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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 77


Chapter 77 Who Is Looking At You 

A message was sent in the chat group: [Everyone is expected to gather at the company’s gate after going off work tomorrow. We will arrive there one night in advance, and our company chartered a bus to take you to the hot spring resort in the suburb.

There were more than forty people in the three departments who could accommodate two buses. The next day, when the staff from all the departments came to work, they all brought clothes, toiletries, and so on. When it was time to go off work, the staff immediately walked out, arms in arms, fascinated by the hot spring resort

When Imogen went downstairs, there were already some employees on the bus. She got on the bus with her bag and walked inside. She found an unoccupied doublerow seat at the back and sat 

in it

The employees got on the bus one after another

The whole bus was almost full of people

Ms. Forbes, do you mind if I sit here?A male voice came over. Imogen looked up at the man and nodded slightly. Help yourself.” 

Thanks,” that man said

You’re welcome,Imogen replied

Imogen knew the man. He was an employee from McFesson, named Ryan White

Ryan was originally from McKesson but was transferred to McFesson later

Moreover, Ryan once expressed his admiration to Imogen, but Imogen didn’t respond to his affection, so he gave up

Suddenly someone shouted in surprise, Mr. Marshall, are you going there too?” 

Imogen raised her head and saw Troy getting into the bus and nodding with a luggage bag in his hand

Yesterday Troy said he would drive Imogen there

But Imogen refused it, for she was afraid her colleagues in the company would overthink their relationships

What? Mr. Marshall also wants to relax there, can’t he?Another person said with a smile

The atmosphere in the bus immediately lightened, and everyone joked

Several seats were left in the car, either front or back. Troy walked inside and found a seat at the back to sit down

Ryan withdrew his gaze and sighed vaguely, I never expected Mr. Marshall would also go there. I thought he only cared about work.” 

He seemed to be talking to Imogen or to be talking to himself

Imogen didn’t answer and leaned against the bus window to rest with his eyes closed

After a while, the bus set off for the hot spring resort

The bus carriage was full of excitement, and the employees could finally relax and talk unrestrainedly

Ms. Forbes, do you have a boyfriend now?” 

Ryan’s voice came suddenly, which was inconspicuous in the noisy carriage

Chapter 77 Who Is Looking At You 

He maybe deliberately lowered his voice lest he be heard by others who would make fun of him

Imogen nodded. Yes.” 

Really? It seems that no one has ever seen your boyfriend. Ms. Forbes, I really like you. I hope you can give me a chance to pursue you.” 

Pursue me? Haven’t you heard the rumors in the company?Imogen asked curiously

There were rumors in the company that in order to stabilize her position in the Marshall family, Imogen seduced Troy and became his mistress

Those people are talking nonsense. I know you are not such a person,Ryan said

Thank you for trusting me, but I do have a boyfriend. He is busy with work,Imogen replied

Oh, well,Ryan said

Hey! What did Ryan say to Ms. Forbes? Is he showing his admiration for Ms. Forbes?A colleague with a careless personality suddenly turned his attention to Imogen and Ryan and joked

Ryan, Is it right?The other colleagues began to boo. Ms. Forbes, what do you think about Ryan? Tall, handsome, and capable, he is only infatuated with you and never gives up pursuing you. Would you like to give him a chance?” 

Ryan had no choice but to stand. up and say, It’s nothing. Don’t talk nonsense.” 

What’s wrong? Ryan, you are shy?Colleagues continued to boo. What’s there to be shy about, Ryan? Just tell us! We can help you to chase after Ms. Forbes!” 

The bus was full of booing

Troy sat in the back seat and cleared his throat gently

Lane immediately stood up to thaw the atmosphere. Okay, stop it. Just joke secretly. Don’t talk nonsense in front of the girls.” 

Only then did these employees restrain themselves a little

When Imogen was about to continue closing her eyes for a break, the Facebook alert suddenly sounded on her mobile phone

She turned on her phone and took a look. It was a message from Troy: [My room number is 0104.

The colleaguesrooms were already arranged this way, two girls would share one room, and four men would share one room

But Troy could enjoy a single room, a presidential suite

Imogen replied to the message: [I don’t need it.

She had a roommate if she didn’t stay in her room at night, which would cause gossip

Troy replied: [There is a separate hot spring pool in my room.

Imogen didn’t reply and felt hesitant

This time the company undertook all the expenses for the staff to enjoy hot springs, so it was definitely impossible to arrange a separate small pool for each person

The staff could only soak in the big pool, but she disliked being with others

The separate hot spring pool was so attractive to her

The bus drove into the hot spring resort and stopped in an open space. The employees got off one by one and followed Jack to the counter to get their room keys

Jack sent a message in the main chat group: [Everyone can enter your rooms to settle down and 

Chapter 77 Who Is Looking At You 

then can be free to enjoy activities tonight. You will join a barbecue party for lunch on the restaurant’s second floor tomorrow.

And then, Jack sent a map of the resort to the chat group

Mia was the female employee from McFesson assigned to a room with Imogen

Imogen and Mia went to their room first and tidied up their things

Mia replied to a message and said to Imogen, Ms. Forbes, I have an appointment with some female colleagues for dinner, and do you want to come with us?” 

Imogen said, No, thanks. I’m not hungry yet, so I’ll go for my dinner later.” 

Okay, byebye.” 

As soon as Mia left, fmogen left the room. She came to knock on the door of Room 0104

Troy opened the door from the inside and saw it was Imogen outside. He said, Come in, please,Imogen entered Room 0104 and looked at the layout of the room. The decoration pattern and equipped facilities of the presidential suite were all firstclass and complete

It was indeed much better than Imogen’s room

There was a separate hot spring pool outside the room

Stay here with me tonight?” 

No. I’ll 


back at night and come to enjoy your hot spring tomorrow.” 

How about you enjoy it tonight to relieve your fatigue?

Imogen also wanted to do like this

You go to enjoy it first, and I’ll ask someone to deliver the dinner. We can eat and enjoy the hot spring at the same time.” 

Imogen was much more longing to do this

Wait a moment! I’ll get’the pajamas.” 

Imogen quickly returned to her room. She took her pajamas, simply showered, and returned to Room 0104 to enjoy the hot spring

It was so comfortable

Imogen let out a long breath of relief

The warm water covered Imogen’s whole body, removing her exhaustion

Imogen leaned against the edge of the hot spring pool and closed her eyes to rest. When she suddenly heard footsteps approaching, Imogen opened one eye and saw Troy coming over with a bathrobe. She hurriedly said, Why are you here?” 

I’m here to enjoy the hot spring. What’s wrong?Imogen paused

Oh, my gosh! How did I forget that Troy is here?” 


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