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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 180


Chapter 180 The Perfect Match 

Troy’s body stiffened, his fingers trembling. He stared at the screen for a long while before finally offering a curt reply. [No.

Staring at the phone screen, he spent a long time waiting for Imogen’s response. He felt all strung up, and a sense of restlessness crept over him

He was afraid Imogen would see through him, yet he also feared she wouldn’t

Meanwhile, Imogen, staring at her screen, found it even more perplexing

The last message only heightened her suspicion

Could it really be that he is Yann’s friend? Why would Yann’s friend be the one responding to Yann’s messages? His mysterious friend who had never shown himselfShe pondered

The image of a certain figure flashed through her mind

She chuckled selfdeprecatingly, shaking her head and wondering why she kept thinking about him

Imogen, aren’t you tired? Why didn’t you go back and rest?Charlie and Alex came upstairs and saw Imogen standing by the stairs with her phone

Oh, I found the room a bit stuffy, so I came out for some fresh air.” 

Stuffy? In the room? Couldn’t she just open the window? It’s a perfect chance to see the northern lights.” 

Charlie looked at Imogen suspiciously and dashed over like a bolt of lightning, quickly glancing at Imogen’s phone

Imogen swiftly switched the screen off

Still, she wasn’t quick enough

Charlie caught a glimpse of Yann’s name, where the Facebook contact name was listed

She grinned impishly. Oh, so you’re chatting with Yann behind our backs! No wonder!” 

Imogen could tell that Charlie was misunderstanding the situation. It’s not what you just” 


Charlie wasn’t going to buy any of Imogen’s explanations. No need to explain. I get it. Yann is tall and handsome, maybe not as rich as that dimwit, but he has a wealthy friend, so he’s definitely 

poor. You can give him a shot, especially since he seems quite wellendowed” 


The conversation was all over the place

It’s really not what you’re thinking. I just find him a bit strange.” 

After hearing Imogen’s words, Charlie slapped her thigh. I know what’s strange about him!” 

What is it?” 

Do you remember someone bumped into you at the airport before we departed for Oslo? If I remember correctly, that person was Yann. He must have fallen for you at first sight, then. That’s why you find him odd!” 

Imogen was taken aback. Really?” 

Of course, it’s true. You were lost in thought at the time and didn’t pay attention to what he 

looked like.” 

Imogen wondered if that was the case

Was it because Yann fell for me at first sight that he followed me all the way here? Was that why he often stared at me? Is this even a valid explanation?She thought

Then, another message arrived from Yann, explaining. [I went to the restroom just now. That was my friend, and he’s feeling a bit down due to a broken heart. Seeing me so popular with the ladies, he got jealous and made a joke. Sorry about that. I came here this time to keep him company. Let’s hang out together sometime in the future.

Imogen felt somewhat puzzled, wondering if she was overthinking things

At that moment, Alex added, What about Liam? I think Liam and Imogen are a better match.Imogen felt a bit helpless. What does Liam have to do with this?” 

Alex waved her phone at Imogen. He just messaged me, saying he’s coming to find us.” 

Since the last time Alex, Imogen, and Liam had dinner together, Alex had been quite supportive of the two of them. It was clear that Liam had some feelings for Imogen

Huh?Imogen was surprised, Isn’t he filming?” 

He’s done with his part and would have to make a brief public appearance in France, but he has a day off, so he wants to come find us tomorrow. His schedule is quite tight, so he’s probably coming for you.” 

Charlie was surprised. So you and Liam” 

There’s nothing between us! We’re just friends!Imogen denied it quickly. The situation was already giving her a headache

Why are you so worked up?” 

Alex said, He’s short on time, so he probably won’t be able to come here. We’ve pretty much explored this area, so how about we head back to Tromso now, have a meal with him, and then 

go directly to Ringvassoya?” 

Sounds good!Charlie immediately agreed and teased Imogen, Oh my god, our little Imogen has just gotten a divorce, but she’s already got suitors, three of them in a row!” 

Don’t talk nonsense.” 

All right, all right, I’ll stop. Anyway, it’s your choice. I think both Yann and Liam are great 


Imogen didn’t know what to say

Liam sent his flight information to Alex

With some time to spare, Alex and the others rested for a few hours in the hotel before leaving Sommaroy

After leaving their luggage at the hotel, they drove straight to the airport. After waiting for about twenty minutes, they saw Liam coming out of the terminal

He wore a cap and a black mask, carried no luggage, and even though he was dressed in a long black down jacket, he didn’t look too bulky in it

Alex waved at him

As soon as Liam got to the car, he first looked at Imogen in the back seat through the front window and lowered his mask halfway. Did I delay your trip?” 

He breathed out white mist as he spoke, his voice pleasant

No,Alex said. We’ve already gone around Sommaroy and were planning to come back. Get in 

the car.” 

Liam opened the back door and sat down next to Imogen

He wasn’t very familiar with Charlie. He nodded at her and then turned to Imogen, asking, Imogen, are you feeling better now?” 

I’m much better now. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have dared to come on this trip. How about you? I heard you’ve finished filming already. That was fast.” 

A while ago, there was a change in the female lead, right? They cut her part, and the casting process takes time. My scenes were moved up, so I finished filming ahead of schedule.” 

Charlie couldn’t help but quip, The third wheel got what she deserved.” 

Liam glanced at her and chuckled. But now, there’s a rumor going around in the industry that Troy is going to marry Sarah. His family doesn’t want Sarah to appear in public again, so all her work assignments were canceled, and she hasn’t been seen in public for some time.” 


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