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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 93


Chapter 93 You Lost 

Troy, don’t push your hand so hard,Sarah said


Everyone took their talking interactions as flirting

Flirting while dancing did have a different kind of fun

Imogen remembered the day she danced with Troy, the way he flirted with her and made her cheeks flush as if, in an instant, they were closer, like they were going to do some intimate thing

They would have been in perfect harmony that evening if Sarah had not called

Unfortunately, there was no if

Sarah was a solid barrier between them

By the end of the first tune, guests on the floor were also dancing in teams

Troy let go of Sarah’s hand as his thoughts wandered, and she pulled him back as a result

Troy, don’t you want to continue?” 

What I have promised you, I have finished,” Troy said

Sarah bit her lip aggrievedly and tugged at Troy’s sleeve

Troy glanced at her hand and said faintly, There’s a lot of people here. So, I will show respect, and you better take it.” 

Sarah had no choice but to loosen Troy’s sleeve

you some 

Sarah, you should have heard the story of the cry wolf. If this goes on, my feelings for you will eventually wear out, and I hope you know what I mean.” 

Troy, I realize my mistake. I’m sorry, and I missed you” 

In fact, he had a ring for her that day

but I was really worried that you wouldn’t arrive that day

Even if she didn’t let Cedric come, he would still come to her

It was just that she thought she was smart. Pretending to be falsely aggrieved with a trick, but instead, she made Troy loathe her

Troy had heard these words all over again 

He interrupted her, “Okay.” 

Troy turned his head and was about to walk over in Imogen’s direction when he suddenly realized she was gone from the corner

He stopped, eyes searching the crowd

Catching Imogen’s frame, Troy’s eyes darkened

At the moment, Imogen was dancing with Liam

Liam came to invite her to dance. How could she refuse

Imogen was not a good dancer, and she noticed a burning line of sight falling on her, making her feel as if she were on pins and needles, and she made a few wrong footsteps before she finally finished the song

Imogen waved her hand at Liam. No more dancing. Any more dancing would be too embarrassing.” 


It’s okay. I’ll slow down a bit. Just do it again. You’ll get better with practice.” 

I’ll try again then.They danced a second tune

Troy found a seat and cupped a glass of red wine in his hand

In the middle of the dance floor, Imogen and Liam danced several tunes, one after the other. Imogen’s steps became steady and lighter, and more effective

Troy’s eyes became more and more gloomy


song ended, and someone pushed the cake out. The cake had ten layers, and each layer of the style was different from the other, exquisitely goodlooking

The people formed a circle and sang the Happy Birthday song with their hands clapping. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you” 

The song ended with a tidal wave of applause

Time to cut the cake

The first cut was made by Sarah, who cut off a piece first and gave it to Kevin of Cloudwater City. Troy, will you cut it for me?” 

Without a word, Troy took the plastic knife from Sarah’s hand and began cutting the cake from top to bottom

There were quite a few female celebrities in the room. In order to stay in shape, they could skip eating the cake. But they couldn’t refuse to take over it

Everyone was savvy. Even though some of them got the cake, they huddled around and didn’t leave, trying to find ways to strike up conversations

Imogen stood on the periphery, in no hurry to go inside

Liam asked, Do you want to eat cake? How about I get a piece for 


No, I’ll pick it up myself later. I would like to say birthday wishes to Ms. Page.” 

Liam felt that what Imogen said was very reasonable, so he nodded. Alright.” 

But what Imogen had in mind was the opposite of him

Sarah’s birthday party was coming to an end soon without any incident. If, at the end of this, she appeared in front of Sarah, smiled, and told her a happy birthday. Sarah would definitely be disgusted

Thinking of this scene, Imogen couldn’t wait

People began to leave

The number of people gathered around the cake truck got a bit less as well

At this exact moment, Sarah shouted, Who doesn’t have a cake yet?” 

Imogen answered with a smile and stopped forward, Me.” 

Just a momentSarah’s smiling expression froze in the blink of an eye at the sight of Imogen, and for a moment her face scrunched up a little

Imogen’s smile grew wider. Troy, I don’t have any cake yet, and then give me a slice. Ms. Page, Happy birthday. I waited outside for so long just to say this to you personally.” 

Saying that she glanced at Sarah’s finger to see the style of the ring, and sure enough, it was the same one on Troy’s car


Those who didn’t know the situation thought how deep their love was

But Sarah understood that Imogen was deliberately trying to gross 

her out

But at this moment, she had to smile and say, Thank you.” 

Imogen said in response, You’re welcome.” 

Troy took a look at Imogen, picked one with two strawberries and cut it off, and handed it to her

Thank you, Troy. Wow, I have two strawberries.” 

Troy pursed his lips

Imogen had a smile on her face, but he felt incredibly out of place. He had envisioned that 


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