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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 169


Chapter 169 He Can’t Accept It 

After Charlie saw it, she smiled obscenely and showed Imogen her phone. Imogen, look, he wants your Facebook number.” 

Imogen just thought that they were thinking too much. Didn’t I tell you? He just wanted to me for the dry cleaning fee.” 


Charlie raised her eyebrows and replied to Erik. [Why do you want her number?

Erik was typing for a long time and finally sent a message. [I stained her clothes, so I should her for the dry cleaning fee.


When Imogen saw it, she spread her hands. Look, I just said” 

Before she finished speaking, Erik sent another message. [Besides, that lady is very pretty.

Charlie giggled and teased Imogen, Imogen, what do you want to say?” 

Imogen turned her head, casually glanced in the direction of Erik and his companions, and inadvertently met Erik’s eyes

She immediately looked away, feeling very embarrassed

She was not thinking of starting a new relationship right now

Even if she were, she would not choose someone younger than her

Probably because she always needed love, she wanted to find a mature and stable man who could tolerate her and let her feel the warmth of home, just like her father

Many college students nowadays were still like children. She was already very tired and had no interest in watching a child grow up

After staying in Oslo for three days, Imogen and her two companions went to Tromso

At that time, Troy was discharged from the hospital and had just returned to Galaxy Villa

As soon as he entered the house, the cute cat greeted him under his feet

Troy stopped and looked at it condescendingly

He remembered that Imogen was silent after she gave birth in the villa. If she hadn’t been accompanied by Mochi, she would have been bored, and her condition might have worsened. Imogen didn’t love him, but she cared so much about the child. If she had really had a child before, how could she be so indifferent as if the child didn’t exist

Mochi didn’t care about Troy’s gaze. It crawled onto Troy’s shoe with its sharp claws hooking his suit trousers, trying to climb up

Troy picked up Mochi and was about to go upstairs

Sue came out of the bathroom, carrying the trash. Mr. Marshall, you are back.” 

Troy nodded and didn’t speak

Sue subconsciously looked at Troy

He seemed to be thinner. His face was thin, his eye became deeper, and there were wrinkles on his eyelids. He was still sharp and always frowned, which made him look stricter. His strong aura made people dare not look into his 


Sue quickly moved her eyes away and sighed secretly. Troy had a hard time recently. Henry passed away, and Imogen had a miscarriage. Then they got divorced, and there was a car accident. Definitely, Troy had suffered a lot from so many bad things

Mrs. Marshall asked me to give you a box before she left.” 

Troy stopped, and his hand stroking Mochi’s back paused. He looked 

up at Sue

Sue hurriedly took out the box. The box was very delicate, with pearls embedded on the surface. When Sue opened it, Troy saw many exquisite jewelry boxes inside

Mrs. Marshall said these are all jewelry you gave her. They are too expensive, and she doesn’t usually use them, so she asked me to return them to you.” 

Troy put down Mochi, walked over slowly, picked up a box, and opened it. Inside was a necklace

He bought it for Imogen on the way when he went to pick her up at her hometown on the day after recording the interview. She probably only opened it and took a look but never took it out

The boxes under it were also filled with all kinds of jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches, and more

These should also be gifts he gave Imogen

Except for the necklace on the top, he didn’t have any impression of the others

He should have ordered Lane to buy them, but he hadn’t even looked at them himself

Then, he also saw a few small square boxes in the big box, which looked like ring boxes. When he opened one of them, he saw a female ring inside

It was one of the pair of rings that he took her to buy on the day Cedric apologized to her. When they received the custom ring, he put it on her finger in person

He still remembered how the ring looked on her slender finger

The male ring was on his hand, but he never noticed when she had taken hers off

Troy held the ring and looked at it for a long time. His eyes darkened

He put the ring back in the box, closed the box, and took it upstairs

At eight o’clock in the evening, in the box of the club

It was dimly lit and noisy

Riley opened the door and came in. He greeted Hector and the others, looked around, and walked to the sofa in the corner

He sat down beside Troy and asked casually, Why are you sitting here?” 

This place is quiet,” Troy replied. His voice sounded calm

Have you gotten divorced?Riley took out the cigarette case from his pocket


Riley glanced at Troy and threw a cigarette over

Troy lit it with Riley’s lighter and smoked

Where is she now?Riley took a puff of the cigarette

Traveling in Norway with friends.” 

Troy was so calm. Riley looked at him in surprise. Did you just let go like that? I would never let my beloved woman leave.” 

Troy was silent, touched the cigarette ash with his index finger, and smoked again

How could he be willing to let her go

If he could really let her go, he wouldn’t have asked Yann to put a locator with her

If he hadn’t suddenly found out the truth, he would be in Norway now

Riley didn’t know the story. Seeing that Troy didn’t speak, Riley thought Troy was really going to let Imogen go. It’s not like you.” 

I need time.” 

Troy closed his eyes, leaned back against the back of the sofa, and took a puff of the cigarette. The smoke floated in circles until it disappeared

That matter kept haunting him. It even brought a thorn in his heart

If he didn’t figure it out, the thorn would remind him from time to time that Imogen had children with another man

But Troy didn’t know about it until he fell in love with Imogen. He was unprepared and couldn’t accept it

He couldn’t let Imogen go

He clearly understood that he really loved Imogen, and he couldn’t forget the three years he spent 

with her


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