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Shouldn't Have Kissed You novel Chapter 50

She was the last person he expected to see when he knocked on this door. But there she stood with her mouth open. She still looked beautiful like the last time when he had seen her. The last time. It was among his worst day in his live but who was to be blame for it being the worst. It was him and no one else. He saw the hurt in her eyes those years ago and the same hurt was evident to him at that moment.

It was his fault but right now he didn't needed to think about her. He had thought of her for too long than he cared to admit to himself. Of course he wanted to pull her into a hug at that moment but he restrained himself from doing that. He no longer had any right of her. Not any more. She sure must have moved on from the past. The past that he hadn't even taken a step from. In fact he had no idea of how to.

Phil looked away from the woman that he had no idea that he had been staring since she walked to them. It was such a shame that she would be the first person who saw her again. Just like when he left many years ago. She was the last person who also saw him. And those begging? It had broken him before he even got up and walked away. It still hurt and forever hurt. But he wasn't here to think of this. He was here to meet his baby sister. His reason for surviving in every battle that he went.

But he wasn't sure anymore. Sure if he deserved to be called big brother anymore. Sure if he was needed in her life anymore. She was already married without him being around. When he was growing up he thought that he would be the one handing her over to her husband. But things changed and it seemed that he was the reason why everything changed around him. It hurt so far and he didn't know how long it would take but one thing he was sure of begging for her forgiveness.

Yes, he would crawl on his knees if that was needed. He would also kill just to have his little sister back. But he hadn't seen her come through that door. She was supposed to be curious as to why the two were taking so long to walk back in the house. But as far as he could remember his sister she never was the curious type. The only time that she ever got curious was when their father mistreated her. When he put those damn knives through her body.

She wanted to know why he hated her so much. Why her father showed love to him and not her. Why she got punished for things that kids can't be punished for. That's why she kept asking if she was an adopted kid. The first time she asked that she was only four years old. Yes, she was four and he was only ten years old. And to be honest it hurt him. Hurt him that his blood sister even knew the meaning of adopted and how some families treated adopted kids. And when he asked about how she knew that she said she had heard the word on television.

Of course, this technology is teaching kids things that parents are not teaching kids. That's why a three year old kid already knows how to swear. Not because he heard any of the parents do that but its because they heard it on television. And if parents don't limit their kids to internet and what to watch on it then we're raising a different generation here.

Maya was his reason for putting up with their father. She was the reason why he had hung around for so long. Why he had put up with his father for those years. She was why he even got the strength to one day get up and walk on his father and her. As much as it sounds messed up he knew it was for his own good and Maya's or so he thought. He was done with his work at that time. His promise to their mother as well and it was time he found something new for him to do. Wait, it wasn't something new, it was something that he always wanted to do. And that's why he left without saying goodbye to her. That's why he wrote that letter instead of facing her.

How do you face someone who thought that you'll forever be around them and tell them that you're leaving. He couldn't do it. He wasn't a man enough to see the hurt in his sisters face. He wasn't and that's why he snack in her room that night when she was asleep and said his good bye. That's why he never walked out of his room when he heard he walk by just like he did every morning. And that's why he left the letter on the night stand where she could notice it when she came back from school. That's why he left before she even came back.

All the memories where flooding back to him and he could not stop them. How could he when he hadn't let them occupy his mind since the day he left? He hadn't even talked about his past with anyone in the army and neither anyone from the past. He tried to communicate but he never got any feedback from anyone. He really did but when the others received letters from their families he got none despite his trial...

"Please come in, Phil." Chris his sister's husband said bring him back to present. Chris moved aside to allow him in but Kyle didn't attempt to move.

Of course he knew his name. Who didn't know Phil Freeman anyway? When you parent is famous despite you wanting to be undercover kid, you always get known to the public. That's how his life and his sister's was. First the ids of the best doctor the country then the kids of the best governor in the country. If only they knew that he wasn't the best father. He would never be when it comes to his family.

Mean, which kind of a father makes one kid special and the other an outcast when they're blood? Which kinda father allows his kid to suffer in a boarding school? He was mean and he will forever be mean to them. Anyway, paparazzi did their homework very well in exposing them to the world. Of course with the help of their father.

