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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 127



The Alpha’s Hated SanGL 

Chapter 127 He Had Never Experienced Such Feeling 

The car drove into the villa yard. And after getting out of the car, Troy paused and looked up. The lights in the master bedroom had already turned off

Entering the living room, Troy switched on the lights and deliberately glanced at the drawer. The spare key to the master bedroom had been returned

He silently walked into the room

The room was pitch black, with only a few strands of moonlight seeping through the curtain, faintly illuminating Imogen’s hair spread on the pillow

A small bulge formed in the middle of the bed, looking extremely fragile in the darkness

She curled up, with the covers covering half of her face

Troy sat down by the edge of the bed, gently lifting a corner of the covers. Bathed in the faint moonlight, he gazed at her sleeping face

Troy only then noticed the deep wrinkle between her eyebrows, the sweat on her forehead, and the low murmurs coming from her mouth She seemed to be having a nightmare

Suddenly, it seemed as if she had dreamed of something terrifying. Her breathing became heavier and more rapid, her fingers wrinkling the bedsheets, her body stiffening and trembling. Large beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, her lips moved, and she whispered something. Troy bent down, listening to her intermittent and weak voice, No, I’m not. I didn’t” 

A tear slowly trickled down from the corner of her eye, accompanied by her plea, sliding down and percolating through the pillow

Troy’s heart stung unbearably. He gulped and gently patted Imogen’s back, wiping the sweat from her forehead, and softly said, Just sleep, I will protect you. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” 

Dad, I miss you so much. Can you take me home?” 

She dreamed of her father again

She dreamed of the times when she was a child, her father had broad shoulders and would let her sit on them

She dreamed of sitting in the backseat of a cycle, her father giving her his only raincoat

She dreamed of her father cooking to celebrate every time she scored high marks… 

She missed home

She wanted to return to the small house where she and her father relied on each other

She didn’t want to be the adopted daughter of the Marshall family

She was just Imogen, the daughter of Ignacio

Alright, when you wake up, I will take you home.Troy had no intentions of taking advantage of Imogen at this moment

Perhaps hearing the reassurance, Imogen became more peaceful and gradually fell into a deep sleep

Troy looked at her beautiful face and couldn’t help but drift off in thought

Troy thought, So, the calm she shows on the surface is just a facade. She also experiences nights of crying in her nightmares. Liam’s right, she shouldn’t have to endure all this.” 

As Troy saw the tears in the corner of her eyes, a dull ache welled up in him, not sharp but enough 

to let him feel a lingering sourness, making it hard to breathe

Troy thought, Liam said he likes Imogen, so he feels distressed for her. Is this what feeling distressed is like?” 

He tucked Imogen in, gently got up, quietly closed the bedroom door, and slowly walked down the stairs

How could there be such an unbearable feeling in this world

Obviously, it hurt so much, yet it was hard to put into words

Like an old wound in the body, it would be fine on regular days, but on rainy days, it would ache to the bone. But one couldn’t touch the wound or find its source, and could only endure it painfully, tossing and turning

He had never experienced this kind of feeling before

Even during the incident with Sarah back then 

At that time, he had remorse, but it was mostly guilt

At that time, he had just started his internship at the Marshall Group, and there was a leak of software development data

After a thorough investigation, he emerged as the prime suspect, and he was unlikely to leak Marshall Group’s secrets. Thus, the suspect was the only person who had access to his computer


Then he thought of a few suspicious points and confronted Sarah

Sarah cried and tried to disassociate herself, but she couldn’t explain the suspicious points on her. The two quarreled

Before that, they had already had several conflicts

So he said, Let’s not see each other for a few days, calm down, and then decide whether we should continue.” 

But Sarah couldn’t accept it and ran out alone

Then the incident happened

After the incident, he often wondered if he had chased after her that day, she wouldn’t have had the accident

But there were no ifs in life

For him at that time, Henry’s sigh, the colleaguesdisdain, Leo’s consolation, and the fellow internsremedy were so heavy

He didn’t have time for love affairs. He could only do his best to make up for the various problems caused by the data leak

After Sarah was saved, she had a psychological toll and became particularly dependent on him. He never mentioned that they should take a few days apart to cool off again

Facing Sarah, he felt mostly helpless and that he should compensate her and indulge her. Never before had he experienced such a dense and heavy ache deeply rooted in his heart. Troy stopped on the stairs, took out his phone, and dialed Lane’s number


Mr. Marshall, what can I do for you?Lane thought Troy had forgotten to instruct things about 

the collaboration tonight

Didn’t the Financial Channel always want to ask me to do an exclusive interview? You tell them that I agree.” 

What?Lane thought he had misheard

Troy had always disliked the media prying into his privacy. Apart from videos from public speeches circulating online, he never accepted any interviews, didn’t have any social media accounts, and rarely appeared in public

Mr. Marshall, are you sure about this?Lane had a clear conscience. He thought, Mr. Marshall seems to be feeling sorry for Ms. Forbes and intends to personally clarify the situation.” 

Yes, you go contact them and coordinate the time and questions.” 


On Saturday morning, Troy and Imogen went to the Marshall villa

Uncle! Auntie!” 

Fouryearold Wesley bounced out of the living room to greet them

Wesie came so early!” 

Imogen held his hand and walked towards the living room

Wesley looked serious and said, Uncle, Auntie, my dad said he’s taking me hiking. Are you coming 


Climbing the mountain referred to visiting the graves

The Marshall family had a cemetery on a hill on the outskirts, where Thomas and his wife were buried

They were Leo’s biological parents, and on this day every year, he would go up the mountain to pay his respects

Troy would also go, even though he didn’t remember what his father looked like

Last year, Wesley was too young, so Leo didn’t let Wesley go

Sure, Uncle and Auntie will go, too.Imogen said


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