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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Did Jeremy Satisfy You

Imogen drove her car to Galaxy Villa

She couldn’t help but slow down as she approached the section near the villa

There was an inexplicable feeling when being close there

Imogen took a deep breath and calmed down

The car stopped at the gate of Galaxy Villa

The license plate number was still in the security monitoring of the apartment, and the gate lever was raised. She stepped on the accelerator, drove in, and stopped outside the villa

Sue was cleaning in the courtyard, and when she heard the sound of the car engine, she looked up, put down the broomin surprise, and came up to her. Mrs. Marshall, you are back!” 

Imogen smiled faintly, Sue, I’m divorced from him, so stop calling me Mrs. Marshall. I’m here today to pick up Mochi.” 

Sue said kind of pitifully, Ms. Forbes, Mochi is not here now.Imogen was surprised. Mochi isn’t here?” 

Yes.Sue sighed, It’s all my fault. I hugged Mochi to play in the yard some days ago. It may 

be because it is too young to have strong immunity or because the yard is too humid. Unexpectedly, Mochi got ringworm. So Mr. Marshall sent Mochi to the pet hospital.” 

Ringworm was not lifethreatening, but it would cause hair loss in cats. It would spread all over the body in severe cases, and the treatment cycle was very long. If it was serious, external medicine might not be helpful. But Mochi was too young, so internal medicine might be harmful to its liver

Imogen was worried. Which pet hospital is Mochi in?” 

WellI don’t know.Sue shook her head apologetically. Mr. Marshall sent it to the hospital but didn’t tell me where it was.” 

Sue said again, Mr. Marshall is at home now. How about you ask him?” 

Imogen was silent for a few seconds, and the scene that she and Troy ended on bad terms last time appeared in her mind

Well, sooner or later, they still had to meet

Okay, then I’ll ask.” 

Imogen stepped into the living room, went straight to the second floor, and knocked on the door of the study

After two seconds of silence, a deep voice came from inside. Come in.” 

Imogen pressed the doorknob, pushed the door open, and entered

Troy was concentrating on the computer screen without raising his head as if he thought the person who came in was Sue. What’s the matter?” 

Imogen took two steps inside. Well, excuse meWhich pet hospital is Mochi in?” 

Hearing her voice, Troy looked over in surprise. Seeing that it was Imogen, he naturally leaned back on the chair, withdrew his hand from the keyboard, and placed it on the armrest. When tapping the armrest lightly twice, he asked flatly, You? What did you just say?” 

Which pet hospital is Mochi in? I’ll pick it up when it recovers from ringworm.Imogen 

repeated. Why do 


ask me? I don’t know.Troy moved the mouse and continued to look at the computer seriously as if he had some important work to do

If Imogen walked behind Troy, she would see the desktop on the computer screen

And if Imogen had an avatar who came to the study early, she would know that since Imogen exited the car, Troy had been watching her from the window. When he saw Imogen enter the living room, he quickly sat behind the desk and turned on the computer, pretending to be working 


Imogen paused. “Sue said you sent it to the pet hospital.” 

I had something to do that day, so Lane sent it to the hospital.” 

Imogen felt a bit speechless

All right. Then I’ll call and ask Mr. Jordan. Thank you. You can proceed with your work now.” 

After speaking, Imogen took two steps back, grabbed the doorknob, and wanted to close the door and leave

Wait,Troy said suddenly and stopped her

Imogen stopped. Is there anything else?” 

Troy was about to say something when his phone on the desk rang suddenly

He gestured to Imogen to wait a moment and answered the phone. HelloWell, Sue has been at the villa all the timeYou can come to visit the house at any timeThe price can be discussed later” 

Lane, on the other side of the phone, was confused. Mr. Marshall? What are you talking about?That’s it. I’ve got to go first.Troy hung up the phone without changing his face and put the phone on the desk, but his eyes kept falling on Imogen’s face. He didn’t want to ignore the slightest expression change on Imogen

Lane was puzzled

Was Troy trying to sell the villa

Imogen silently bit her lower lip

It seemed that Troy had thought it through clearly and decided to say goodbye to the marriage of the past three years

He might prepare to marry Sarah

Wasn’t this precisely what Imogen wanted

Didn’t she also want to sell the villa at that time

But why did she feel a little disappointed in her heart after knowing the news

Maybe she hadn’t gotten used to it yet, and it would be fine in the future

Imogen ealmed down. Are you going to sell this villa?” 

Troy observed the expression on her face carefully. I have this plan.” 

It would be best if you sell it. Since you’re divorced, it’s useless to keep it.Imogen said lightly, By the way, what did you want to say just now?” 

Seeing that Imogen was indifferent, Troy became furious


eyes were rageful, and he couldn’t help but speak nonsense, How is your trip to Australia? Did 

Jeremy satisfy you?” 

Imogen’s face turned pale. Then she took a deep breath. Is this what you wanted to say? Then, thank you for your concern. Jeremy is young and has good physical strength. I am happy with 


Troy’s complexion turned incredibly dark. He got up and approached Imogen step by step, gritted his teeth, and paused after every single word. Good physical strength? You, are, happy?” 

Yes.Imogen nodded calmly, staring directly at Troy. Is there anything else?” 

Troy laughed in anger. Imogen! Very well!” 

He quickly calmed down when he left the ward that day, knowing Imogen was deliberately pissing 

him off

But after calming down, he became even angrier


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