before he could blink his eyes.

Chris saw the furry in her eyes. She was burning up and he understood why. Maybe the same furry was in his eyes when he looked at Kimberly. That's why she hadn't said a word since the moment that he had looked at her. And now, how could he answer Kyle when she was intimidating him that much. He wanted to step back but its like his feet where glued where they were. They didn't dare move despite his command.

"I asked where she is you bastard?"

"She is still ins..."

Slap. A hard slap was the one that stopped him from finishing his sentence. And when he thought it was over, she hit him on the left cheek harder than the first one. Wesley pulled her away from Chris but he wanted to tell him to stop. He deserved whatever was coming his way. He deserved all the hitting in this world. It was his fault that things turned this sour. His and no one else to blame.

Kyle fought to be free. She wanted to hurt them. To hurt him more than he had hurt her best friend. What kinda husband was he anyway. He was a monster and monsters like him didn't deserve any pity. they didn't deserve to live at all. God, she was ready to kill him just to end the suffering that her friend had gone through.

What kind of friend was she anyway? She was the one who forced Maya to go to that event. She was the one who made her attend the damn concert. And now, she cursed that day that she did that. She cursed the day that she thought her friend would be happy after everything that she went through. Maybe she should have allowed her to have her revenge the way she did from the start.

Maybe things would be different now. Very different. Kyle fought free from her boyfriend's. She wanted to hurt the damn bastard more than her friend would have if she had that revenge of hers. He deserved every damn bit of pain that he could get. It was because of men like him that women chose not to be married. These type of men who used women like dirty deserved to be punished and she was going to be his punishment.

Kyle was fully charged to walk towards Chris when her eyes caught something else. Something more deserving than Chris himself.

"You homewrecker," she charged towards Kimberly who was about to walk away. Kyle pulled her hair bring her back to where she stood. Just when Kimberly turned to look at her a slap that made he be on her knees met her. It was that hard that Kyle herself felt it. She did but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough for her friend.

Kyle took her hair again to make sure that Kimberly was on her fight. Today was her day and she wasn't about to let this day go free. She broke her friend and maybe it was time for her to taste her own medicine. After all ever thief has forty days and today Kim's forth day had arrived.

Just when she was about to hit her again, she was pulled back. This time it was a firm hand that held her. And that wasn't her boyfriend. And sure enough Kimberly was also pulled away by a police officer.

"Lemme go." Kyle fought to be free. "I'll kill you today you monster."

Kimberly was let free by the officer who held her. At that time Kyle wanted to jump on her. It was terrible so far so what could go wrong?

"Ma'am, you need to come down or I'll lock you up." The officer who held Kyle said.

Kyle was still fighting to get free. "You better lock me up because the moment you'll lemme go I'll kill this bitch."

"Sir," The officer called Wesley. "You better control your girlfriend or she will spend the night here."

Wesley moved towards the officer and took Kyle away from him. She was still fighting and it was hard to tame the beast when it woke up. She was more determined to kill Kimberly than to think of her being behind bars.

"Kyle stop." He said trying to calm her down. "It's Friday and if you're locked here you'll stay here till Monday. Is that what you want to happen?"

He knew her better and sure as hell knew why she was doing this. For her friend. And that meant her getting into a fight so that she can be locked up with Maya just in case she wasn't released to day.

Which was the stupidest thing to do. What if Maya was let go today and she was locked there. It was stupid and she had to stop it.

"I don't care, Wes." She tried to fight free from his hold and he let her go.

Wesley took a step back. "Fine, go ahead but know that I won't be there to bail you out come Monday." He raised his hands to show her that he won't hold her back if she tried any move towards Kimberly.

Kyle walked towards Chris who stood feet away from them. He hadn't done nothing when she attacked Kimberly and it was for his own good. It was his fault and hers anyway and no way in hell was she going to apologies to any of them.

