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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 28


Chapter 28: Crazy 

Troy’s expression hardened a hint of mockery in his voice. You think I have no right to be concerned? You’re not just my wife but also my sisterinlaw. Do you ever consider why he wants to take you abroad? Once there, you are on your own, without family, what then?” 

Imogen was at a loss for a response

All she knew was that her anger was reaching its boiling point

In frustration, she kicked at the blanket

A sharp sting followed as her injured ankle struck something hard. The intense pain forced a gasp from her, and tears welled up in her eyes

Troy quickly pulled back the blanket to inspect her ankle. What happened? Did again?” 

Tears streamed down her face as Imogen nodded

you hurt it 

Gently, Troy fetched the medicine, unwrapped the gauze from her foot, and cleaned the wound. He then applied a soothing ointment that significantly alleviated the pain

Setting the medicine aside, his expression grew stern. Imogen, I won’t accept your resignation. Don’t bring it up again.” 

Defeated and exasperated, Imogen averted her gaze

Troy took a seat beside the bed, We’re still married. Don’t invite strangers into our home.” 

She challenged him, Even my friends?” 

Is he truly just a friend?” 

Imogen turned away in frustration

Troy has lost his mind

I don’t want to discuss this anymore.” 

Her mind was in turmoil

Later, after dinner, she headed upstairs and noticed a document on her bedroom table. It wasn’t from Sarah’s house, but from the office. Or was it? On closer inspection, it was a thick medical file from Mount West Hospital, with Sarah’s name prominently displayed on the front

What was Sarah’s diagnosis

Curiosity tugged at Imogen

She almost opened the file but hesitated at the last moment, choosing instead to head to the bathroom for a refreshing shower

When she returned, the file that was on the table had disappeared

The next morning, Imogen made her way downstairs with a limp for breakfast

Over the meal, she inquired, Will you be filing for divorce today?” 

Troy glanced at her, then at her ankle. Are you certain you can manage with your foot?” 

I have a cane,Imogen gestured to the stick resting beside the table. It aids me in walking.” 

Shaking his head, Troy replied, I’ve got a business trip scheduled today and won’t be able to. We’ll address it once I’m back.” 

Puzzled, Imogen furrowed her brow. A business trip? What’s it about?” 

Chapter 28: Crazy 

It’s a meeting requested by your department. Considering the circumstances, want to accompany me?Troy teased

She quickly retorted, No, thank you.” 

In that case, wait for me here.” 

The exchange left Imogen’s emotions in turmoil. On the surface, they might seem like any loving couple, but the truth was that their relationship was fragmented

After Troy departed, Imogen spent the next two days recuperating at home

While at home, she often browsed.the news. Thanks to big data algorithms, she frequently received personalized news recommendations

One day, a headline caught her eye. Controversial photos of Sarah surface, with a headline: [McKesson Employee Elaims: That’s My Boss’s Wife!

Initially, Imogen dismissed it as clickbait. But upon opening the link, she realized there was more to the story

The article showcased several clandestine photos of Sarah, taken during a McKesson promotional 


Judging by the angle and clarity of the images, Imogen deduced that someone from the inside was responsible

The primary critique from the marketing account holder was about Sarah’s peculiar makeup in the photos

The makeup, designed to accentuate Sarah’s demeanor, had a counter effect. Her pronounced cheekbones shifted her appearance from regal elegance to a fierce, almost menacing look. The intentionally plump red lips, with sharp edges, exaggerated a dominant aura, yet ironically made the gap between her upper lip and the philtrum appear juvenile. The overly straight eyebrows only added to the mockery from fans

With these photos as evidence, the marketing account holder confidently predicted that McKesson’s endorsement would be a flop

Criticism inundated the internet

Leading the jeers were fans of Xena Wilson, gleefully celebrating Sarah’s blunder. They flocked to McKesson’s official blog, commenting, [You’ll regret not picking our Xena.

Many uninformed onlookers and rival fans joined in on the criticism

Boosted by these factions and influential marketing accounts, the topic snowballed, igniting a firestorm of discussions

A flood of comments appeared on the official blog, with fans demanding Mckesson and the Marshall Family address Sarah’s portrayal

[The makeup’s horrendous. It ruins pay sister’s beauty.

[Did someone apply the makeup blindfolded? Have you seen my sister’s previous photoshoots? Can’t even replicate that!

I’m astounded. She’s your boss’s wife, and this is how you represent her?

[Figures. Local makeup artists can’t compare to international talent.

[She shouldn’t have returned. This just shows the state of our domestic entertainment industry.] Amid the outcry, fans of both Xena and Sarah clashed, intensifying the situation


Chapter 28: Crazy 

The comment section of McKessons official blog exploded with activity

Alarmed, Imogen quickly called her assistant, instructing, Has the PR team seen this? Get them to mitigate the situation immediately.” 

Soon after, Imogen received a call from her assistant, who relayed in a concerned tone, Director Forbes, the PR department informed me that Director Johnson has already consulted with Mr. Marshall. Together with Sarah’s team, they’re addressing the issue.” 


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