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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 29


Chapter 29: Dare To Make This Bet

The contents of the box sprawled out onto the floor

A grotesque mixture of red and whiteblood muddled with fleshlay in a gruesome puddle. The pungent stench it emitted was revolting

The servant, equally startled, reassured Imogen, Madam, don’t worry. I’ll take care of this 


No, don’t touch it. Contact the police immediately,Imogen said, covering her nose as she carefully moved away from the spot

Of course. Should I also inform your husband?” 

After a brief hesitation, Imogen replied, He’s away on business. There’s no need to disturb him right now.” 


The servant promptly notified the police. Responding swiftly, they arrived to gather evidence and took statements from both Imogen and the servant, assuring them they’d get to the bottom of the 


Once the officers departed, the servant thoroughly cleaned the affected area, disinfectants and air fresheners to mitigate the horrid odor


Their investigations progressed rapidly. Surveillance footage helped identify the courier, leading them to the package’s origin and its sender

Based on the available data, the sender was identified as a college student, still a minor

Upon his arrest, he initially denied any involvement. However, his youthful naivety was no match for the seasoned investigators, and he soon confessed

His motive was surprisingly simple: he was an ardent fan of Sarah and believed she was being unfairly treated by Imogen

Imogen enlisted a trusted attorney from the Marshall Group’s Legal Department to oversee the 


After returning from the police station, the servant shared a sigh with Imogen. The youth nowadays don’t understand the meaning of fandom.” 

Imogen inquired, Did he mention how he knew my address?” 

It seems his grandfather works as a cleaner in our community.” 

We should inform the property management and consider relocating him. It could pose a potential threat.” 

Understood. I’ll speak to the property management about it.” 

Once Imogen had regained her composure, she decided to assess the public relations situation. She was taken aback to discover numerous replies and direct messages on her Instagram account

Opening her phone, she tapped on the app. The sight of over 999 unread messages left her momentarily stunned

The first comment that stood out on her recent post read: [What kind of director is she? Haphazard creations. She should really pay attention to the result.

The next one stated: [It’s Director Forbes. How long have you two worked together and still no response from you? Your standards seem too high; neither McKesson nor Sarah meets them


Chapter 29: Dare To Make This Bet


Maybe it’s time to consider another job and let Sarah be. What do you think?

Another comment pleaded: [If we’ve done something wrong, let the law decide our fate, not this portrayal of Sarah. Spare the fans and Sarah. Haven’t we been punished enough?

A fourth simply read: [I am blind.

These comments left Imogen’s head spinning

As she scrolled further, she noticed that most comments carried the same condemning tone

Her Instagram was just a personal account without any official verification. Yet, it was baffling how she received such an onslaught of messages so suddenly

Among the multitude of new comments, those from her old friends were buried underneath. The top comment garnered over a thousand likes, while the subsequent ones also received significant 


Furthermore, the influx of comments showed no signs of slowing down

From the remarks, Imogen discerned that she was being blamed for the makeup debacle. The narrative painted her as the one who had recklessly changed Sarah’s makeup, leading to the current uproar

Imogen delved deeper into Instagram and soon traced the origin of the commotion


On Sarah’s trending topic, there were screenshots of discussions from a fan 

The person labeled as group managerwas clearly a part of Sarah’s team

In the group, the manager advised: [I urge all fans to remain composed and refrain from posting inflammatory remarks on McKesson’s official page. Such actions could adversely affect Sarah. We’re all disappointed about the situation. Initially, Sarah’s makeup was just right. However, Director Forbes adamantly wanted changes! But given her role as project leader, Sarah felt compelled to comply.

A group member inquired, [Isn’t Sarah close to Mr. Marshall? Can’t something be done?

The manager responded with a hushing emoji: [I shouldn’t divulge much.

Another screenshot from the same fan group revealed a fan who had dug up details about Imogen: [It’s clear now why Sarah couldn’t stand up to Director Forbes. Turns out, she’s the adopted daughter of the Vice Chairman and holds a significant position within the Marshall Family. And she’s only twentyfive! How could someone that young become a director without influential backing?

Fan A commented: (It all makes sense now.

Fan B added: [I’ve heard she’s quite selfassured.

Fan C quipped: [Just look at the makeup disaster she created, yet she probably believes it’s a masterpiece.

Fan D questioned: [Does anyone have her Instagram handle?

Fan Equickly responded: [I’ve found it.

The post, though only featured on Sarah’s trending topic, accumulated over a thousand comments. The chatter from this sizable audience seemed to gravitate towards Imogen’s Instagram, inundating her account with messages and comments

The comment section tends to be more civil compared to private messages, where one might encounter abusive content


Chapter 29: Dare To Make This Bet

After skimming a few words, Imogen decided to delete all her private messages

Is this the solution Charlene discussed with Team Sarah


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