"Kyle, our visitor has to come in." Chris called looking at the glued Kyle.

Phil watched Kyle move away as she could just to allow him pass. He read her facial expression and he would be lying if he said it didn't hurt what he saw in it. It was terrible that she hated him and now she didn't want to come into any conduct with him. Phil let his legs carry him inside the house but no one followed behind. Instead he heard the whispering from behind him and he didn't understand why.

"Hey," Phil greeted the elder man who stood at the sitting area. "I'm Phil Freeman." He introduced himself before the rest would walk in.

But there was something that confused him till now. Why couldn't he see his sister anywhere? And that's when it hit him, she had to be at work right? Mean, she was a doctor as far as her nanny had told her the previous day when he had chosen to call home when he got back. Good they hadn't changed their house number yet or he would have been forced to meet his dad.

It wasn't the time yet. Not when he had no idea if his sister loved him yet. So to him the old man could wait or die waiting cause he didn't care at all. Not or any time soon.

"Please have a sit." Chris said once they're in the living room the Kyle by his side. "What would like me to offer you?"

He was an a soldier and he knew when something was wrong and right now he could tell. He could tell that there was something wrong. It was so very much wrong and he just preferred to go straight to the point. That's not how he had be trained in the army. He was trailed to fight to the death and only the strong one to survive. He did not say he survived because he was strong, it was by Grace of the Lord. The grace that his mum taught him when he was young. The one that he never believed until he became a soldier. the one his mum would be proud of if she learned that he believed in it at the time.

His mum. How much he missed that woman. He would give his life just to see her one last time. To watch her smile at him as she used to. Teach him the things that she had promised to teach him before she died. He wanted her to be there for them. Him and his sister. In fact, she needed her mother more than he did. But the good people are the one who die early than the bad ones.

His dad was a bad person when it came to family and he was still breathing. He wanted Phil to be a doctor like he was but that wasn't Phil's dream. It wasn't despite him knowing why his mother died. And when he heard that Maya had become a doctor yesterday, he couldn't be proud and at the same time sad. What if her dad forced her to be who he was? What if she didn't want to do this but still did it for him?

"He seems fine to me." Kyle said sitting the opposite side of him. Still mad at him. "I thought you died."

He deserved that. "Still alive and kicking as you can see." His voice was as dry as he thought it was possible to be.

Kyle lifted her left feet and placed it on top of the other. "Just that we held a mass for you when you died in our lives." There was bitterness in her voice. "You know, when you turned you back on us?"

Phil watched Chris look at Kyle in confusion as he thought of what was happening. Maybe he had no idea of what was happening between the two of them. that they were an it...

"Kyle, what are you talking about?"

Kyle turned to look at Chris, " Don't worry, it was years ago and I'm over it as you can see." She locked her eyes with Phil. "I mean, I was in high school. So I'm so done with that."

Phil sat up right. "I know, that's why I came looking for my sister." He did not break his eye contact with hers. "And since when have been going to catholic? No I'm asking the wrong question, since when did you start going to church?"

Kyle was fuming like really fuming. "Since you left m..."

"Can you tell me where my sister works Mr. Rollins, I mean if you don't mind."

"How about you visit her in prison, you prick."

He saw it. He wasn't supposed to hear that but he did or wasn't allowed to know that way. Whatever it was it happened. It did and he couldn't believe his ears. His little sister was in prison and for what? Was his father behind this? Was he the reason behind his sister's arrest. Because if he was he wasn't going to spare him one bit. He wasn't going to even think of anything else but make his pay. Pay for all those years that his sister suffered because of him. Pay for ever accusing his sister of murder. He was going to pay with his life.

Maya could never even kill a fly in her life. And what was Kyle doing here with her best friend's husband? Were they cheating on his sister? Were they taking her for fool? Is that why Kyle was acting as if she owned the house? It even made him insane just thinking of it.

"Are you two screwing behind my sister's back?" That wasn't what he wanted to ask but his mouth had a mind of its own.

Chapter 50 1

Chapter 50 2


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