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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 216

  Evelyn POV

  One week Later

  We had stayed in our little bubble, none of us leaving home for anything, instead Imogen would pop over and drop things off. None of us wanted to leave the safety of home. The rumours of the Dark king had been circulating. Hysteria spread like wildfire of his return because of the damage he caused. None would listen to the fact, it was a war he never started. Thaddeus has struggled since being home, the darkness was addictive and he fought the push and pull relationship he had with it.

  One minute he was fine the next on the verge of exploding yet we managed to bring him back from the darkest depths of the depression it caused him. Imgoen offered to take it away from him, but learning from past mistakes it always finds its way back, he just needed to learn to control it and Mara was his grounding place, he would continue to fight the compulsion of it, learn to tame it again for her, for our family. It was a part of him everyone just needed to accept that, if he could live with it so could we. He shouldn’t have to deny who he is and the darkness is a part of him, without it he wouldn’t be Thaddeus and despite what it does to him I will still love him, I love him and that means loving the darkest parts of him too.

  Pouring the boiled water in my mug, I quickly stir it. Trying to get a cup in before the coffee police comes down on me. The smell of coffee had become my new favourite smell. Caffeine, get in me. Bringing the cup to my lips I was about to take a sip when the cup was suddenly gone from my hands. I huff annoyed, turning to glare at Orion who sips my coffee.

  “You already had one this morning, I heard the clink of you stirring it so don’t deny it Evie” He says and I pull another mug down about to make another but Orion takes the coffee jar from the bench placing it on the top of the cupboard away from my reach. Ryland comes into the kitchen, reaches up and grabs it, passing it to me giving me a wink. He kisses my cheek before plucking my mug from Orion's hands and sitting at the table next to Mara who was eating her cornflakes. Orion growls at him before trying to reach for the coffee jar in my hands but I pull it away from him making myself another coffee that was rudely stolen from me.

  “Evie no, you have already had one today” Orion says trying to reach for the jar.

  “Leave her be Orion, the baby is a tribrid for god sake, if wolfsbane didn’t harm it, coffee sure as hell won't” Thaddeus says coming into the kitchen. I stick my tongue out at him, turning away from him and making my coffee.

  “We don’t know that” Orion says, eyeing my nonexistent baby bump, any day now I was waiting to wake and find a growing belly since tribrid babies were not like a normal pregnancy and matured quicker.

  “We do know that?” Thaddeus says pointing to Mara who loves telling us about being a big sister to the baby that still isn’t born yet.

  “Fine, but last one” He says, taking the jar from me. I grab my mug and drink my coffee while leaning on the bench and watching Mara as she plays with her breakfast instead of eating it.

  For the rest of the day we sat on the floor in the living room, drawing with her and making a mess with her water paints while watching frozen on repeat. I couldn't wait for her to find a new favourite movie. I could recite the words backwards. I have watched it that much this week.

  “How about we watch Moana baby, this one is getting a little old” Orion tells her leaning over to the coffee table for the remote. Mara glares at his hand. He puts his hand up in surrender before pressing play once again on the movie. Orion goes back to his drawing pad and despite him hating the movie I chuckle when I hear him singing along to the songs with Mara. Sitting up, my back was killing me from laying on my side for so long.

  Ryland was outside mowing the lawns with Thaddeus and cleaning out the shed to kill the boredom of being housebound. I hear the mower cut off looking toward the window before hearing it start up again. I sigh, they had been outside all day.

  Getting up, I move to the couch where Orion is. He moves, opening his arms for me and I lay down on him draping my leg over his waist before he props his drawing pad on leg and continues drawing.

  “I thought you hated the movie, ” I tell him.

  “I do but Mara wants to colour in that stupid snowman” He says continuing to draw before he tears out the page handing it to Mara who happily snatches it off him to colour it in.

  “What’s this?” I ask, trying to see the drawing under the blank sheet on top.

  “Nothing you need to see” He says, closing his book and rolling on his side to face me.

  “It was porn wasn’t it, that’s why you don't want to show me” I chuckle, his lips tugging at the edges.

  “Maybe” He says. His hand trailing down my side and back up softly.

  “So have you thought of any names yet?” He asks, his hand going to my stomach. I shake my head.

  “I figured I would let you three choose” I tell him and he nods, kissing my forehead and pulling me on top of him.

  “I ordered some things online that should arrive tomorrow if you want to help me put it together” I tell him and he pulls back looking down at me.

  “What sort of things?” He asks.

  “A crib you know baby stuff, thought it would give us something to do” I tell him.

  “Baby sleep in my room?” Mara asks, looking over at us.

  “No in the nursery” Orion tells her.

  “No my room” Mara pouts.

  “Babies cry Mara he will wake you up” Orion tells her and she shrugs not caring.

  “Baby has to sleep in our room for awhile anyway” I tell her.

  “I thought you wanted to do up the nursery for him?” Orion asks.

  “I do but if Mara wants him in her room she can, but he stays in our room so I can breastfeed him. I ordered a bassinet for our room” I tell him.

chapter 216 1

chapter 216 2


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