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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 27


Chapter 27: Coming Away With Him 

After returning to the bedroom, Imogen decided to take a nap to rest her weary mind

Around three o’clock in the afternoon, Troy hurriedly returned home. He went straight to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. In the corner, he noticed a pile of gifts and asked the aunt, Has anyone been here today?” 

The aunt replied truthfully, One of Madam’s friends came by earlier.” 

Troy raised an eyebrow, sensing that there was more to the story. And then?” 

Madam asked me to refer to her as Missin front of her friend.” 

Troy furrowed his brow, understanding that Imogen’s friend was a man. He had a gut feeling that this person was the one Imogen had feelings for. Pretending to be unmarried in front of him suggested that she must have genuinely liked him, fearing that her past marriage might be a turnoff

Troy took a sip of water, then inquired further, Tell me about the man’s appearance.” 

He looked like a celebrity on TV,the aunt replied, recognizing Liam but not being able to recall 

his name

A star, Troy thought, recalling how Liam had disguised himself during their last encounter at the studio entrance

It confirmed that Liam was indeed the person Imogen liked

Troy finished his water, put down the glass, and headed straight upstairs

Imogen had just woken up and was still lying in bed, feeling lethargic. As she gazed at the ceiling, she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. The door opened, and Troy walked in

If this were the same time yesterday, Imogen would have been overjoyed by Troy’s return. But now, after waiting for so long, his arrival didn’t cause much excitement in her heart; it was more of a confirmation

She understood that he was probably here to finalize the divorce tomorrow

It seemed that he couldn’t wait any longer

Wake up.” Troy approached and sat by the bed

HmmImogen let out a hesitant grunt and sat up from the bed, her mind filled with questions about why Troy hadn’t returned the night before yesterday or last night

However, as she was about to voice her concerns, her attention was immediately drawn to Troy’s disheveled clothes, particularly his shirt, which had numerous wrinkles and a faint lip print on the collar

She slowly approached him, taking a careful sniff and recognizing the scent of the woman’s perfume on his body the same perfume Sarah frequently used. In an instant, Imogen felt as if her world had collapsed, leaving her stunned and speechless

She had suspected that Troy and Sarah might have a close relationship, but seeing the evidence with her own eyes was something she couldn’t bear

Her nose tingled, and her eyes immediately welled up with tears

That man was her Troy

He was the only man she had ever loved



Chapter 27: Coming Away With Him 

The lip print on his collar seemed to taunt her nakedly, mocking her pain

In an outburst of emotion, Imogen couldn’t hold back any longer and shouted, Don’t come near me!” 

Overwhelmed by her emotions, she retched and lay by the bed, struggling to control her nausea

Troy rushed to her side, holding out a trashcan to help her. As he approached, Imogen’s reactions intensified

He quickly realized what was happening and, turning his head away, he said to her, I’ll go change my clothes.” 

Imogen continued to retch for a few minutes but couldn’t bring herself to vomit. Instead, she shed tears of frustration

After showering and changing into fresh clothes, Troy returned to the bedroom, finding Imogen’s temperature had seemingly returned to normal

He felt the need to explain himself, saying, You misunderstood me. I didn’t have anything to do with her.” 

Troy, I need to talk to you,Imogen finally managed to say, her voice trembling with emotion

Imogen interrupted him calmly, her emotions now under control. She realized that dealing with Troy’s volatile temperament meant avoiding any involvement with Sarah until the formal divorce was complete. Otherwise, the evidence of their affair would be more than just a lip print on his clothes

However, at this moment, Imogen no longer seemed interested in listening to his explanations. After all, what was the point? They were both getting divorced, and it was evident that he would eventually be with Sarah

Go ahead.Troy’s revelation broke the silence in the bedroom

After we finalize our divorce tomorrow, I want to resign.” 

Imogen nodded earnestly, confirming her decision, Yes, I want to.” 

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Chapter 27.2 Coming With Him

Chapter 27.2 Coming With Him 

Troy seemed puzzled and asked, What are you going to do after resigning? Isn’t being the brand director of McKesson a good position for you?” 

Imogen replied confidently, I have my plans. You’ve left me enough money in the divorce agreement; I don’t need to work.” 

Troy was taken aback by this unexpected reason. Although her grandparents had provided her with a comfortable life and enough pocket money, Imogen had always been a hardworking individual who preferred to be selfreliant

Troy hesitated, If you don’t explain your plan clearly, I can’t agree to your resignation. And believe me, if Grandpa finds out about this, he won’t let me agree either.” 

Imogen took a moment gather her thoughts and explained, I understand your concerns, but I’ve thought this through. After the divorce, I plan to focus on pursuing my true passion, which is starting my own business. I’ve always dreamt of having a small boutique where I can curate and sell unique and artistic items that I’m passionate about. It’s something that excites me, and with the financial security from the divorce agreement, I believe I can make it a reality.Troy listened intently, finally starting to understand her perspective. He knew that Imogen had always been a driven and ambitious person, and now he could see the determination in her eyes

I had no idea about your plans,he admitted. But if this is what you truly want, I won’t stand in your way. I’ll support your decision and help you in any way I can.” 

A sense of relief washed over Imogen as she realized that despite their impending divorce and the pain it brought, she could still count on Troy as a friend. It was time for both of them to move on with their lives, and with newfound clarity, Imogen was ready to take the first steps toward building her own future

I don’t have any plans either,Imogen confessed, her voice tinged with weariness. I’ve been feeling a bit drained over the past few years, and I want to take this opportunity to travel abroad and find some relaxation. Staying here, even after the divorce, would mean we’d have to keep pretending to be a couple in front of our grandparents. It’s like a chain holding us back.” 

Troy raised an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on her. Is it because working with Sarah has become tiring for you?” 

He knew how much effort Imogen had put into building McKesson, and her sudden decision to quit the job surprised him. She had been managing well before, so why the sudden desire to give up her career

Imogen pursed her lips, silently acknowledging that his assumption held some truth

Stay a little longer. Once Sarah’s endorsement contract is over, I’ll give you a break,” Troy suggested

However, Imogen remained firm in her decision. I don’t want a break; I want to resign.” 

Troy’s voice grew deeper, a mix of concern and frustration evident. Imogen, don’t play games 

with me.” 

I’m not playing games,she replied, trying to convey her sincerity

A moment of silence passed between them as Troy seemed to be contemplating her words. Then, he brought up a topic that caught Imogen off guard

Your friend came home today.” 

Chapter 27.2 Coming With Him 


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