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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 94


Chapter 94 The End 

Imogen deliberately said it ambiguously

Troy must have promised Imogen not to divorce her

That’s why Imogen came to Sarah’s birthday party today to show off arrogantly

Sarah’s face twisted in anger. Imogen, how can you be so despicable? Troy doesn’t even like you. You’d be better off divorcing him if you have any sense!” 

I won’t agree to divorce. So what if you’re impatient? What can you do to me?” 

YouSarah stammered

If this is all you wanted to tell me, I’d better go first.Imogen shrugged

Do you dare to bet with me on who Troy will choose?” 

You’re only using this to prove your sense of existence. I’m not interested in playing along.Imogen turned around and left

Suddenly, Sarah pounced from behind

Imogen steadied herself calmly and pulled Sarah away


There was a piercing scream

Sarah rolled down the stairs

Sarah.Troy entered through the security entrance, looked at the scene before him, and hurriedly approached to help Sarah. Are you alright?” 

Sarah leaned in Troy’s arms. Her face was pale, her eyes were full of tears, her breath was weak. Troy, I’m in so much pain.” 

Don’t talk. Let’s get you to the hospital first.Troy lifted Sarah into his arms and glanced at Imogen up on the steps. He then turned and left

In a place where Troy couldn’t see, Sarah smiled triumphantly at Imogen and said without a sound, I won.” 

Looking at Troy’s back, Imogen’s expression turned slightly bitter. She then walked down the stairs calmly

Let Troy misunderstand her if he wanted to. Imogen couldn’t be bothered to explain anyway. As for the discomfort in her chest, Imogen closed her eyes and forcefully suppressed it

Sarah leaned against Troy’s arms

She looked at his face from her angle. His deep eyes, his high nose bridge, and the sharply defined jawline, and everything captivated her 

Sarah couldn’t let go

Troy chose to take her to the hospital immediately. He should have still had lingering feelings for her

What were you and Imogen discussing in the stairwell just now?Troy asked suddenly

Sarah said softly, I just wanted to apologize to her, but I didn’t expect Imogen to suddenlySarah didn’t finish her line, but the meaning was selfevident



I knew Imogen hates me, and I don’t blame her for doing thisSarah added

Troy remained silent, and his expression unchanged

Troy freed one hand to open the car door, gently placing Sarah inside, then held the door with his hand. I’ll call the driver to take you to the hospital.” 

Sarah’s expression stiffened, and she grabbed Troy’s arm. Troy, aren’t you coming with me? I want you to accompany me” 

Just wait in the car. The driver will be here soon.Troy pulled her hand away, turned around, and left

Sarah hugged Troy’s waist from behind, and her voice tinged with a sob, pleading, Troy, are you in such a hurry to distance yourself from me? For the last time, just one last time, don’t you want to accompany me? I’ve grown accustomed to your presence, yet you suddenly say you’re leaving. How could you be so cruel?” 

Which is why you need to get used to it slowly. I will give Ylah a call and ask her to accompany you.” 

I love you. I really can’t be without you! Troy, you said you love me too, didn’t you? If you’re concerned about Grandpa’s health, I can give up on the formalities. I just want to stay by your side!Sarah said, her voice quivering with tears

Troy remained silent. He drew himself back from Sarah’s arms and strode away

Did he truly love Sarah

Even he himself was somewhat uncertain

Sarah looked at his back, her expression darkening completely

Sarah gripped the back of the car seat with both hands, her nails almost embedded into the leather

Seeing Imogen coming out from the safe exit, Liam approached and asked, What happened? Mr. Marshall just left with Ms. Page in his arms?” 

Imogen explained, Ms. Page accidentally fell, so Mr. Marshall sent her to the hospital. The party is over. Shall we go?” 


The two of them arrived at the garage

Imogen was about to get into the car when a voice suddenly called out from behind


Imogen didn’t look back

Imogen instantly recognized that voice once she heard it. It was Troy’s

Liam halted his movement of getting into the car, turned around to look at the person coming, and greeted with a smile, Mr. Marshall, weren’t you taking Ms. Page to the hospital?” 

The driver had gone to drop her off.Troy replied, then looked at Imogen, Imogen, I need to talk to you.” 

There was nothing to talk about between us,Imogen said coldly without looking at him

Liam glanced at Imogen in surprise, tugging at her sleeve to signal her not to sound so harsh. Troy told Liam, Liam, you can go back first. I will take Imogen.” 


Troy was nominally Imogen’s brother and was also the investor of Liam’s crew, so Liam had no reason to refuse him

However, judging from Imogen’s attitude, there seemed to be some conflict between the two

Liam looked at Imogen and asked tentatively, So, Imogen, do you need me to give you a ride?Imogen replied, You can go back first.” 

Imogen needed to clarify things with Troy. If she didn’t, he would persist, and their issues shouldn’t have involved Liam

Seeing what Imogen said, Liam had no choice but to nod. Alright then, I’ll head back first.” 

Liam leaned closely to Imogen and whispered, If you have any conflicts with Mr. Marshall, you should actively resolve them and call me if you need anything.” 

How could something like this be resolved just by wanting to resolve it

Imogen appreciated his kindness and nodded gently. Alright, thank you.” 

However, from what Troy saw, this scene appeared extremely intimate

His gaze became even more profound

Liam drove his car and left the garage

Apart from cars, only Troy and Imogen were left around

Imogen glanced at Troy expressionlessly and said mockingly, What’s this? Are you here to defend Ms. Page?” 

Imogen, I didn’t mean that.” 

If that’s not the case, I want to leave now.” 

Seeing Imogen being so nonchalant towards him, Troy stepped forward and took hold of her arm. I’ll take you back.” 

Imogen shook off his hand. I don’t need you to take me.” 


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