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Sir, Madam Dispeared Again After Divorce! novel Chapter 1194

Luke wanted to ask, 'Can't you see I'm not happy?'

The words were on his tongue, but he couldn't say them.

Upset, Luke took a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket, pulled one out of it, and put it in his mouth. He then took out his lighter and was about to light the cigarette.

However, just as the flame neared the cigarette, he suddenly paused. He glanced at the bed on which Sean was drinking the medicine, not paying attention to him. Then he put the lighter away and put the cigarette back in the packet.

'I’m not going to smoke it. It's not a good cigarette. I'm going to change cigarettes next time. I didn't quit smoking for that woman.' Luke compressed his lips and thought to himself.

Just then, Sean's cell phone rang, which broke the silence of the room.

Sean finished her medicine. Her mouth was full of bitterness. She put the bowl back on the bedside table and hurriedly picked up a glass of water and took a sip of water to wash away the bitter taste in her mouth.

Seeing the painful look on Sean's face, Luke asked, "It's medicine. Is it that disgusting?"

Sean's lips parted and she muttered, "The medicine is really bitter."

'It's more bitter than black coffee.'

Luke grunted, "How bitter can it be? You're just making excuses."

Sean didn't respond. She didn't want to argue with Luke.

She really didn't want to drink the medicine.

"You just drank the medicine. I didn't ask you to do anything else. Why are you showing such a miserable face?" Luke added.

Sean bit her lower lip and responded, "I didn't mean to. I just..."

Suddenly, she stopped talking.

She realized that whatever she said or did was tiresome to someone who hated her.

Therefore, she gave up arguing. No matter what she said, Luke wouldn't agree.

"I'm sorry. I won't act it out in the future. I'll drink all the medicine without showing any expression from now on." Sean lowered her eyes and said self-deprecatingly.

Luke was not happy with Sean's words.

He had wanted to taunt her, but when he saw her so upset, he couldn't say anything. He grunted impatiently, "Fine. Your cell phone is still ringing. Hurry up and answer the call. It's noisy as hell."

"Sorry, I'll answer it in a minute." Sean apologized. Then she rubbed her cheeks and brought her phone over.

Sean froze when she saw the caller ID. She then immediately sat up from the bed and looked at Luke in panic, "Mr. Chase, it's Ms. Raines."

Luke's pupils narrowed slightly. "It's Syd?"

"Uh-huh." Sean nodded and then timidly asked, "M. Chase, should I take the call?"

Luke compressed his lips and fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds, he waves his hand, "Yes, but don't tell her where you are. Otherwise..."

He gave a frightening look in his eyes.

Seeing Luke's icy eyes made Sean feel bad inside, but she didn't show it. She nodded dejectedly and said, "I know, I won't tell Ms. Raines."

"Pick up the phone." Luke lifted his chin in satisfaction and said.

Chapter 1194 Sean Had Decided to Gave Birth to the Baby 1

Chapter 1194 Sean Had Decided to Gave Birth to the Baby 2

Chapter 1194 Sean Had Decided to Gave Birth to the Baby 3


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