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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 108

Your Eneny 

Chapter 108 Do You Want to Experience My Charm

In the Page Villa, the assistant handed over a file bag and said, Sir, we have investigated and compiled the information on Imogen. It’s all here. Please take a look.” 

Put it down,said Bill

The assistant placed the file bag on the table

Bill opened the bag and found only a few thin pages of information inside

The first page contained basic information about Imogen

Name: [Imogen.

Gender: [Female.

Nationality: [America.

Date of Birth: [December 2nd, 1998.

Father: [Ignacio Forbes.

Mother: [Irene Forbes.

Upon seeing this name, Bill was stunned

He hurried to flip the next page and found a document about Imogen’s mother, Irene

It was too long ago, and Imogen’s mother had been gone for too long, so there were no photos in 

the information. But based on the other basic information, Bill concluded that this Irene was the same Irene he had once known

Judging from Imogen’s date of birth, Irene had married Ignacio after leaving him

At noon, Imogen took the assistant to meet a client

In the middle of the way, Imogen went to the restroom


Hearing someone calling her from behind, Imogen stopped, turned around, and found that it was Riley

She smiled and walked over, greeting him. Riley, are you eating here too?” 

Riley nodded. What about you? Are you with Troy?” 

No, I came here to meet a client.” 

Now, how are things between you and Troy?” 

For now, it’s going well.” 

Indeed, in Imogen’s heart, their relationship is going well for now

She didn’t know if Sarah had been in contact with Troy privately, but she was sure that Sarah wouldn’t give up on Troy so easily

I’ve been watching you two all the way in this relationship, and I’m happy for you,said Riley. Thank you!” 

Among Troy’s friends, Imogen could only sincerely treat Riley

But Troy is someone who values loyalty and righteousness. At that time, Sarah went through all those things, and Troy didn’t just ignore her.” 

Seeing Imogen’s expression, Riley asked, Troy didn’t tell you?” 

Imogen shook her head

Troy was probably afraid of upsetting Imogen, so he rarely mentioned Sarah in front of her

When they were dating, Sarah was kidnapped and gangraped by the kidnappers on the way,” said Riley

Upon hearing this, Imogen widened her eyes

Riley, who are you talking to?Someone shouted from the nearby room

Let’s end the conversation. I’ll leave first.” 

Take care.” 

Watching Riley’s figure leave, Imogen couldn’t calm down

She had guessed that something bad had happened to Sarah, but she didn’t expect it to be like this

agree to 

Imogen thought, But it wasn’t Troy who ordered the kidnapping of Sarah. Why did he Sarah’s conditions? Could it be that the reason Sarah was kidnapped was related to Troy?” 

If you have any questions, just ask,said Troy

At the dinner table in the Galaxy Villa, this was already the fourteenth time Imogen had looked at Troy

Imogen lowered her eyes, took a sip of juice, and fell silent for a while. What exactly happened. between you and Sarah?” 

Troy was taken aback. Why suddenly ask about this?” 

Just curious,Imogen said while looking at Troy’s expression, If you can’t say it, then forget it.” 

Troy picked up a piece of meat and put it on Imogen’s plate. Eat more, don’t just drink juice.” 


There’s nothing I can’t say. It’s just that those things are in the past, and it’s not necessary to dwell on them.” 

That’s true.” 

Looking at Imogen’s expression, Troy sighed helplessly and took the initiative to mention, You should know something. At that time, we were selected to perform at the school anniversary celebration and got to know each other like that. We started dating after the celebration, We had a month of rehearsals before the anniversary celebration, and after it ended, we got together. There’s nothing to tell in this period. After graduation, we started working, and later, some unpleasant things happened between us. We had arguments from time to time, and then she broke up with me and went abroad.

The unpleasant things he mentioned should refer to the incident that Riley mentioned

In this period, there’s nothing to tell? But why there’s nothing to tell suddenly?Imogen hinted. My schedule was busy, so we didn’t have much time together.” 

Who confessed feelings first?” 

It was her.” 

During Troy’s college years, he pursued a double major with heavy courses, leaving little room for 

anything else. He didn’t initially want to participate in the school anniversary event

As he reminisced about those days, Troy narrowed his eyes

It had been a long time, but he remembered agreeing to be with Sarah because he felt comfortable being around her

Troy had a quiet personality. While other college students were busy with romantic affairs, Troy’s focus was entirely on studying

Sarah was gentle and considerate, not needy like other girls. She was very accommodating with his schedule

It seems that Mr. Marshall’s charm is as strong as ever,Imogen said with a rare smile

Troy’s eyes flickered slightly. It seemed like it had been a long time since he had seen Imogen smile so casually

He rubbed Imogen’s head and leaned in close. Do you want to experience my charm?” 

How do I do that?” 

Troy smiled and carried Imogen upstairs. You’ll find out on the bed.” 

You’re only thinking about that. We just finished eating, and Sue saw us.Imogen lightly punched Troy’s shoulder

Isn’t it good to exercise after a meal? Sue understands, don’t worry.” 

On the evening of the 29th, Imogen packed luggage at home with Troy by her side

She squatted in the closet, opening a drawer filled with Troy’s men’s underwear

Imogen picked a few pairs and put them in the suitcase

Is there anything else you need to bring?” 

These are enough. We can buy anything we need there.” 


Troy wrapped his arms around Imogen’s waist from behind, planting a hot kiss from behind her ear, trailing down to the nape of her neck

It was said that physical intimacy could strengthen a relationship

This statement had some truth to it

Since that day, they had become more intimate

For the past couple of days, they had had sex every night

Imogen held Troy’s hand. Not today. We have a flight tomorrow, and it will be tiring.” 

Just once.” 

Troy lifted Imogen onto the bed

The next day, they had a noon flight, so Imogen slept in

Imogen got up at 9 o’clock and went downstairs, but Troy wasn’t in the villa. He had a meeting in the morning, so he should be at the company

Sue brought breakfast to the table for Imogen

Thank you.Imogen noticed Sue standing there, hesitating to say something, and asked, Is there 


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