"I just want to know one thing, Mr. Rollins." She stood before him and let her eyes room around his face for a while. Her figure prints where evident on his two cheeks which gave her satisfaction that she had no idea she had. At least he won't forget her that soon.

"Was this part of you plan? Did you plan this with her just to eliminate my friend once and for all?" She needed to know right?

It hurt Chris more than it should have. Maybe he deserved that but it still hurt. He had changed. He had showed how much he loved Maya for the past few months that they had been together since he confessed his feelings. Hell, he even proposed to her again. Wasn't that enough prove of how he was willing to go that far that woman. Wasn't not enough to chose her happiness over his enough to show his love to her.

He had tried and he was tired. Tired of every woman thinking of the way they want to think of him. First it was Maya thinking that by her leaving him he would be happy. How could he be happy when she wasn't with him. She was his happiness yet she chose to see that. She chose to ignore his love for her and that's why she jumped at the first train that came along. She didn't care of what he wanted rather than what she wanted and that was to be a superhero that she wasn't.

And now Kyle thought that he had planned this? She thought he would stoup so low as to say he was raped when he wasn't. Was he that bad? Is that how bad of a person he was that everyone thought he was a monster?

Then Kimberly. Where was he going to start with her? She had turned him into a monster. A big laughing joke and she still didn't stop. She had a chance. A chance to say that she was the one who did hit and run but she didn't say anything. She said nothing. She chose to be quite. Quite for her own benefit when his wife chose to save the world.

It made Chris regret the day that he bought that car. It was a surprise birthday for Kimberly and the mistake he made that day was to register the damn thing in his name. Which made more logic to police about who did the hit and run thing. And she was going to go scot free because of his wife. Until when was he going to let women rule over him? Walk over him the way they felt like they wanted to do?

"You knew that she would take a fault at this. That's why you and your girlfriend came up with this great idea of yours. Of you being raped? Do real men get raped anyway? Do they Chris? You're the worst man that I have ever met and I regret the day that I met you. I curse that day itself. You're so selfish and egoistic. So selfish that it hurts to even think of it."

That wasn't him. He wasn't selfish. In fact it was Maya who was being selfish. She was only thinking of herself and not him. She was thinking of her happiness and not his. Wasn't she supposed to think about the two of them?

And was he weak? Is it true that weak men are the one who got raped? He had thought of it and that's why he hadn't told him wife. Kyle was right. He was a weak bastard. Weak that he couldn't even tell Kim when to stop and neither Maya. Chris rubbed his face with his hands before moving his left hand at the back of his neck.

He didn't know how much he would take. Or why he was taking it for someone who didn't love him. If she loved him enough she would have fought for them. For them and not her. But she didn't. She chose not to because she didn't want a weak man by her side. The one who never knew how to put an end to something.

His legs were giving up on him proving more than he cared to admit. Of how much weak he was as a man. As the society would be ashamed to call him a man.

"Tell me Christopher Rollins? How long?"

What was he going to tell her? He had called his friend to be with him but he hadn't thought of the consequences. He felt like he was going to die at that moment. Why was he still alive anyway? What was his purpose in this cruel world anyway? And God, where was he when he needed him the most?

Where was he when he was getting raped, for starters? They say He sees everything but did he turn a blind eye when it came to him. Did He look away so that Chris could surfer? Was that his punishment for what he had done to his wife previously?

But he had dependent. He had asked for forgiveness, from Maya and God Himself. Then what was happening? Why was his life a living hell? Why was so much pain in his heart instead of love? Was this never made to happen? To take place?

"You can't even answer." Kyle was about to slap him but something stopped her. He wanted to turn and see what stopped her but he had no strength.

He was tired. Tired of everything in this world. Of only death would take him at that moment. He would never complain. Never.

"Maya?" Kyle asked in disbelief. "Maya, are you okay?"

Kyle run passed him and into her friends arm.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy? How can you be this selfish? Don't you care about me? I'm I not a good reason for you to stop this madness? What's this?"

Chapter 49 1

Chapter 49 2

Chapter 49 3


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