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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 170


Chapter 170 I Miss You Very Much 

Some people who did not know what had happened chimed in and said yes

Especially some people who tried their best to find out about Troy and who appeared here for the first time and wanted to find opportunities to build relationships

Cedric thought that Troy would get angry, but Troy was silent for a while and suddenly asked, Then, who do you think is the better person for me to be a good couple?” 

The man didn’t expect Troy to pay attention to him. His joy was beyond words, and he blurted out, Of course, it’s Ms. Page!” 

Troy remained calm, glanced at the people around him, and asked in a deep voice, Do all of you think so?” 

Those people looked at each other and nodded one after another

Troy sat in the shadow with a gloomy expression, shaking his wine glass faintly, and remained silent for a long time

The man didn’t realize something may be wrong, so he said, Mr. Marshall and Ms. Page are planning your wedding, right?” 


There was a loud bang

Troy suddenly kicked the table in front of him over

The wine placed on it shattered to the ground, and the liquid splashed everywhere

His face was gloomy. His brows were extremely low. Without saying a word, he threw wine glass and strode away



The man was startled and stared blankly at Troy’s back until the door closed and his mouth remained open

The faces of the people around him also turned pale, and they remained silent

There was a dead silence in the private room

The others looked at each other in blank dismay

Even the few people who were playing cards on the other side looked over, not daring to touch any more cards, with inquiring expressions on their faces, not knowing what had happened

Riley said, You guys continue.” 

Riley broke the silence of the room and immediately followed Troy

In another private room

Riley said, Don’t be angry. They don’t understand anything. Don’t bother with them.” 

Holding the wine glass, Troy looked at himself, reflected on the glass wall, with a bitter expression, and said in a deep voice, I’m not angry with them. I’m angry with myself.Troy wondered, Why do they think that

It is because of my behavior that I give them such an illusion.” 

Troy thought that when Imogen was having dinner with her friends, she met him, his friends, and 


Cedric first asked Imogen to call Sarah bu her first name in an intimate tone and to invite Sarah to 

have a drink

He didn’t stop, even acquiesced, and put pressure on Imogen himself

It was the third anniversary of their marriage, but except for the time Cedric apologized, he had never taken Imogen to meet his friends

Even when he and Imogen met friends outside, he still had to introduce Imogen as his sister to conceal their relationship

He never admitted Imogen’s identity in front of his friends

Therefore, they looked down on Imogen just to flatter him and conform to his attitude

The more Troy thought about it, the more regrets he felt

In the past three years, he had caused Imogen to suffer too much

Just like Imogen said, he had said sorry too many times

Knowing that she was wronged, he still continued to wrong her because she was sensible and obeyed his thought

She was enduring again and again. Finally, she was disappointed because of his behavior. Her patience reached the limit

She could not bear it anymore

Trøy put the wine glass to his mouth, drank it down in one gulp, and poured himself another glass

Riley persuaded him. You have just been discharged from the hospital. Please stop drinking.The last few times, Troy came to drink with Riley because of emotional problems with Imogen

Even though he never smoked before, now he was no different from a chain smoker

Riley knew early on that Troy was fickle but affectionate

Therefore, he would be troubled by the emotional problems with Imogen throughout his life

Troy insisted on drinking and said, I’m fine.” 

Riley looked at Troy and said, You obviously still like her, so you should fight for her again. No matter why you backed down, I still hope you think clearly and don’t let yourself regret it for the rest of your life.” 

Troy thought about the incident that made him toss and turn recently, so he drank more and more frequently

Riley was speechless

Riley thought he was just a drinking companion for Troy

Riley couldn’t prevent him from drinking. Considering that Troy had already drunk a lot, he hesitated for a while, went out, and dialed Imogen’s number

At the same time, Imogen was waiting in the departure hall of Oslo Airport, waiting for the plane to Tromso

As she saw Riley calling, she glanced at Charlie and Alex, got up, and went to the window to answer the phone

She answered, Hello, Riley? What’s the matter?” 

Riley said, Troy is drinking.” 

Imogen’s heart skipped a beat when she heard that man’s name. What do you mean?” 

She thought, What does his drinking have to do with me?” 

Riley said, He has just been discharged from the hospital. He is still taking medicine and can’t drink alcohol. I can’t persuade him.” 

She asked, Do you want me to persuade him? Even you can’t persuade him, and I don’t think I can. He won’t listen to me.” 

Riley added, Whether it works or not, give it a try anyway. He was injured so badly to save you. You probably don’t want to see him die from repeated injuries, right?” 

However, it was not serious, as he said

Imogen frowned and hesitated. Okay. Give him the phone.” 

Riley replied, Okay.” 

Riley returned to the private room, saw Troy picking up the wine glass and was about to drink it, and stopped his wrist. Don’t drink it!” 

Troy frowned and looked at him

Riley handed over the phone and said, Please answer the call.” 

It seemed that Troy did not hear the phone ring


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