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Sleeping With My Stepbrother novel Chapter 23

Something is seriously seriously wrong with me.

Not only was I in love with someone I wasn't supposed to and while I was commited to someone else

But I had just agreed to go with that someone else to the lake for the weekend.

Yes. I am a horrible person.

"Aaaannnd this is exactly why I am NOT in a relationship" Mitch bragged over the phone. Mitch had gone away to school a few days ago, as well as Claire and Kenzie, while I was locked up in my room the whole day with two piles of clothes segregated into "college" and "lake".

"Dude, you were dating Justin's friend a few months before graduation" I stated as I folded a top and thought of which pile I was gonna put it.

"Okay one, I think you've mistaken me with Claire and Kenzie, and two, we were benefits" Mitch said

"Friends with benefits, you mean" I said as I threw said item of clothing onto the college pile.

"No. Just benefits. We didn't really know anything about each other aside from our names, and how to get each other off" Mitch said, making me laugh.

"You're such a slut" I said in between laughs

"And you weren't?" Mitch stated "Dude just break up with Justin and be with your hot stepbrother already because seriously, you are stressing me the fuck out with this love problem of yours"

My eyes grew wide. I didn't want Luke—while conveniently playing really loud music in his room—to hear me talk about how I was really feeling about him.

I mean, to be fair, he knows how much I liked sleeping with him.

But feelings? Now that's a whole new level of embarrassing.

"Keep it down would ya? You do know his room is literally next to mine?" I told Mitch, who just rolled her eyes "It's not that simple. You know that"

"Ohhh right. That's why you're currently packing for your weekend getaway with the guy you're dating, instead of spending that time banging your stepbro before he leaves for god knows how long" Mitch stated.

Damn, I haven't even thought about that.

Well, not the part about me spending Luke's last day sleeping with him, but the part about him leaving tomorrow.

Yep. That's right. To-fucking-morrow.

And to make matters worse, we haven't made up yet.

I mean I wouldn't consider what happened a few days ago a fight, but still.

The guy's been avoiding me like the plaque.

Not even a confrontation could make him tell me what was going on.

"Yeah, well as much as I wanna hang out with him, minus the hooking up part, I told you he's been avoiding me like the plaque" I said

"Ahhh. Right. The guy you're in love with is avoiding you" Mitch said "Have you even entertained the thought that he's avoiding you because he's also in love with you?"

I stopped.

I mean, I've thought about it, I just didn't wanna think about that possibility.

But hearing someone else confirm what I've been thinking was suddenly making me feel...some type of ways.

It was making my situation even more difficult to cope with.

"Luke? In love with me? Get your head out of your ass Mitch. The guy's a fuckboy" I said "Why would he be in love with someone he met at a bar AND had a one night stand with AND become stepsibs with benefits?"

Mitch simply shrugged

"You tell me. I'm not Luke. Nor Justin. I don't love you like that." Mitch said before bursting into fits of laughter "Damn you are a lost cause in complete denial"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, but Mitch wouldn't stop laughing

"Nothing. I gotta go. Goodluck!" Mitch said, and before I could press on any further as to what she meant, she hung up.

I turned to look at the two piles of clothes on my floor.

Clearly, the college pile was bigger than the lake pile (considering that I was only gonna be at the lake for a few days).

I sighed and decided to take a break from packing and go down to get some snacks.

Who cares if I was gonna go to Justin's lake house tonight and I was still not close to being half done?

I'll skinny dip on the lake for all I care.

As I passed by Luke's room while munching on some chips I got from the kitchen, I noticed that his loud music had stopped.

I paused in front of his door for a while.

I really really REALLY needed to talk to him.

Not even about how I was feeling for him. I just wanted to talk to him because talking to him makes my day apparently.

And I've been emotionally dead these past weeks.

"Luke?" I said in a low voice as I knocked at his door. It took a couple of seconds before he opened his door so slightly that you could only see half of his face.

"What?" He asked, a bit irritated, catching me off guard. "Sorry. What..what is it? I still gotta pack a lot of stuff"

"I...." love you, miss you, need you

Before I could say, however, what I was gonna say, something—or rather, someone, interrupted.

Chapter 23: Twenty Three 1


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