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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 200


eyes were as deep as the ocean and stared at Imogen, gritted his teeth, and repeated, You like him a lot!? It’s okay to have a onenight stand with him!? Imogen, you dare to say that again!?Imogen turned her head and met Troy’s eyes without flinching, and admitted, I like him a lot, he is young, handsome, and charismatic, he calls me miss to cheer me up, and it makes me feel alive.” 

So, what I did last night is unnecessary. I ruined your beautiful night?Troy squeezed out these words through his teeth

It’s nothing,Imogen said, I can go back and ask him out again tonight. I just want to tell you. don’t impose your ideas and preferences on me. I know you’ve been following me, thinking you are good to me. No, I only felt disgusted. You think you saved me, but I didn’t need any rescue, so I beg you, stop following me, okay!?” 

Hearing that she planned to ask Jeremy out again, the blood in Troy’s chest surged violently. That was nothing to her at all?! 

And she even used the word begto stop him from following her

Troy gritted his teeth and said with a pause after every word, Imogen! You were not like this before! I should not have let you travel with Charlie. See what you have learned from her!?” 

Imogen couldn’t bear to hear Troy criticizing Charlie like this, so she stared at him and said, I’ve always been like this. Did you only realize it now? When I was abroad, I was more open than this” 

Shut up!Troy was furious and his eyes were scarlet. He couldn’t help remembering the medical records and investigation results

International students indeed had messy relationships abroad

Hearing what Imogen said, for a moment, he even wondered if that child was conceived by 

Chapter 199 Set Her Free 

Imogen when she was studying abroad. The wall of Imogen’s uterus was probably thin because she had several abortions. Was he right

Troy straightened up, took two steps back, looked down at Imogen, and said, You only said that to stop me following you, didn’t you? Let me ask you again, are you sure?” 

Imogen tightly gripped her hands under the warm blanket and confirmed calmly, Yes, I am.Okay, okay, okay,Troy said a few good words in a row and laughed angrily, Imogen, you won, and whoever you like to be with in the future has nothing to do with me. I will not follow you anymore!” 

After that, Troy turned and left

With a bloom,he slapped the ward door closed

The room fell silent for an instant

Imogen looked at the ceiling in silence and her eyes turned wet

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and swallowed the soreness in her throat

Troy’s resigned and patient behavior seemed to be vivid in her memory

She knew it all

However, there was always a girl between them

Even if that girl disappeared now, they couldn’t return to the beginning

She didn’t want to entangle with him any longer, so she could only say so to shut him down

He appeared in front of her repeatedly, which would only make her immersed in the past, unable to escape

She thought, Troy, I’m sorry if I hurt you.” 

However, Troy shouldn’t be sad for too long. His socalled love for her was merely guilt and possessiveness, just like any other man would pester their exwife after divorce

After a while, he would understand that he didn’t like her at all. He liked Sarah

Now, Troy finally left

She should be happy

Imogen wanted to smile, but the corners of her mouth felt heavy, and she couldn’t help but bend them down, showing an expression uglier than crying

Imogen and Charlie talked on the phone

Charlie said that there were Jeremy’s fingerprints on the tent. The tour guide and other tourists. pointed out that Jeremy had the opportunity to touch Imogen’s cup. Joshua also said that he missed a sleeping pill, and there was a certificate from the sex shop owner in the town. Jeremy was already arrested

It was a pity that the second day of their twoday tour to the Great Ocean Road was wasted. They couldn’t set off from Apollo Bay, couldn’t board a helicopter, and couldn’t see the kangaroos

Only a few tourists had enough time to follow the tour guide for free

The tour guide would refund half the fee for those who couldn’t follow, which was the only consolation

Charlie asked Imogen for her opinion, and Imogen asked, When is the next tour?” 

In three days.” 

Then let’s go with the next group.” 

Okay, then I’ll talk to the tour guide.” 

During these three days, Imogen and Charlie happened to go to Cairns, took a boat to the Great Barrier Reef, experienced sightseeing on the helicopter, went diving, and enjoyed the romantic, colorful world under the Great Barrier Reef

Imogen’s feeling of being watched all the time disappeared

He left

Imogen forced herself not to think about it

Meanwhile, Charlie wanted to ask Imogen countless times what happened between her and Troy that night, but Imogen constantly distracted her

Charlie whispered, I suddenly feel that dimwit is not so bad” 

Imogen didn’t answer

But his cheating is unforgivable!” 

Imogen didn’t leave a comment

After leaving Cairns, Imogen and Charlie returned to Geelong and toured Great Ocean Road again

They returned to Sydney from the Gold Coast three days later, right after the Christmas holiday, and the two were preparing to return to New York

They booked the flight from Sydney to Sacia City, planning to have some fun at Sacia City before returning to New York City

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane finally arrived at Sacia City Airport

The two took the shuttle bus to the hall to pick up their luggage and walked towards the exit of the terminal building

Suddenly, Imogen’s footsteps stopped

Not far in front of her, the familiar figure reappeared

The truck driver was walking towards the bathroom with his luggage. Beside him was a middleaged man of about the same age

Imogen felt familiar bút couldn’t remember who that person was

Possibly, it was the family of the truck driver who had seen it in court before

It had nothing to do with her now

Imogen, what are you looking at?Charlie walked two steps further and found that Imogen didn’t follow

Imogen caught up and said with a serious face, I saw the driver who killed my dad just now.” 

Charlie comforted, Oh, don’t be sad, you have done your best to get justice for Uncle” 

That was the cruelty of car accidents

The victim died, but the perpetrator was rarely sentenced to death, and most of them came out. within a few years, but for the victim’s family, the pain would never be healed

Imogen smiled. I understand, the matter has been closed long ago, and I will no longer cling to the past.” 

Legally, everything was over, although she could never forgive the perpetrator

Imogen strolled with Charlie down Sacia City and then took the bullet train back to New York City and returned to the floorthrough apartment of Charlie

After opening the door, the longlost scene appeared before their eyes

Imogen and Charlie put the suitcase aside and lay down on the sofa

They had been gone for nearly a month, there was a layer of dust everywhere in the room, and the utensils in the kitchen also needed to be cleaned

However, they didn’t have the energy to clean up now. After lying on the sofa for a long time, Charlie asked, holding her mobile phone, What do you want to eat?” 

Imogen immediately understood that Charlie was ordering takeaway, so she slammed her mouth open and also opened the takeaway software. She said, I want to order pizza.” 

Then I’ll order fried chickenGive me chicken!” 

Imogen was speechless

The takeaways for the two arrived almost at the same time

Several longawaited movies were released before Christmas and were uploaded to the video software

There was a small movie room in Charlie’s floorthrough apartment

The two of them brought the takeaways to the movie room together and watched the movie while eating

After the meal, the two lay on the sofa without proper manners and continued watching the movie

Imogen crossed her legs and said, I like this and I want a floorthrough apartment, too. It’s so cool to live alone.” 

She couldn’t stay here with Charlie forever and didn’t want to return to Galaxy Villa, either. So she had to buy an apartment herself

Charlie raised her head and suggested, How about I sell the other half of my apartment to you, and we live together? Wouldn’t it be more awesome?” 

The more Charlie talked, the more she felt it was feasible, and she continued, The bedroom on 


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