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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 109


Chapter 109 Relationship Crisis 

At eleven o’clock, Troy came back from outside, and the two of them had lunch at home

The driver sent them to the airport, where the secretaries were already waiting

This time, Troy brought four secretaries with him

Except for Lane, the other three didn’t know their relationship

But perhaps Lane had informed them in advance, as the three secretaries greeted Imogen calmly, without any surprise on their faces, as if Imogen was also on a business trip

After checking in, they waited in the VIP lounge

Troy sat down on the sofa, and immediately, a staff member brought him coffee

Imogen chose a sofa facing the French window, where she could see several planes parked outside with just a turn of her head

As she turned her head, she saw Troy holding a finance magazine and reading it attentively

As for passengers around her, they were either reading magazines or books or working on their phones

It was quiet

At this moment, Imogen’s phone vibrated twice

Troy looked up and met her 


Imogen smiled apologetically and switched the vibration to silent mode

It was a Facebook message from Liam

Liam: [Any plans for the holiday?

Imogen: [Yes, I’m at the airport now.

Liam: [Where are you going?

Imogen: [Paris.

Liam: [How long will you stay?

Imogen: [About a week.

Liam: [That’s nice. We only have three days off, and after three days, we have to start shooting. And during these three days, I can’t just relax. I still have to attend some engagements.] Imogen: [Well, that’s tough for you.

The two of them chatted on the phone back and forth

Liam: [How is your relationship with your boyfriendHow’s it going? Last time, you said you were about to break up

Imogen looked up at Troy and replied It’s okay, we haven’t broken up yet. I’m still observing.

At that moment, a figure walked towards Troy. Mr. Marshall? What a coincidence. Where are you heading?” 

Imogen looked up. It was a middleaged man in a suit who could tell that he used to be handsome in his youth

Troy put down the magazine in his hand and shook hands with the man. I’m going to Paris.” 

What a coincidence. I also have some business to attend to in Paris.” 


After speaking, the man turned his gaze toward Imogen and asked, This should be Ms. Forbes, right?” 

Imogen heard the man mention her, and she nodded respectfully. And 

you are?” 

The middleaged man stared at Imogen for a long time and replied, My surname is Page. Sarah Page is my daughter.” 

Ah, so you are Mr. Page. Sorry, I didn’t recognize you,Imogen raised her eyebrows and spoke respectfully

No need for apologies.Bill waved his hand

Bill exchanged a few words with Troy. During the conversation, his gaze kept drifting toward Imogen

Imogen felt it was strange, but she only thought that maybe he disliked her because of Sarah, and maybe he had some plans to deal with her

It was time to board the plane

They were in first class

Imogen had a window seat, with Troy sitting next to her

Just as she settled into her seat, a voice came from the aisle, Mr. Marshall, we meet again.” 

Bill glanced at Imogen and sat down in the seat in front of Troy

After more than ten hours, the plane landed at Paris airport

Bill said goodbye to Troy and Imogen

Watching his figure, Imogen murmured softly in Troy’s ear, Do you think he’s here to monitor 


Anyway, Imogen always felt that Bill was a bit strange

No need to pay attention to him.” 

The secretaries collected their luggage

A car from the overseas branch was sent to pick up Troy and Imogen and take them to their accommodation

After arriving, Imogen belatedly asked, Are we not staying at a hotel?” 

The secretaries will stay at a hotel. We will stay here,” said Troy

It was a villa district with a small and exquisite standalone building

The landscaping was also well done

Imogen was somewhat surprised as she looked at this luxurious villa

Seeing Imogen staring at the villa, Troy raised an eyebrow and asked, Do you like it?” 

Imogen nodded. It’s very beautiful.” 

Troy said, If you like it, come here more often.” 


Imogen’s response was too short. Troy raised an eyebrow and asked, What’s wrong? Don’t you want to come?” 

No, it’s justDid you buy this house?” 

Yes, I come here for business trips often, and it’s not convenient to stay in hotels.” 


Imogen nodded with understanding and said softly, When you come to see Ms. Page every year, do you also stay here?” 

Troy’s face froze. He reached out and grabbed Imogen’s hand. I stay here, and she has never been 


Why are you so anxious to explain?” 

Troy had nothing to say

Seeing this, Imogen smiled brightly. So, when Ms. Page comes to find you, you won’t let her in either?” 

Troy fell silent and changed the subject. Let’s unpack first.” 

Watching his expression, Imogen teased him with a smile

Before, whenever she heard about him being with Sarah, she would be filled with sadness. She didn’t know since when she could even make jokes about him and Sarah

There was a housekeeper in the villa who helped them unpack their luggage

Imogen toured the villa upstairs and downstairs and saw Troy sitting on a single sofa on the other side, peeling an apple

The apple skin was peeled off in one long strip

Troy handed the peeled apple to Imogen. Try it.

Imogen took the apple and took a bite. It’s delicious.” 

If it’s delicious, eat more.” 

You eat it.Imogen gave the apple back to him and went to tidy up with the housekeeper. The villa was regularly cleaned, and the bedroom was always tidy. The bedding was freshly sundried and ready to use. Imogen neatly placed her clothes from the suitcase into the wardrobe

They didn’t bring much, and after a while, the secretaries brought some daily necessities they had bought locally

After settling in, the housekeeper prepared lunch


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