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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 115


Chapter 115 The White Knight Appears 

Chapter 115 The White Knight Appears 

Imogen learned of the news from Liam

While she was having breakfast, she received a message on Facebook Messenger from Liam: [Don’t mind the comments online. Those people are just venting their frustration. In a while, nobody will remember.

Most celebrities had anonymous accounts to lurk and observe, and Liam was no exception, especially when it came to keeping tabs on Imogen

Seeing the derogatory comments in the comment section, Liam couldn’t help but argue back with them using his anonymous account

Yet, the spectators mocked: [Here comes the white knight

Imogen replied with a question mark: [What do you mean?

The chat showed that Liam was typing a reply, but no message came through

Liam was regretful

If he hadknown that Imogen was unaware of the news, he wouldn’t have sent that message. Withdrawing it now would be too obvious

Imogen somewhat guessed what was happening. If you don’t reply, I’ll just check it out online myself.” 

Reluctantly, Liam shared a link with Imogen

The link led to the gossip post on Instagram

[Just read the news and leave it be. It’s all media speculation. Most netizens don’t think for themselves and are easily swayed. Don’t take it to heart.] Liam consoled

Imogen clicked the link and skimmed through it, her expression unchanged

The writing wasn’t bad, and it had a professional touch

Noticing the post’s timestamp, she glanced at Troy, sitting opposite her

I saw the news. Did Lane call you late at night because of this?” 

Troy looked briefly at her phone screen. You don’t need to worry about this. I’ve sent someone to handle it.” 

Okay.Imogen calmly took a bite of her sandwich

Reading the comments on Instagram, she felt no disturbance

Just a mindless mob

To them, any explanation was a coverup. Silence was guilt. They weren’t worth the attention. Imogen then messaged Liam back: [Thank you. I’m not taking it to heart. Don’t get upset over them either

Don’t play with your phone during meals.Troy hinted

As Imogen was about to put her phone down, another message from Liam popped up. [Has your boyfriend seen this news? If he has, explain it to him. Don’t let him misunderstand.

In this message, Liam was probing. He remembered Imogen once mentioned she and her boyfriend were not getting along and were on the brink of breaking up

Imogen glanced at Troy across the table


Chapter 115 The White Knight Appears 

Initially, she had concealed her relationship with Troy, thinking they would soon divorce

But now, things had taken an unexpected turn

She didn’t want her friends to misunderstand or constantly worry about her

After pondering for a while, she replied to Liam: [No misunderstanding.

Seeing her reply, which suggested no intention of breaking up anytime soon, Liam felt a bit dejected. [It’s good he believes in you!

Imogen: [What I mean issome of the things in the news are true.

Liam: [?

Liam: [Do you meanwhat I think 

you mean?

The typing indicator blinked continuously, showing Liam’s conflicted emotions

As Imogen was about to explain further, Troy set down his fork. I’m done eating. Hurry up. I’ll wait for you to head to the office.” 

Seeing this, Imogen couldn’t dawdle any longer. She had to put down her phone and focus on her meal

After getting into the car, Imogen turned on her phone, only to find two more messages from 


[Do you meanyou and Mr. Marshall

The punctuation couldn’t fully express Liam’s current emotions

He found it hard to believe, but then he recalled the last time in the underground parking lot of the hotel where Sarah held her birthday party. Imogen was cold towards Troy, yet Troy wasn’t the least bit annoyed. Clearly, their relationship was out of the ordinary

Thinking of Troy’s subtle hostility towards him, at first, Liam thought it was just his imagination. Some unintentional details that had gone unnoticed at the time now made sense in retrospect

It seemed there had been signs all along

He even began to suspect that the boyfriend Imogen spoke of was Troy

And the last time when Imogen mentioned they were about to break up, the cause was Troy celebrating Sarah’s birthday

Liam remembered that when Sarah had been burned, even though the injury wasn’t serious, Troy still stayed by her bedside all night

With Troy so entangled with Sarah, how could he be worthy of Imogen

So, he sent another message to Imogen. [Imogen, if the news is true, I hope you think clearly. Troy isn’t someone worthy of your trust!

Unlocking her screen, Imogen saw Liam’s messages

Previously, she would have defended Troy if Liam had spoken this way

But now, she just frowned slightly, about to reply, when she heard Troy’s voice, I’m not someone worth entrusting?” 

His tone was playful as he asked, If not me, then who? Liam?” 

Imogen was startled and quickly hid her phone, looking at Troy cautiously. How did you peek at my phone?” 



I didn’t peek. I looked right at it.” 

She had been chatting on her phone during breakfast, and Troy had noticed that she was talking 

to Liam

Seeing her continue the chat with Liam after getting into the car, Troy couldn’t help himself. He glanced at Imogen’s phone screen and saw that particular message

YouImogen gave him a look but said nothing. She unlocked her phone and replied to Liam. [I’ll explain when I have time.

Seeing this message, Liam’s expression dimmed

He wanted to reply but feared Imogen might find him too meddlesome and possibly wouldn’t even remain friends with him. He typed a few words but deleted them all

You haven’t answered my question.Troy pressed her

What question?” 

I’m not someone worth entrusting? Then who is? Liam?” 

Troy looked deep into Imogen’s eyes, his voice low

Even though their relationship had been harmonious lately, he hadn’t forgotten that when he had suggested divorce, Imogen had immediately agreed

Was it because she liked Liam

The doubt in his voice was so pronounced, as if she had cheated on him


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