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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 119

st Friend 

My Revenge Game My Cheating Boyfriend,

Loved Your Enemy 

Chapter 119 Would Rather Die Without You

Sarah threw herself into Troy’s arms with a face full of grievances, clutching Troy’s collar tightly, sobbing. Troy, I thought you didn’t want me anymore! Why did you come so late” 

Troy paused momentarily, then slowly reached out his hand, patting Sarah’s back and comforting her in a low voice, “Don’t be afraid. It’s all right” 

Sarah cried so sadly in Troy’s arms

It was such a bittersweet scene that a talented man and a beautiful woman hugged each other and wept… 

Imogen stood not far away, looking at them calmly

Was she jealous? Not so much

She had already imagined this before she came to the hospital

She thought she would be sad and angry

But now that she had seen it, her heart was never so calm

Your wound is still bleeding. Let the doctor take care of it first.” 

Troy held Sarah’s injured wrist and signaled the doctor to come forward

Unexpectedly, Sarah shrank desperately behind Troy when the doctor stepped forward, shouting

I don’t want to bandage! I don’t want to bandage! Stay away from me!” 

The doctor looked at Troy helplessly

Troy frowned. Sarah, your wound needs it. Otherwise, you will die!” 

With tears in her eyes, Sarah looked at Troy affectionately. I will die if it is in your arms!Don’t talk nonsense!Troy turned gloomy, and he subconsciously glanced at Imogen

Imogen just looked at them calmly. There was even a smile on her face. Troy was panicked out of nowhere

I’m not talking nonsense! I was really in pain when you left me. I couldn’t eat, drink, or sleep during this period. When I closed my eyes, my mind was full of you. If given another chance, I would never choose to break up with you. I know that you are respectful to Henry and have to abandon me. I am willing to fulfill your filial piety with my death! I am satisfied to die in your arms!Sarah burst into tears, each word being painful

Troy’s attention was all on Imogen. He just looked at Sarah calmly, silent momentarily, and said, Don’t think about it. Bandage the wound first.” 

I don’t want bandages. I don’t! I’d rather die without you!” 

Troy became sullen. Okay, since you are determined to die, then no one can stop you, and I won’t stay and waste time.” 

After this, Troy stood up, turned around, and left

Sarah was shocked and hurriedly hugged Troy’s arm, crying and begging, Troy, don’t, don’t go!Troy stopped and looked at Sarah. Are you still threatening me with death?” 

Sarah shook her head repeatedly, sobbing and wiping the tears on her face with her hands, then her face was inadvertently stained with blood, and she was in a mess

She said in a panic, I didn’t threaten you. I was just afraid that you would leave if I bandaged. I don’t want you to leave.” 


Chapter 119 Would Rather Die Without You

If you don’t bandage, I’ll leave right away.” 

I’ll do itI’ll bandage itSarah said aggrievedly, wiping away tears

Troy signaled the doctor

The doctor stepped forward to take care of Sarah’s wound

Sarah did not resist this time, but she seemed a little scared, curled up in Troy’s arms, tightly grasping his arm, and refusing to let go

Seeing the affectionate scene of them, Imogen quietly withdrew from the ward

She stood in the corridor, looking in a daze at the distant sky through the window

Her guess was correct

As long as Sarah was still around, she and Troy would not be able to live a stable and peaceful life. She didn’t want to live in fear all the time

She was tired

Footsteps came from behind

Ylah stood beside Imogen with a smug smile on her lips. Ms. Forbes, have you seen it? Mr. Marshall and Sarah’s feelings for each other won’t be gone so easily!” 

Ylah thought Imogen would retort, but unexpectedly, she nodded in agreement. You’re right.Ylah froze. Since Ms. Forbes knows, then you should also know that hovering is meaningless. Let go when it is time. At least leave yourself some decency.” 

I think this advice should be helpful to Ms. Page. No matter how deep the feelings are, it can’t be the reason to get involved in another’s marriage. This morning, my friend thought the news was true and told me, ‘I don’t want to be friends with a mistress, it seems that the old saying is true, birds of a feather flock together!” 

Ylah’s expression changed. Footsteps came from behind Ylah when she was about to retort. Troy came out of the ward and stopped behind Imogen. Let’s go.” 

Is it done?Imogen turned around


Sarah’s screaming came from the ward again. It sounded like she was frightened

Mr. Marshall, don’t you want to accompany Sarah a little longer? SheYlah silenced when she met Troy’s grim gaze

Imogen glanced at Troy

Troy held her hand and went downstairs with her, side by side

Seeing them, the driver hurriedly put out the cigarette and opened the car door. Sir, back to the company?” 


The car drove out of the hospital gate, rolled over the speed bump, and was about to enter the main road

Suddenly, the driver stepped on the brake

A group of people surrounded their car all of a sudden, stood in front of the hood, and took pictures wildly with cameras on the window, chattering about various issues, hoping that Troy 


and Imogen would come down for an interview

It was the reporters who had been waiting near the hospital. Imogen stared at the crazy crowd outside the car dumbly

What a familiar scene

It was just that the people being blocked changed from herself to her and Troy

Troy looked gloomy and said to the driver, Go ahead. I can afford the compensation!” 

The driver’s face was pale, his head was sweating, and he drove the car forward bit by bit

Troy could always afford it, but he was the one who was driving the car

If someone were hurt, there would be another round of cyber violence

How could the reporters leave so easily when they finally caught the parties involved? They still tightly surrounded the car and moved forward bit by bit with the car

They held microphones over and asked questions one after another even though the windows were closed and no one responded to them

Mr. Marshall, Ms. Forbes, can you come down for an interview?” 

May I ask Mr. Marshall, what do you think of the revelation this morning?” 

What is the relationship between you and Ms. Forbes?” 

Troy remained silent

The cars in the hospital came and went, and the horns followed one after another

Hospital security also came to maintain order

The driver drove forward slowly. Finally, there was a gap in the crowd, so he stepped on the gas pedal and moved away quickly

The reporters dared not block their car with their flesh, the legal department of Marshall Group wouldn’t easily make them satisfied if they were injured and asked for compensation, and there was nothing they could do if it dragged on for years. The gossip they made had little impact on Marshall Group’s stock. There were a lot more bosses whose private life was more chaotic than Troy’s. Troy’s pornographic news was nothing at all

On the contrary, the reporters themselves might be retaliated against by others, get the short end of the stick, and have nowhere to ask for help

Troy’s face still looked awful when they were away from the hospital

It was peaceful when they arrived, but after a short stay in the hospital, a group of reporters appeared… 


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