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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 105


Chapter 105 The Temperament of a Mature Man 

After dinner, everyone moved to the bar

The employees all left, but Troy was still sitting in his seat

Charlene smiled and said, Mr. Marshall, aren’t you going

Since it’s already this time, it wouldn’t be good to back down now. Everyone is thrilled that you came today.” 

Seeing that Troy was silent, Charlene continued, The cake I ordered is at the bar. Mr. Marshall, no matter what, you should eat the birthday cake.” 

The deputy director also said, Mr. Marshall, the bar is next door. It won’t take a lot of time to go there and sit down for a while.” 

Let’s go.Troy picked up the coat on the back of the chair

The deputy director immediately took the coat over

When Troy arrived at the private room of the bar, people were already singing

Troy found a corner seat and sat down, raised his hand, and loosened his neckline

He rested his left arm on the armrest of the sofa and rubbed the space between his brows gently

For some reason, he felt dizzy with a headache

Mr. Marshall, are you not feeling fell? Drink some water.Charlene looked at Troy’s appearance, poured some plain water from a disposable cup, and put it in front of Troy

Thank you.Troy raised his spectacles and glanced at Charlene

Charlene smiled at Troy

Troy picked up his water cup and took a sip of water

Did Charlene like him

The answer seemed to be yes, but not really

She was very considerate tonight but not out of line

People in the private room were singing

After a few songs, the deputy director came and asked, Mr. Marshall, aren’t you going to sing?” 

You guys sing.Troy waved

The deputy director did not ask any more questions

Troy was already nice enough to come here

Troy raised his hand and unbuttoned the neckline, and the two openings exposed his collarbone

He stood up and walked out

Mr. Marshall!Charlene thought he was going to leave

Troy carefully looked at Charlene’s expression. I’m going out to get some air. It’s a little stuffy 


Charlene showed an embarrassed expression

At this time, the waiter came in pushing the cake on a cart

Charlene went to cut the cake

Troy walked slowly to the end of the corridor and sent a message to Imogen


Despite standing outside for a while, Troy still felt a little hot

When he returned to the private room, the cake had already been cut

Seeing him coming in, Charlene deliberately took a piece and walked over. Mr. Marshall, do you want to try it? The cakes from this shop are delicious.” 

Put it there.” Troy gestured to the coffee table before him, speaking in a slightly hoarse voice

Charlene put the cake on the table before Troy and said, Would you like to sing a song at this rare moment?” 


Troy picked up the small cake plate, took a taste for the sake of it, raised his hand, and glanced at his watch. Then, he went to the sofa to pick up his coat. It’s getting late. I’ll go back first. You continue.” 


Charlene said behind him, Mr. Marshall, are you leaving now? Aren’t you going to stay a while. longer?” 

Mr. Marshall, stay a while longer,an employee said

You guys play. Don’t go home too late.Troy took his coat and walked out

The employees did not persuade anymore and followed Troy to the door of the private room

Mr. Marshall, safe trip home.” 

Don’t have to send me. Go have fun.” 

Troy strode away

Charlene trotted a few steps to catch up. Mr. Marshall, I seem to have heard that your car had a flat tire. Can you go back? Why don’t I book you a room upstairs?” 

No need.” 

Then shall I send you back?” 

Someone has come to pick me up. Ms. Johnson, you can go back. You are today’s birthday girl. They are still waiting for you.” 

ThenI’ll send you downstairs and leave after you get in the car.” 

Charlene moved her lips, racking her brain to think of ways to make Troy stay

She knew the drug was about to kick in

She would not stupidly compete with Sarah like Imogen. She just wanted one night

Just one night

Charlene followed Troy into the elevator

The elevator door closed, and there were only two people in the closed space. It was silent

Troy pressed the ground floor

Charlene stood behind Troy, sizing up Troy from the corner of her eye

He was only wearing a black shirt. His cuffs were rolled up, revealing his muscular forearms, and the coat was draped over his elbows. It was such a casual posture, yet he had an indescribable elegance

Charlene plucked up her courage, walked behind him, and was about to hug him

At this moment, the elevator door opened suddenly, and several young people came in, talking 


and laughing. When they saw Troy in the elevator, their voices fell silent for a moment

A young girl glanced at Troy a few times. It was not difficult for her to see that this was a successful man. He looked young, but his eyes were calm, and he exuded the temperament of

mature man

Moreover, he looked familiar

Before the young girl could remember who this man was, the elevator door opened

The elevator stopped on the ground floor

After the young people went out, only then did Troy follow. He turned around and looked at Charlene. Sending me here will do.” 

It’s okay. It’s just a few steps away. I’ll send you to the door.” 

Coming out from the bar, they were surrounded by flicking neon lights, and a gust of cold wind blew past

Autumn nights were a bit chilly

Charlene approached. Mr. Marshall, aren’t you cold?” 

Nope.Troy shook his head

He was not only not cold but somewhat hot for some reason

Charlene looked around. Is the person who is picking you up still not here?” 

It’s going to take a while.” 

Then I’ll wait with you.Charlene walked a few steps toward Troy

She knew this was her last chance

AhCharlene’s high heels tilted, and she fell straight onto Troy

Troy stretched out his hand to help her. Are you all right?” 

Mr. Marshall, I’ve sprained my ankle.Charlene clung to Troy’s arm subtly

I’ll help you back to the hall and sit down.” 

Mr. Marshall, can you take me to the hospital? My car keys are in my pocket.Charlene looked up at Troy with an innocent expression

Troy picked up his phone and made a call


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