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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 120


Chapter 120 Avoiding Appeared Guilty 

As expected, news of Imogen and Troy not showing up after being cornered by reporters quickly spread online

However, in the eyes of netizens, responding seemed like deceit, while avoiding the situation appeared guilty

Public opinion escalated further

Charlie couldn’t resist reposting the video and wrote: [Imogen has a clear conscience. Don’t try to smear her.

Since the makeup incident, where she had spoken up for Imogen, netizens regarded her as Imogen’s friend and always left terrible comments on her Instagram

Charlie didn’t care about it. She engaged in arguments with netizens under her Instagram posts

Imogen had an impromptu meeting in the afternoon. Coming out of the meeting room, she headed towards the president’s office with some documents

Ms. Forbes,Lane from the president’s office approached her and said, Are you looking for Mr. Marshall?” 

I have some documents that require his signature.” 

Mr. Marshall is not in the company. If it’s not urgent, you can leave the documents with me. And I’ll 

pass them on to him when he returns.” 

Imogen checked her watch and found it was already four in the afternoon

Alright,Imogen handed the documents to Lane and said, Our business partners are pressing, so it would be best if you could get it to me before getting off work today.” 


Imogen returned to her office to work

Time flew by, and it was soon time to get off

She glanced at her Facebook but found no messages. Imogen initiated a chat with Lane: [Has Mr. Marshall not come back yet?

Lane could sense the chilliness even through the screen. He replied cautiously: [Not yetThere must be something important that’s keeping him

Something important

Well, accompanying Sarah was important to Troy

Lane cautiously suggested: [How about giving Mr. Marshall a call?

Imogen picked up her phone and walked to the window. She dialed Troy’s number and listened to the ringing repeating itself over and over. Finally, there was a beep as the call ended 

automatically. He didn’t answer

Imogen snorted and headed home after work

Not long after Imogen went to bed, her phone aside rang

She opened her eyes slightly, and the glow from her phone screen in the darkness was somewhat blinding. Troy’s name stood out prominently on the screen

Imogen directly blocked the call and turned off her phone

It’s twenty to eleven in the evening, the lights were still on in a twostory building within a villa complex

The villa had a small courtyard housing several electric bicycles, while two cars were parked in front

Nearby residents were aware that this villa was no ordinary residence. It had been rented out by someone to serve as a studio

The electric bicycles and cars belonged to the employees who worked there

Their working hours were variable. Sometimes they started early and sometimes got off work late. Once, a neighbor elderly gentleman bumped into the villa’s landlord and asked him about it. The landlord didn’t know much either. The tenant who rented the villa only mentioned that it was a studio for their selfmedia endeavors. And the landlord wasn’t clear about what they were doing specifically

The neighboring gentleman could sense that these people had been very busy these past few days. Their electric bicycles had remained in the courtyard since yesterday, and the garbage bags thrown out contained quite a few fastfood packing bags

Inside the villa, the studio employees were busy, too occupied to have dinner. It was only around ten in the evening that they finally had a chance to have some fast food

Their lives seemed difficult, but they all wore smiles on their faces

Among them, a tall man named Carey smiled while pouring coffee. Just hold on for a couple more days. We’re going to make big money this time!” 

I was just worrying that we didn’t have any hot topics, and now there’s someone served on a silver platter!Another person said

Rex, why the long face?Carey asked

The man called Rex replied, I’m just afraid Troy will come to us.” 

How’s that possible? Nothing happened last time, right? Besides, it’s a lawbased society now. What can he do to us?” 

Rex sighed and shook his head, A couple of days ago, Marshall Group’s confidential information leaked. When Troy wasn’t around, the upper management of Marshall Group owned ax to grind and had the police detain Imogen for a day. Troy rushed back overnight and got Imogen out. And the next day, the two police officers who made the arrest were suspended” 

Sometimes, laws could do nothing to the wealthy. And the influence of connections couldn’t be underestimated. Troy just needed to drop a hint, and there would be people to step in for him. The suspension reasons of the two police were legitimate, not implicating Troy at all

The employees in the studio exchanged glances

Carey chuckled to smooth things over, Rex, don’t overthink it. What does it have to do with us? Let’s just focus on making money!” 

Just then, the doorbell rang

I’ll go answer it.” 

Rex put down his food and stood up. As he reached the door and opened it, he received a powerful kick to his abdomen before seeing who the man outside was



Caught off guard, he was sent sprawling and clutching his stomach, gasping for breath. A young man with a buzz cut who looked tough entered the room

In a couple of strides, he reached Rex, grabbed his collar, and lifted him. Get up!He commanded

Rex was still startled, afraid, and in pain. What are you doing? What you guys are doing is illegal!” 

The young man seemed unfazed. He gripped Rex’s collar and hit his head against the wall

After a thud, a sizable bump appeared on Rex’s forehead. Dazed and wincing in pain, Rex gritted his teeth

In a couple of minutes, the commotion reached the ears of the other four employees eating in the office. When they rushed out and saw this, their faces turned pale

Who are you?” 

How could you attack Rex?” 

The four employees wanted to step forward to help, but at that moment, some burly men stormed in from outside

It was October, and the weather was turning cooler, especially at night. Each employee wore a coat, but these men were still in short sleeves, revealing their muscular forearms covered in tattoos. They looked like brutal gangsters

Faced with such a scene for the first time, the four employees exchanged uneasy glances, daring not to approach further

Who the hell are you? What do you want?Carey bluffed to mask his unease

He pulled out his phone, dialed 911, and threatened, Let go of Rex now! Do you want to end jail? Breaking into private property and injuring my friendYou’re in for it!” 


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