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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 128


Chapter 128 Get a Divorce From Him 

By convention, they would have lunch at the Marshall villa before heading to the cemetery on the 


The lunch was abundant, and the atmosphere at the table was lively

Witty remarks from Wesley, often made everyone burst into laughter

When Imogen Watched Fu Rui’s adorable appearance, there was a hint of a smile in Imogen’s cool 


She wondered what the child inside her would look like when born, hoping that the child would be as cute and carefree as Wesley

On the opposite side of the dining table, Troy’s gaze met Imogen’s, and Imogen couldn’t help but feel a slight hesitation in her composed expression. She discreetly put down her fork and excused herself to the restroom

After washing her hands and returning from the restroom, she saw someone standing at the 


Clad in a dark gray trench coat, shirt, trousers, and leather shoes, when viewed from behind, the figure stood tall and straight like a pine tree

Imogen’s steps hesitated

If it hadn’t been for the person holding an unfinished cigarette in his hand, she might have mistaken him for Troy. Troy didn’t smoke

Troy didn’t smoke

Hearing footsteps behind him, Leo turned his head slightly

Leo.Imogen greeted Leo with a smile, Sneaking out for a smoke?” 

Leo helplessly extinguished the cigarette butt. Agnes doesn’t allow me to smoke at home.” 

She cares about you.Imogen replied

Yeah, I only smoke occasionally. Don’t tell her,Leo said

Okay, I’ll pretend I didn’t see it.Leo and his wife are affectionate, and Imogen won’t interfere too much. Then I’ll go back first.” 

Wait!Leo called out to Imogen

Leo,Imogen stopped and asked, is there something else?” 

Leo said, I’ve seen the recent news on the internet.” 

Hearing this, Imogen lowered her gaze, feeling somewhat embarrassed

Layla and Agnes didn’t ask anything, and she pretended to be calm to maintain her dignity, but Leo saw through it

I know the fault isn’t with you. It lies with Troy. Has he said anything about how to handle the situation? Does he still keep in touch with Sarah?Leo asked

Imogen fell silent, unsure how to answer

She liked to keep her worries to herself. Even when she and Troy were at odds, she never complained or blamed Troy in front of his grandparents. Instead, she hid her troubles and strove to maintain a good relationship between them

You don’t need to worry about anything. Just tell me the truth. Otherwise, I would find out on my 

own!Leo said solemnly

Imogen furrowed her brows and softly replied, He visited Sarah a few days ago.” 

I knew it!Leo sighed. Look, Troy may appear cold, but he keeps many things inside. He’s prone to guilt and vulnerability.” 

Imogen couldn’t help but sneer inside her heart

She thought, “It isn’t that he’s prone to guilt and vulnerability, but rather because of that person, Sarah. He has never shown any vulnerability toward me.” 

Seeing Imogen’s indifferent expression, Leo knew she had some grievances. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke again, You should know that Troy and I have the same father but different mother.” 

Imogen paused and nodded gently

He was brought back by my father when he was just a year old, and I was five at the time. I could already understand his identity from the way adults treated him. I didn’t like him back then. because his presence often led to arguments between my parents, and our once harmonious family was no more” 

Imogen had heard some of this, including the subsequent car accident where Thomas and his wife died. According to the surveillance footage at the time, they had a heated argument and fought over the steering wheel, resulting in the accident

An eyewitness at a service area on the previous road segment saw them and said they were arguing, seemingly because the man had an affair and a child outside the marriage… 

Imogen suddenly realized what it all meant

In society, illegitimate children were looked down upon

Some children, due to their understanding of the significance of the third party in a marriage, felt inferior and believed they shouldn’t exist

Even though Troy came from the wealthy Marshall family and had Henry’s protection, he still needed to socialize and attend school. With various people in his life, someone would inevitably mention his background and ridicule his birth

And as an educated person, even if he never showed it on the surface, did he ever have thoughts of not deserving to exist deep down

And for Thomas and his wife, who died in the car accident because of their argument, did he blame himself and feel responsible for their deaths, causing Leo to lose his parents overnight? Those were all Imogen’s doubts

Leo’s next words confirmed her thoughts

At that time, I couldn’t accept our parentsdeath and blamed everything on Troy. I bullied him in secret, threatening him not to tell our grandfather. He would cover for me in front of our grandfather until he eventually noticed something was wrong… 

In other families, it’s usually the older brother who takes care of the younger one, but Troy would voluntarily give in to me. I know he has been feeling guilty and wants to compensate for something related to our parents. Over time, it became an obsession for him. I believe it’s the same with Sarah.” 

Is that so?Imogen murmured

Has Troy ever talked to you about what happened between them?Leo asked


Imogen instinctively understood that Leo was referring to the incidents involving Sarah

She had heard Riley mention it once, but didn’t know the specifics

Without waiting for her response, Leo looked out the window and reminisced. At that time, Troy had just started his internship at the company and was busy with his studies and work. He neglected Sarah, and they had a quarrel. Upset, Sarah ran out and cried, but Troy didn’t chase after her. It was only when Sarah’s friend called that Troy found out she had gone missing

Soon after, he received the news of the kidnappers demanding a ransom. They were originally targeting him, and perhaps if he had obediently delivered the ransom, Sarah would have been unharmed. But you know Troy, he dislikes being threatened. He reported it to the police, and somehow the kidnappers found out‘ 

As a result, the kidnappers resorted to violence against Sarah

So, this was the truth of the matter

Imogen’s expression was moved

It was only natural for Troy to feel guilt and pain since his loved one was kidnapped because of him and suffered the consequences of his mistake, resulting in her developing a psychological disorder

Leo, as a descendant of the Marshall family, grew up in a privileged environment and lacked nothing but the care of his parents, which Troy could never completely compensate for

But Sarah’s situation was different

As long as Troy stayed with Sarah, it could make up for the harm she suffered

That was why he made a promise to her, promising to take responsibility for her… 

If Imogen were Troy, perhaps her approach would not differ much from his


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