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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 78


Chapter 78 She Would Still Disgust Her 

Imogen was limp all over, leaning against Troy’s arm, her face flushed, her lips slightly parted, panting heavily

Noticing that she was trembling all over, he pulled out his arm

How do you feel? Is your whole body relaxed?” 

Not wanting to move in his arms, she gave a soft hmmlike a cat

He wrapped his arms around her, picked her up, and let her sit on his lap

Sensing his intention, she struggled hastily and said, No, we can’t” 

It would be dangerous for the baby if she had sex

He said, Yes, we can. I don’t have any work to do tomorrow.” 

He hadn’t had sex for two months

It had become harder for him to hold back the urge these days since he’d been helping her to ease her tension

Just as she was struggling, there was a knock on the door outside

She breathed a sigh of relief and pushed him, Go and open the door.” 

He closed his eyes and cursed in a low voice. What an inappropriate visit. It should be the guy delivering dinner

He put on his bathrobe and got the food at the door

He arranged the sumptuous dinner on the platform of the hot pool

Eating dinner in hot water, she felt as if she was in Heaven

After dinner, she stood up from the pool, wrapped in a bath towel. I’m heading back. Enjoy the meal.” 

He frowned slightly and thought, Wanting to slip away right after enjoying yourself? You little 


After she left, he had a few more bites, came out of the pool, and cleaned up the platform

Back in the living room, he picked up the phone on the sofa and was about to turn it on, only to realize that it was not his but Imogen’s. She had left it here

He knew the lock screen password of her phone

After unlocking the phone, he saw the page of Instagram. It seemed that she was browsing it and hadn’t finished

He scrolled down and suddenly stopped

There was one posted by Sarah the night before yesterday: [Thank you for your company during the midnight.

He zoomed in on the picture and immediately recognized his hand in it

It was posted on the same night when he went to see Sarah without telling Imogen

He frowned suddenly, feeling a sudden flash of panic

Did she see it

Probably not


Chapter 78 She Would Still Disgust Her 

She probably hadn’t scrolled this far

He took out his own phone, opened Instagram, and scrolled to the same date, but he couldn’t find the post

He then picked up Imogen’s phone again, clicked on Sarah’s profile picture, and confirmed that it was her

A thought flashed through his mind

He sent a message to Cedric: [Cedric, did Sarah post anything on Instagram the night before yesterday?

He quickly replied: [No. Why are you asking this?

Troy understood everything now. He replied: [Nothing.

This post was only visible to Imogen

What was her intention

Did she show Imogen the picture on purpose

Was she showing off and making her jealous

Wasn’t she always saying that she felt sorry for her

He really hoped that he was overthinking

Having thought it through, he dialed Sarah’s number

The phone was answered quickly. Sarah spoke happily from the other side of the phone, Troy. It’s me. Have you had dinner yet?” 

I’ve just had it. Are you still on the set or in the hotel?” 

I’m in the hotel now. The work was finished early today. What’s wrong?” 

Sarah, I have something to ask you, and I need you to answer me truthfully.” 

Stunned, she replied a little more cautiously, Okay.” 

Did you post anything on Instagram the night before yesterday?” 

She fell into silence, from which he could already get the answer. He asked with a deep face, Why was that post only visible to Imogen?” 

She kept silent for a while and sobbed, I did it, Troy. Please don’t hate me. I was justI was just too afraid of losing you. You told me that day that you might have fallen in love with her and that you didn’t want to divorce her anymore. You were even talking about sending me abroad. I got really scared at the thought of being separated from you. I didn’t know what to do. I posted it without thinking it through. I’m sorry. Please forgive me, okay?” 

According to what she knew about Imogen, she would never show him that Instagram on her own initiative. Thus, she dared to be so unscrupulous and posted that picture, but he still unexpectedly found it out

He was silent

The moment he saw that post, Sarah’s image changed slightly in his heart

On the other side of the phone, she was still explaining incoherently, begging for his forgiveness

Troy, can you forgive me? I will apologize to her right now. I just don’t want you to leave me. I can’t live without you.” 

I’ll forgive you this time. Delete it now.” 


Okay, I’ll do it right now. Troy, you have forgiven me, right? I’m sorry for letting you down. How could I treat her like this? She must hate me so much now after all this.” 

She probably hasn’t seen it. You don’t have to blame yourself. Just stay away from her from now 



She felt a little unwilling while saying the word

It was such a pity that Imogen didn’t see the post

After hanging up the phone, he refreshed the page of Instagram on Imogen’s phone and found the post gone

He breathed a sigh of relief

Now Imogen would probably never know that he had left that night

At that moment, someone knocked on the door

He opened the door. As he had expected, it was Imogen

She looked at him and said, I seem to have left my phone here.” 

It’s here.He returned the phone to her

Thank you.She turned around and wanted to leave, but a sudden thought stopped her. She asked, By the way, can you do me a favor?” 

Let’s talk inside.” 

She walked in

He said as he closed the door, Just ask me directly if you need anything. Do we really need to be so polite with each other?” 

Can I take a picture of you and post it on Instagram?” 

Startled, he felt as if his heart had skipped a beat. He unconsciously licked his lips and asked, Take a picture of me and post it?” 

Had she already seen the post by Sarah

She explained, While we were in the car, Ryan asked me if I had a boyfriend, and he wanted to chase after me. I told him I had a boyfriend, but he didn’t believe me. I’m afraid that he won’t give up, so I came up with this idea to show him that it’s a dead end. Don’t worry. Your face won’t be in the photo.” 

Something similar had happened before. There used to be a guy in the company who was really into her, pestering her all day long. In the end, he had to stand out and transfer him to another department

Hearing this, he immediately agreed, Sure. How do you want to take it?” 

I want to take an intimate one to make it believable.” 


Here, let me lie in your arms, and you hold me with this hand. I’ll hold up my phone to take a selfie, and only your jaw will be photographed. Is that okay?” 


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