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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 182


Chapter 182 I Don’t Intend to Remarry You 

Imogen seemed to have heard some joke and looked at Troy coldly. Didn’t you say you set me free? Grandpa has already left, and we are already divorced. Why do you still have to act in front of me?” 

Pain flashed across Troy’s eyes, he didn’t expect Imogen to think of him like that

She didn’t trust him at all

I regret it, Imogen. I shouldn’t let you go. As you said, Grandpa has already left. Why do I need to act? Imogen, believe it or not, I like you. I don’t want to divorce you.” 

He said he liked her last time, and she asked him when he liked her, but he couldn’t answer

And even if what he said was true, why should she turn back

Should the injuries she had suffered before being written off

Imogen’s face was cold. There is no medicine for regret in this world. I don’t care what made say such things, but I can tell you clearly that I don’t intend to remarry you.” 

She couldn’t figure out what interests she had that would make Troy leave Sarah in the country and come to act with her. Could it be that Henry’s will say that the condition for Troy to be the board’s chairman was not to divorce her

Perhaps it was the only possibility for Troy to badger her

Hearing that, Troy pursed his lips tightly and remained silent, exuding a coldness all over his body

She made it very clear that she did not intend to remarry him

These words were like a sharp dagger stabbing hard into his heart

Imogen, get in the car, and let’s go.” 


Charlie exited the car, opened the rear door, and stuffed Imogen inside. After glaring at Troy, she quickly got into the passenger seat

When she first saw Troy, she didn’t want Imogen to contact him

Alex held her back and said to let Imogen solve it by herself. If Imogen couldn’t solve it, they would help

After all, Imogen had to face it by herself

Although she divorced Troy, she was not hysterical. Layla was still alive, and they would meet eventually

After Charlie sat still, Alex stepped on the accelerator and drove from the airport

Looking through the rearview mirror, they could see Troy was standing alone in the same place. He looked so lonely and insignificant in the open parking lot

He persistently watched the back of the car driving away, and his eyes were remote and lonely. Imogen looked away, not daring to look again

Charlie couldn’t help complaining, The dimwit is lingering. He would marry Sarah and ran so to badger you.” 

Imogen remained silent

Alex glanced at the rearview mirror and said, Forget it. Don’t mention him, and it will ruin our good mood.” 


Charlie changed the subject and asked meaningfully, Imogen, did Liam confess his love to you just now?” 

No. Don’t talk nonsense. We are just friends.Imogen shook her head blankly, not knowing why Charlie said that

He didn’t confess, but did you let him kiss you?!” 

When did he kiss me?Imogen was taken aback

Just now, at the entrance of the terminal, didn’t he kiss you?” 

Imogen recalled the scene then and explained, “He gave me a necklace and said he would wear it for me. Maybe there is a problem with the angle.” 

Therefore, Troy also thought that Liam had kissed her, so he ran over and asked her if she was with Liam

Charlie poked her head back from the gap in the seat, and she saw a necklace on Imogen’s neck. And she nodded with a smile. Liam has a good eye, and the necklace is beautiful.” 

I didn’t want to accept it at first, but he insisted on letting me accept it. I will choose another gift and return him another day.” 

Hey, no. Imogen, why are you being so polite? He gave it to you especially and didn’t want anything in return.” 

No. The price of this necklace is not low. Although he is not short of money, I can’t just accept such an expensive gift from him.” 

Charlie rolled her eyes and sighed, It is a pity.” 

It could be seen that Imogen had no idea about Liam

According to the original plan, they should have just returned from Sommaroy

Now that it was so much earlier, they decided to go to Fjord Town temporarily

Fjord Town was a small village under the rule of Tromso

Here you could enjoy the beautiful fjord scenery and aurora

At this time, the fjord town was also in a state of polar night

They walked around the town, feeling the young coastline and the spectacular beauty of the snowcapped mountains, and stopped to take pictures occasionally

Charlie and Alex had been quietly observing Imogen’s state during this period

Imogen watched them sneaking around and laughed. Don’t worry, I’m fine. It is just that I feel a little bad after seeing him, which is normal. Which woman is in a good mood when she sees her exhusband?” 

Charlie patted her on the shoulder. Imogen, it is good if you can put it down.” 

Then they returned to the hotel in Tromso to rest for a night and went to Ringvassoya the next day

Perhaps because they were tired of the snow scene, they didn’t spend the night on Ringvassoya and returned to Tromso that day

It was time for dinner, so they drove directly to a newly discovered restaurant that Charlie had found

Finishing the meal, Imogen opened the small leather bag she was carrying when it was time to 

pay, only to find that the wallet inside had disappeared. Hey, where is my wallet? Didn’t I forget it in the hotel, did I?” 

For the first time, Imogen didn’t think about the thief at all

Her bag was empty, and Charlie took out her wallet, Here, use mine.” 

Imogen took Charlie’s wallet and murmured suspiciously, No, I remember I put it in the bag as I came out. Did I lose it?” 

It is impossible to lose it. It can only be lost by a thief.Charlie said

Imogen’s face was solemn and she knew she would not lose it. There was a clasp on her bag. And as she opened it just now, the clasp was closed

Wallets were either left behind at the hotel or stolen

It was nothing to lose money because there was not much cash. And the bank card could be reported online or by phone

However, a small white note was still in her wallet, which was needed when exiting and entering. Although it could be replaced if lost, it would be very troublesome

Let us go back to the hotel after dinner.” 


After returning to the hotel, Imogen looked around the room but couldn’t find it

Charlie and Alex were not found it either


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