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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 106

My Revenge Game My Cheating Boyfriend,

Loved Your Eneny 


Chapter 106 The Tomb of Heroes 

Troy recognized that this was a Jaguar from his garage

He walked across with his coat

Through the windshield in front of the car, he saw Imogen leaning on the back of the chair, arms crossed, looking at him calmly

Troy walked around from the front of the car to the other side, opened the passenger door, and got in. How long have you been here? Why didn’t you call me?” 

Imogen started the car. Not long. Someone was throwing herself into your arms at that moment. How could you have noticed me?” 

As soon as she stopped the car, she saw Charlene fall into Troy’s arms. After that, she was too focused on watching the show. How could she have remembered to call him

Troy smiled and explained, I just stopped her from falling.” 

Charlene hid everything perfectly tonight and never did anything suspicious. However, she failed to control herself near the end

Just now, in the elevator, Troy saw Charlene’s unfinished movements from the wall

Troy did not believe that she really sprained her ankle

It seemed that, just as Imogen said, Charlene liked him

Why don’t you send her to the hospital? Send her to the hospital, then send her home after that. and you might get a surprise.” 

Troy glanced at Imogen and lowered the window glass on his side to let the wind blow in. There is a surprise now too.” 


You’ll know when we’re homed.” 

While Imogen was taking a bath, Troy walked in wearing a bathrobe, his face flushed, his voice hoarse, and his breathing heavy

She finally knew what surprise Troy was referring to

Troy realized that something was wrong with his body as soon as he got into the car

When he got home, he felt that his whole body was on fire, and there was hotness surging from the depths of his body, and even his throat was dry

He had been drugged

Troy did not expect Charlene to do this. While angry, he also felt a bit of imperceptible joy

Imogen still resisted him to a certain extent

This would be an excellent opportunity to ease the relationship between them

Imogen shrank toward the corner of the wall and suggested. Why don’t you take a cold shower? Isn’t that what you did last time” 

The weather is cold now. I’ll catch a cold now if I take a cold shower.” 

Troy approached step by step, looking at Imogen with scorching eyes. Some kind of scorching flame flashed in his eyes, and he interrupted her words

Why don’t you go to the hospital” 


It’s too late.” 


Imogen’s lips were sealed shut

Troy embraced her and covered the back of her neck with his big hands, deepening the kiss. There was some tenderness within this passionate kiss

His hand that fell on her waist went down along her spine and rubbed her curvy tush twice. Then, he held Imogen’s hand and guided it under the bathrobe

The man’s breath filled up every corner of Imogen’s nose and mouth

The kiss was wet and steamy

Imogen was almost out of breath

Her other hand tightly grasped Troy’s bathrobe, but for some reason, she accidentally pulled the tie of the bathrobe

The robe fell to the ground and was quickly soaked by water

The sound of water was mixed with the man’s heavy panting and the woman’s tender moan

The small space was filled with an erotic atmosphere

Imogen positioned her arms against the wall, shaking with the rhythm. Her eyes were blurred, her face flushed, and her lips parted slightly

Troy held her slender waist with one hand, walked around in front of her with the other, and said vaguely, It’s hard again, isn’t it?” 

At this moment, Imogen regretted that she did not lock the door when taking a shower

The thought flashed by, and she was pulled into the vortex of passion again

After a long time, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped

Troy carried out Imogen, who was wrapped in a bath towel, put her on the bed, and started a new round of conquest

The figures of the two people overlapped on the big bed

The room was filled with erotic voices

Even the moon was shy and hid behind the clouds

In the early morning, when Imogen opened her eyes, she saw Troy’s muscular chest had several obvious scratches on it

On his neck, there were a few small hickeys, which were very ingeniously positioned. They would only be faintly visible if Troy wore a shirt

This was her bad habit. It always had been

However, she thought she would never fall like this again

Yet, after getting close to him, she could not help but sink again

Imogen moved her body, feeling sore all over

Recalling what happened last night, she pursed her lips

He was a bit of a rascal. He said several times that he was about to finish soon, but he never stopped. Close to the end of it, she could no longer remain conscious

21 10.10

In fact, they had never done it again since he went on a business trip in July

They had parted for too long

His technique was good, and she enjoyed it too

Are you awake? What are you thinking about so early in the morning? Your face is so red.Troy’s handsome face approached as he laughed and joked

Imogen quickly denied, I was thinking about anything. Why haven’t you gotten up yet?” 

According to his previous routine, he should be jogging outside at this time

I’m not jogging today.” 

After a while, Troy said suddenly, I finally know why the old saying goes like that.” 

What old saying?Imogen asked casually

That woman is the tomb of heroes.” 

Imogen was speechless

Troy wrapped his arms around Imogen’s waist, and his eyes were gentle. Are you getting up or napping for a while more?” 

Nap for a while,Imogen said, I’m a little sleepy.” 

Last night, they finished too late and barely slept

The two hugged each other on the bed for a while and got up on time at seven o’clock

After breakfast, they went to the office together

They seemed to be back to the previous state

When they parted at the elevator entrance, Troy took Imogen’s hand and kissed her on the lips. She quickly pushed him away, worried that they might be seen by others

The employees who were still shrouded in fear suddenly realized that Troy changed back today when they reported their work to him today. That irritable and temperamental Troy was gone, and that gentle and amiable Troy returned

This was simply great news

Some sharpeyed people immediately caught something unusual on Troy’s neck

Imogen went to the bathroom and heard two colleagues talking in the cubicles beside her

One person said, Hey, have you seen Mr. Marshall today?” 

Yeah, why?” 

Didn’t you notice?” 

Notice what?” 


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