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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 116

hapter 116 She Is a Mistress 

What is that?” 

The other said, I saw it! It was bursting in the middle of the night. It lasted an hour and was gone in an instant. Mr. Marshall is awesome.” 

Come on. What is that?” 

Lucy, you must be devastated to know that.” 

The employee named Lucy felt very nervous. It can’t be that my idol Couple is broken up, right?The other two employees were close to her and knew Lucy’s favorite was the controversial Couple. She was a super fan of Couple Celebrity Insider. She was obsessed with it every day

company to She was also an internal staff of Marshall Group, so she had seen Sarah coming to the see Troy. She casually revealed something on Instagram, which attracted a lot of attention from Couple fans

You got 

it! Mr. Marshall and Ms. Forbes from McKessonYou can search for emotional types on Instagram.” 

The voice paused momentarily before the employee added, Look, there’s quite a bit of evidence here. This matter has been firmly settled. The press has shot them going home together several 


Oh, my god!She screamed like a groundhog

Lucy had about seen the blurb and cried out, How did this happen? How could this happen? Wasn’t Mr. Marshall staying with Sarah? My Couple” 

Don’t take Couple too seriously. Rich people are all like that. I told you there had to be a reason for this. The rumors from the company earlier must be true. Imogen is bitchy, being a mistressOh my godI’m so angry! Mistress. Bitch. Go to hell!” 

Keep your voice down. Be careful not to be heard.” 

It’s okay. It’s not like there’s anyone else here.” 

Imogen was speechless

Damn it. She’s disgusting. She was going to whitewash at the press conference. How can she be so bitchy? Thanks to her good father!Lucy cursed in anger

press conference. She thought Imogen was a whore for doing all that activity with Troy at the After Mr. Marshall left, the Marshall family didn’t treat Imogen well, so she had to find herself some support.” 

Isn’t she the adopted daughter of the Marshall family? What does the money of the Marshall family have to do with her? She can’t be satisfied with being adopted, and she wants to fight for the family fortune. She’s really an ungrateful person.” 

But I really didn’t expect Mr. Marshall to be this kind of person.” 

Come on. Imogen must have seduced him! After all these years in the Marshall family, if they were in love, they’d be together already. Would they have waited until Sarah returned?” 

That’s right! Perhaps the transfer of Ms. Johnson in Public Relations had something to do with Imogen as well” 




Chapter 116 She Is a Mistress 

I can’t figure out why Mr. Marshall is with Imogen either. She seems so apathetic like everyone owes her something. I doubt the employees would get depressed if they had to see her nasty face all day. Fortunately, our manager is kind and humble” 

The sound of the toilet flushing was heard one after the other

The three discussed a few more words and left the bathroom

Imogen stood behind the door of the bathroom for a while before she went out

After this time, her reputation and popularity in the company might drop again

Imogen was washing her hands in front of the sink and looking at herself in the mirror. She suddenly felt strange for a moment

Imogen felt like she should be unqualified compared to other department heads who had a good relationship with their employees

After being adopted by the Marshall family, she changed to a different high school

At that time, she had also thought about forgetting everything that was not good in the past. She wanted to be active in her class, get along with her classmates, and become a new Imogen

She tried

Two years later, she seemed to have a lot of friends around her, yet it seemed like she didn’t have 


She seemed very popular. Students would greet her when they saw her on the road

But no one would ever want to go to the restroom with her or hang out with her during recess. Although she seemed popular, it was because she was the top student in the class. Her classmates just came to ask her questions

After the college entrance examination, everything was revealed

She was alone again

She remembered the way her language teacher looked at her and sighed

The teacher said she was too defensive

He had never seen a student as wary as she

If she was a cat, she would be a wildcat crouching and huffing, ready to pounce on someone. She would never show her soft belly

She even had secrets from Troy

She couldn’t get into Troy’s heart, and she was afraid to let Troy into hers. She dared not let Troy know that she had loved him for many years before

She had been married to Troy for three years, and they were outwardly in love

In fact, she had never completely trusted Troy

Imogen tidied up the stray hair on her forehead

It was okay to be unpopular

She wouldn’t be at Marshall Group much longer

She passed through a work area after coming out of the bathroom. Imogen was clearly aware that some employees were looking at her wistfully

She went straight back to the office and started working

Chapter 116 She Is a Mistress 

At noon, Imogen received a message from Charlie

Charlie: [Imogen, did you watch the news?

Imogen: [Yes.

Charlie: [What’s going on with you and Mr. Marshall?

Charlie: [Damn it. Why does this news read like it’s true?

Imogen: [Wellpart of it is indeed true.

Charlie: [Huh? What?????

Charlie sent five question marks in a row. She couldn’t believe it. Charlie: [Did you really get together with Mr. Marshall?

Imogen: [Yes.

Charlie was silent for a while


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