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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 181

After the meal, Alex drove to the airport

Arriving at the airport parking lot, Imogen waved to Liam next to him. Goodbye, see you in Australia.” 

Liam paused, pushed the door, and got out of the car. Imogen, come down to see me off.” 


froze for a moment, without thinking much, got out of the car from the other side, and was about to ask Alex to join her. But Liam said again, Alex, you can wait in the car.” 

Okay!Alex responded quickly, smiled, and waved at Imogen, It is cold outside, so that I won’t down. Imogen, help me see Liam off.” 

Imogen was helpless and said to Liam, How about I take you to the gate of the terminal building?” 

Okay,Liam smiled

Alex and Charlie in the car looked at each other with meaningful expressions

Imogen and Liam walked to the gate of the terminal building side by side

During this journey, Imogen was deliberately looking for a topic. Is this announcement from France your last one before Christmas?” 

Liam shook his head. No, I have advanced the remaining announcements and tried to spare the second half of the month to go on a trip with you just to relax.” 


Why are you so hurrying? Don’t be too tired to be physically ill and go to the hospital. It is better to combine work and rest. Your holidays are flexible, and you don’t necessarily have to rest before 


The main reason is that I’m bored traveling alone and want to go with you.Liam looked deeply at Imogen

Imogen’s face was stiff as if she hadn’t heard Liam’s hint. It is true. It is much easier to have a friend with you. Well, the terminal is here. You go in quickly, so I can return to the car sooner. It is too cold outside.” 

Wait, Imogen.Liam took out a small box the size of a palm from the pocket of his down jacket. A few foreign letters were printed on the box, belonging to a certain luxury brand logo

He opened it carefully, and it was a delicate clavicle chain inside. I bought it in a French dutyfree shop. Do you like it?” 

Imogen glanced at it and hurriedly declined. This is too expensive. I can’t accept it.” 

Is it expensive? This price is nothing to us. If you feel sorry, you can return me a gift at the same price later.” 

Then what is the point…” 

The meaning is just you can treat it as a divorce gift from me as a friend. It is a wish. You won’t treat me as a friend if you refuse it further.” 

Seeing what Liam said, Imogen had no choice but to accept it. Alright.” 

She decided to find a time to send a similar price to Liam

Come on, and I’ll put it on for you.Liam took the necklace out of the box and opened the delicate 


Imogen stretched her head forward

Liam pinched the two ends of the necklace and wrapped it around Imogen’s neck, and all the hot air from his breath hit Imogen’s ears

He lowered his head slightly, looking at Imogen’s warm and delicate ears. The earlobes were round and full, and the skin was delicate

Her ears were red, and she didn’t know whether it was because she forgot to wear an ear warmer as she came out or if she was warm

This posture looked extremely ambiguous from a distance, like two people hugging or kissing

Is it okay?stretching her neck for too long, Imogen was cold and stiff

Liam came back to his senses. Immediately.” 

Putting the lock on, Liam let go, took two steps back, looked at it twice, and smiled. You look good with it.” 

Thank you. Time is running out, and you go in quickly.” 

Okay, see you in Australia. I’m leaving.Liam stepped back and waved at Imogen. Hurry up and get back in the car.” 

Seeing Liam’s back entering the terminal, Imogen turned around. Her whole body stiffened, her heart missed half a beat, and the muscles on her face tensed. She didn’t know what expression to make

Beside a black car not far away, Troy wore a long black down jacket with a big fur collar on the brim and a zip opening, revealing the sweater and belt inside

He stood against the passenger door, staring at her with burning eyes

Knowing that they left Sommaroy ahead of schedule because of Liam’s arrival, Troy ignited a flame of anger in his heart, sour and suffocated. There also was a hint of jealousy towards Liam. Just now, as he saw Liam and Imogen hugging and kissing, the anger in his heart became increasingly intense. And he burst out suddenly, completely unable to restrain himself! Liam had to spare time to meet her at work. Did he move her

Had they decided to be together

Thinking that Imogen would become Liam’s wife and be as close as an ordinary couple, Troy felt like his heart was sliced into pieces by a sharp dagger, blood dripping, and the pain penetrated the 

bone marrow

Troy clenched his teeth, and he would never allow it

Imogen could only be his

He was initially wary of Imogen’s emotions and didn’t want to appear in front of her so early! Imogen didn’t expect Troy to appear here, panicked momentarily, and walked straight towards their car

For some reason, she felt inexplicably guilty, like a wife who cheated on him and was caught in bed by her husband

However, soon she understood she didn’t need to feel guilty

She and Troy had already divorced, and she and Liam were normal friends and had no other relationship

Chapter 181 She Didn’t Need to Feel Guilty 

Even if they were related, it had nothing to do with Troy

Thinking of that, she straightened her chest, walked to the side of the car without changing her expression under Troy’s gaze, and opened the door

Just as she was about to sit in the back seat, Troy’s voice suddenly came from behind. Imogen.Imogen paused, closed the car door, turned around, and looked at Troy, who was approaching. She smiled slightly and indifferently said, Troy, what a coincidence. Are you here on a business. trip?” 

It had only been a few days since she saw him, and she felt he had lost much weight

After Troy heard the words with indifference, a sore pain slowly climbed to the tip of his heart


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