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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 179


Chapter 179 Prohibited 

After coming down from the snowy slope, Imogen received a Facebook message from Yann. As expected, his friend had declined

Imogen replied. [Too bad. Maybe next time.

Yann responded with an emoji

Troy’s face fell when he noted Imogen’s message

The restaurant where Imogen and her friends were having dinner had a large floortoceiling window that provided a view of the scenery outside

Due to the absence of a clear sense of time, the meal times of tourists were irregular, and at that moment, the restaurant wasn’t too crowded

Halfway through their meal, someone exclaimed, Look! Is that the northern lights?” 

In the deep blue sky, a faint green hue flashed, barely noticeable without careful observation. Nevertheless, it caught the attention of many tourists

Before long, the northern lights suddenly burst forth in a brilliant display, vast expanses of green accompanied by hints of white and magenta painted the immense sky

Some tourists who had been resting in their hotel rooms rushed outside

Imogen and her friends abandoned their meals and went out to capture the northern lights. As Imogen was searching for the right angle, she suddenly sensed a piercing gaze fixed on her, making her feel as if she were on pins and needles, much like the night before the last

Subconsciously, she looked around, trying to identify who was staring at her

However, the surrounding tourists were all busy capturing the northern lights, and no one seemed to be looking at her

Imogen’s gaze shifted toward the second floor of the cabin hotel

At that moment, the piercing gaze vanished

After a moment of contemplation, Imogen turned back and continued photographing the northern lights

Suddenly, she felt that gaze fixed on her again

Pretending not to notice, she continued taking photos, but that gaze seemed to cling to her, monitoring her every move

Imogen was certain that the gaze wasn’t just a casual glance from a tourist. It was directed specifically at her

She swiftly turned her head and surveyed the hotel’s second floor

Several rooms had their lights on, many of which had their windows open and their occupants capturing the northern lights from within

Perhaps some had even rushed outside to capture the spectacle and left their lights on

But there were also rooms shrouded in darkness, their curtains drawn

Imogen wasn’t sure which room the gaze came from

Lifting her phone, she aimed it in the direction of the. Although she looked as if she were 

capturing the hotel against the backdrop of the northern lights, she gradually zoomed in on the 

windows, one by one, carefully examining the rooms

Suddenly, she captured a room where the curtains were swaying slightly as if they had just been 

lowered as she turned around

The room had no lights on. Its window was shut, and the curtains were drawn

Still, she was certain that there was someone inside

Imogen noted down the sequence of rooms and counted based on the hotel’s room numbering system. That room’s number should be 0207

Seeing that Charlie and Alex were engrossed in photographing the northern lights, Imogen excused herself, claiming she was tired, and returned to the hotel

Out of respect for personal privacy, it wouldn’t work if she were to directly inquire the front desk about the occupant of the room

After some consideration, she quickly walked to the restaurant and spoke to the staff at the 

counter in their local language, Excuse me, my friend has a stomachache. Could you bring some water over? The room number is 0207.” 

After that, she anxiously looked toward the window, still muttering to herself in local language, Of all times, it had to happen now. The northern lights are dissipating” 

She then added, Please hurry. I’ll go outside to take photos!” 

Without waiting for the staff’s response, Imogen pretended to be in a rush and left the restaurant. In a corner outside the restaurant where she wouldn’t be seen, she leaned against the wall and peered out, watching the staff’s actions

The staff didn’t seem to suspect her. The staff prepared some water and a few tablets that could relieve stomachache. Carrying the tray, the staff left the counter and went upstairs

Imogen stealthily followed, stopping at the stairwell. She peeked out and observed the hallway. The staff knocked on the door of room 0207. A young man emerged from within and, upon seeing the staff, asked with local language, What’s the matter?” 

The staff assumed that Imogen’s friend was a delicate girl and was taken aback upon seeing the young man. Nonetheless, the staff repeated Imogen’s words to him


young man appeared puzzled for a moment but quickly pieced together the situation. He hadn’t expected Imogen to be so vigilant

With a smile, he accepted the tray from the staff appreciatively before closing the door

Imogen pulled her head back and stayed against the wall

She recognized the young man. It was none other than Yann

She had felt that Yann was acting strangely

And it turned out she was right

He must have been the one watching me that night! He couldn’t have just known about me from the news,she thought

Suddenly, she received a Facebook message on her phone

Yann had messaged her. [Do I have a stomachache?

Imogen’s heart skipped a beat when she saw his straightforward question. She hesitated for a moment before replying. [I saw you staying in your room and not coming out. I was worried that 

you might not be feeling well. How did you know it was me?

[I was watching you just now. How did you know I was staying in this room?] Imogen hadn’t expected Yann to admit it so directly. [I saw you entering the room this morning.] Seeing the message, Yann smiled briefly, glanced at Troy, but didn’t deny anything. [In that case, should thank you for your concern. I am indeed not feeling well. I went to sleep early and heard the commotion outside, so I opened the curtains to take a look.

Although he was staying in room 0208, he had indeed been to room 0207 that morning

While typing, Yann also said to Troy, She’s quite vigilant.” 

Troy took the phone from Yann’s hand and saw Imogen extending another invitation. [Rest well. Are you really not joining us for the trip?

Imogen wanted to see what Yann’s intentions were

Troy’s face fell as he replied. [No, my friend doesn’t like traveling with strangers.

It’s a pity you came here with a friend this time, so you can’t leave your friend behind. We can plan to travel together another time.

Troy’s expression grew even darker as he quickly typed a few words into the chat. [I have a girlfriend now.

As his fingers hovered over the send button, he hesitated, then deleted the words and typed out a new message. [I also prefer not to travel with girls.


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